Tag Management in tracks and points.

Tigus shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

Good day, I wanted to propose to add the label handling both tracks and points.

This is because although today can be arranged (the tracks) into folders and groups, there are times when not enough to maintain order and grouping, so also facilitate searches.

Handling tags can help group and search for tracks and points.

For example, you could create tags weather (cold, rain, hot), landtype (complicated, dirt, asphalt), up shoe or type of bike (to carry a total of kms accumulated to select those tracks and request statistics like today you can do).

Alongside this, it would be good also that the tag search can be performed directly on the tab tracks / points, so that is not affected by the structure of groups and folders.


Replies (8)


I mistakenly posted as a question, please if you can change idea.

Thanks and apologies.


Good day Tigus, nice idea, thanks for it. I think something similar should already exists here on help desk, so if you find it, let me know so I can merge them.


Thanks Menion, I could not find another idea that references the same. If it appears in good time they can join to add votes :).



Thanks Igor, this is it. I've merged ideas into this one, as this is a more general solution.


Thanks Igor, greetings.


+1 less need for multi level folder structure if tags & filtering implemented


Just giving this topic a kick along. 19 votes. I just spent 10 minutes searching for an old track. Eventually used Garmin Basecamp with exported GPX files on PC instead. If it had been nicely tagged I would have spent a minute.

Note the current group/ folder organization could happily co-exist with the proposed tag system.


Searching in points / tracks is a workaround, so simply write your tags into the name or description. That workaround has several limitations

  • listing all tags in the point/track's name makes it quite long, but in many places, you have no wrapping/linebreaks - so this drives you to add tags into descriptions
  • slow, especially if "tags" are in description - so this drives you to add tags into names
  • description cant't be used as filter in points / tracks manager - so this drives you to add tags into names
  • you need to know your tag names & spellings by heart, while a real tag management would allow to select from existing tags
  • no search operators possible, e.g. when looking for inspiration where to go skiing with beginners, build-in tags management could easily allow "XC skiing" and not "advanced" because data set is much smaller than search of names & descriptions, so response time will stay useful even with operators. Such operators are very easy to use when GUI is designed appropriately - as inspiration, see e.g. https://streamable.com/6dcmv1 (GUI of inubit workbench for filter criteria in the database explorer)


@Asamm-Team: How about adding a tagging possibility in LM4?

  • Heavy users of Locus will love it, because it allows to have one point to be in multiple folders/groups, e.g. a rock in climbing, sunset spots, TODO, and winter. Plus, it is the basis of other advanced features – see post above.
  • It will be one strong differentiator between LM4 and LM3. For me, it would be the so far missing killer feature of LM4 motivating me to do the switch.
  • Less heavy or less tech savy users won't be overwhelmed with it. Even my sister asked me where she can find such a feature 💪 While tagging was mainly found in geeky software like version control systems like git and issue trackers of development teams like Jira, in recent years it has become a quite common feature in absolutely not geeky applications like social networks, Confluence and other wikis, Microsoft OneNote, image management software etc. If you still see it as too technical, you could add an on/off toggle in configuration and set default to off.


I wrote a similar help topic years ago but sadly never generated much interest. I tried to find it without luck; the search system is not great.


i mentioned something similar as well, Menion mentioned the idea of Trips, which could have points, tracks, attachments added to it, but the points would exist in other groups.

This would work well with tags, if you tagged a point Greece 2023, and later on tagged a route Greece 2023, if you go tto the tag editor, and give the tag some description, this creates a trip, you can add attachments, and crucially be able to share the trip to non locus users, so trips would need to be available on web planner.

while trips might have things that arent trips, trips is good from UI...

As the web planner would make tag management much easier, i think we should generate more interest now we have LM4....perhaps tags whould be a silver/gold privaledge....


Tags would be more flexible than groups & folders too!


+1 Tags will save a lot of planning time for me. Right now o solve my needs by creating about 50 folders. Unfortunately some categories(representing by folders becaus if i click on point on map it shows which folder come from) have same point. It means there are duplicities among folders.

In case Locus dev will implement tag functionality please consider some controll icon in main map screen. I am geocacher so i have map full of points, but there are situations when you want to hide all or all GC quickly -> In case you have 50 folders its not possible.

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