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Menion shared this idea 13 years ago

I want to share one idea also

what about seperate screen (maybe just an dialog) with some nice thermometer? All phones (at least almost all) have some inner thermometer for battery. But some new phones have also thermometer for outer temperature. Quite usable feature. You sleep in the wild in tent, in morning put phone outside and after a while you see terrible morning temperature.

Interested? Vote for it ...

Replies (19)


Hmm. I could see some users, such as climbers, having a need to log environmental parameters. For them, perhaps a setting to include ambient temperature in the NMEA data, under NMEA Category 130311, "Environmental Parameters". This category includes temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure, if the device is so equiped.


Do you really need your phone telling you that it is cold outside? ;)

Anyway, why share this idea? If you can make it, simply surprise us... :D


I think it should be useful information. And why share? Because working on it together with some graphics design should take day, maybe two, so why do something what will not be useful? This forum is created mainly for giving priorities to next work ... that`s all :) howgh


The heck with temperature. On the front RECENT ACTIVITY page, I see four (4) posts with zero replies!!!


Should be nice to log temp and draw it into graph.


Temperature is very interesting. However, I didn`t know that any smartphone had an external temperature sensor? Menion mentions a good example - sleeping in the wild. I have been using the battery temperature sensor for that purpose. I use the app "Battery Monitor Widget", which logs the temperature during the night. That IS interesting! Some would argue that the battery temperature is not correct. That is certainly true when you are actively using the phone, you have a GPS track going on, or you have the phone in your pocket or inside your jacket. BUT, at night with almost no activity in the phone, the "Battery Monitor Widget" log shows that typical current flow from the battery is in the order of 20mA. That is 20mA * 3.7V = 74mW, which is so small that it doesn`t generate any measurable heat. I have compared the reported temperature with an external thermometer, and it is very accurate (within 1 degree).

If there are phones that really have external temperature sensors, I think Menion`s idea is great. Would you also log the temperature as part of track recording?


I prefer to get information from the weather service before I leave. On a survival-trip a smartphone is an gimmick...


If it is not difficult to implement it why not, sometimes it can be useful.

Garmin sells its new ANT+ external temperature sensor

Now, when Locus does support ANT+ it would be nice to have a support for this sensor too. Including viewing a temperature chart when recording a track.


I have temperature meter on my outdoor watches but don`t use it because it is quite slow - all the body of watches must slowly get the temperature of outside and it takes (tens of) minutes.

I use a hand to check temperature outside:)


Displaying and loging the temperature as part of a track is a great idea. However, battery temperature is only useful to reflect the environment temperature when the battery current load is low. E.g. if standby 40mA is flowing, that is 40*3.7 = 0.15W, which is so small that the internal heating of the phone is negligible. I have actually done some testing by comparing with an external thermometer. Even if Locus is running on a hiking trip the current flow is so small if you set the phone in flightmode that internal heating is negligible. Now, with external temperature sensors based on Ant+ and BT, temperature reporting is really of interest.


Some interesting news ...

I`ve just access to beta version of new ANT+ API. Hope it will be released soon, because I`ve just implemented support for ANT+ Temperature sensor ;)

As svartbjron wrote, temperature of battery in your device is usable in some conditions, but mostly it do not contain any usable values. ANT+ sensor is much much better.

So hope we`ll not wait too long till new version will be published and I hope I`ll get some feedback if it works or not (I still not have this sensor at home, but I believe it will work fine).

Ah last thing to discuss ... do you have any experience with export of these values? I`ve found just ability to export it to GPX v1.1 as a Garmin extension into "" tabs. Any better idea?


I thought ANT+ required hardware support? Which would mean even if Locus supports the protocol, it will require a phone/device with ANT+ hardware support? To my understanding only some Sony Xperia phones support ANT+. So I thought supporting Bluetooth external sensors would be much more of interest, since that would work on any phone. There are both ANT+ and BT based external sensors on the market. Garmin has the ANT+ based Tempe sensor. My son has one of those, connected to a Garmin wrist watch Fenix. He has looked into the issue of how Garmin exports temperature data with the GPX file. If you are interested, you could communicate directly with him on this, but I am sure you know all this already, Menion.


I`m aware of this.

Currently I`m testing ANT+ support on my Note 2 and it`s not a problem. For this you anyway need this device connected to micro USB port of your device

I`ve added firstly support for ANT+ sensor, because it was really easy with new ANT library (not yet available for public). If there really exists any bluetooth thermometers, I should also look at it.

Also if you son will have a few minutes time, it will be nice if he may share small part of GPX file where is information about temperature (maybe together with header, start, of this file), because I`m unable to find any valuable information on web ... thanks!


No, the Garmin Tempe is not connected via microUSB, but with Ant+. This is the Tempe sensor:

I`ll ask my son to contact you directly.


I know

you wrote "So I thought supporting Bluetooth external sensors would be much more of interest, since that would work on any phone", so I react on this with "If there really exists any bluetooth thermometers, I should also look at it. "


Hmmm - I saw some BT thermometers on the web when I quickly searched a couple of days ago, but when looking more closely now, I realize that they were for different purposes. So seems after all that there aren`t any BT thermometers available yet.

Here is one upcoming BT thermometer:

So you are saying that ANT+ is working on your Note 2? Really? How is that possible? According to the link below, there has to be hardware support in the phone. The specs of Note 2 do not mention ANT+ support. So this is weared.


Sorry - looked back on our conversation and realized I had misunderstood how you made ANT+ work on Note 2. Ok - so you plugged the ANT+ dongle (your link above) into the microUSB connector! I see!! But having to plug in such a large dongle, makes it far less interesting (as I see it) to use my phone to log temperature from an external sensor.

As I corrected myself above, it doesn`t seem to be BT sensors available on the market yet. So implementing BT support in Locus may be not worth the effort at this point in time? I guess we want to see BT sensors available first.


yes exactly, ANT+ dondle connected by cable to micro USB in note2 device. Not perfect, but working. In case you don`t need to have you device permanently in hands, it`s not a big problem.

Anyway if some BT thermometer will be available for purchase for some "normal" price, I should try to add it also into supported devices. For now, support will be only for ANT+ thermometer


So Thermometer over ANT+ implemented

it`s needed ANT Lib 4.1

Someone who may test it is welcome, because I don`t have this device at home and don`t want to purchase it just for one time usage. Thanks

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