Theme selectable linked to map

balloni55 shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

if i change type of vector map, used theme is last selected.

my idea:

user selectable theme fit to map, so user has always his favorite theme to selected map


Locus Germany map > theme "Road"

Locus Badenwurttemberg map > theme "Elevate"

OAM map > theme "openandromaps_cycle"

FZK map > theme "fzk-outdoor-contrast"

Replies (16)


I would also appreciate to allow optionally bind/anchor theme to map because current behaviour to use theme from previous map force us after switching map also to do switch theme which can be done when aplied in one step.


It may be better to remember for the maps the last chosen theme. As maps and themes are kept separated.


That indeed would be a very powerful and more or less trivial fix indeed. Just another db field for the map management, not any additional UI elements needed, not even for config.


For us, what we use Locus various sports it is a good idea. The theme Waymark better cooperate with locusmap. Conversely HiLo is preferable to have at the OSM maps (PAWS), because they are more recent.


@balloni55: exactly! Sorry that I missed it.

@Michael Bechtold: sounds like a simple fix. Let's hope Menion thinks so, too!


Sorry guys, can't imagine how this may work.

When to store which theme match which map? When I select new theme, it will be automatically attached to current map? And what if more map is already loaded at once? And when I move map and different map with different default theme will be autoloaded? And because autoloaded map has a delay till it became main map, it may quite easily happen that new selected theme will be attached to older map. And what about vector map placed as overlay with different theme? (only one theme may be active at once). I understand your point, but I see no simple solution on this for now, sorry.


I agree there are a lot of potential special cases. But that should not stop a simple solution - with easy to understand rules:

1) only a selection made by the user is stored in the relation to the map that is the current actively selected map

2) when Locus autoload changes the map, the theme ONLY changes, if the new map displayed has another theme explicitly stored from the past AND the map type changes

3) for the overlay situation, you use the theme of the map that has more than 50% visibility (opacity)

ad 1) this avoids the anomaly you described, the user has to select a map first, then

select the theme, and unless (s)he changes mind, this is once and

forever, and for such, users would not count clicks (the explicit map


Rules simple, implementation straight, right ?


As per other track: the zoom choice should be associated as well


A (not sophisticated ?) user would expect to have the correct theme selected with the group of maps automatically.

Therefore the theme needs to be assigned to the group/type of maps: OpenAndroMaps, Freizeitkarten and LocusMaps. Therefor there needs to be a settings option (... Button) for each Offline FOLDER, which shall allow to set a default theme, which gets applied, when selecting a map of that group (by user or automatically). All else seems is more cumbersome, IMHO.


You can set the theme and the map in presets. Only with OAM Theme this is not correct. There is an idea for that:


Thanks, but I see no benefit in creating a preset for each used theme (for each group of maps) I use (see my previous comment). The effort is the same: after select the map (of a different type) I have to select the correct theme or preset.

This needs to be automatic.


Actually I use mainly one map (OSM) and my presets including the theme makes it fit for my activity, be it car or bike or hike. And the sort of activity, be it guiding or navigating to a point or along a route.Personally I have no need for this but maybe in my future it could be handy if the preset aloso let me choose a map.


IMHO this is a workaround as well. I have three times 20-30 maps for traveling with the motorcycle, car or bike and I will not create over 70 different presets.

The first thing a user of LM learns is, that each map needs it's correct theme (downloaded). So why doesn't LM take care of this? I don't get it. Most (and esp. new) users will always use the corresponding theme (if they do not forget to switch and get confused or disappointed). Therefor the corresponding theme should be the default for a map and activated together with selecting/loading a map (manually or automatic). It should not be necessary to build presets or do this manually. Sure there may be much more sophisticated use scenarios, but these can be handled by presets or disabling the default or automatic activation.


Actually I think each ACTIVITY needs the correct or preferred map AND theme. I use theme Elevate and the sub-settings let me easily choose the best map-view for car , bike or hike. All from one map (OSM in my case) and going from less to more detail.

Start from your activity and choose ...Recently we had a user here who was missing footpaths in a park. Turns out he used Lomaps with the city theme. Probably stepped out of his car and changed his activity to walking. :)


Right, But wrong theme for a map is never helpful. And to find out what is the right combination of map and theme, a lot of switching back and forth is needed. And automatically selecting the right theme for a map is just a start and allows to find out the right combination and therefor map.


Long tap on "content button" toggles between both last used maps – but because it does not change the rendering theme alongside to the one well supporting the current map, paths are missing, elevation lines become extremely low resolution, names on map features are missing,... so the quick map toggling is motsly useless when applied to 2 different vector map types 🙁


Please support assignment of themes to maps "somehow". I don't care whether it's automatic "most recently used", manual setting for vector map file system folders or single maps or map sources – just presets are not suitable in context of quick map toggling.

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