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Track information label

Rafał Lange shared this question 7 years ago

Track information label

Hi I have a smal question regarding the GPS track. When I open my imported track the label with the name and other date is diplaeyd continuosly. I want it to disappear . I try to klik some options but now result. How can I switch off this information label?

Replies (13)


Good day Ragal,

may you please share with me a screenshot what you see on your screen after you open a track? Thank you.


This is a screenshot


Hello Rafal,

if i understand your question right, you want to hide this track info label.

Visibility of track labels depend on two settings, so take a look at:


Style on map/Do not show



Track labels/No label


btw offtopic

if you dont want to have the red arrows at your imported tracks, create them as track (trk) and not as route (rte)



I dad no time yesterday to check your advice but as I recognize your solution concern the old. previous type of context menu.

I had the 3.18.2 Locus version.

The context menu is as on the screen shot.

I try to check on and out several functions but no result , as the label was on no reaction.

I thought that the right setting is "Labels on map - Do not show" but

as you can see it does not work. Label is still on the map.


Hi Rafal

the manual is not up to date in all cases....

your screenshots display your settings, this is one requirement

but there is a second one, i have point on with my first link

please open your track tab,

next click on 3-dot button on right side of track folder, Edit, Style on map "Do not show" > save


Bingo! Thanks a lot!

But it is hide and hard to find. But now I will remmber.


And one more question.

You mentioned that it is possible to show and hide the arrows one track points. I try to do some changes but no result also. Can you give me a hint how to do it?


>Bingo! Thanks a lot!

But it is hide and hard to find. But now I will remmber.<

perfect, play a little bit with it, with different settings in track folder you are able to show labels at tracks of one folder and from another labels are hidden.

> hide the arrows one track points<

how do you create your tracks outside locus? which program?


I made it in

I wrote your information again concerning the points. I always chose the GPX type track. There is only this type of. I also use the GPSIES but is is not so flexible as the first one. I think it is a problem that the mapa.ump can only export one type of the GPX file. but it is much more useble then gpsies where you have to make the track point by point and con not move the point to another position if it is already a mid point.


so it is, from mapa.umpt it´s only possible to download file as route.

if you want to use this furthermore you can use e.g.

open your file, change top right from "Route" to "Track" save it and import this file to locus

but why you dont use


Thanks a lot.

I did not found the before. I have just tested it and it has no option "follow the roads" when planning the track. I always use this method. There are plenty of very good maps that shows many offroad tracks and it is just easier. I just mark start and end points and then make some modification by adding mid points. I can focus then on small part of area and did not have to think where is my finish, it is always connected to the track. When planning a long track, more then 100km it is much more easier and comfortable.

I hope that Locus community will make some online planning platform that will be the best! As Locus is. I use it for more then 5 years. You made a great job! It is my best and major application an my phone. Thank you for such a great job!

It will be nice to have a track planner that will be able to follow the road just on the application. It very rear that I have to make a plan just on my phone but it happened. Of course I can use the navigation but then I can not correct the road as I wish to go.



Hello Rafal and balloni55. Btw. balloni thanks again for amazing help here!

Rafal, did you tried "Add new route" function in Locus? It allows quite easy plan your trips directly in Locus. And with cooperation with BRouter, it's nice offline planning tool. More about this feature here:

Hope this helps a little. Let me know if there will be something "not clear".


About the popup: since 3.17 I think I am missing the "on hoover" behaviour. It's now ON or OFF and I am sure in the past the label came when selecting the track and disappeared when I tapped somewhere else on the screen (aka deselected the track).

I am using 3.18.9 on andoid 4.4.x


Hello Hank,

hmm I'm suprised but you are correct. Seems that behavior for points and tracks is not consistent. I'll look at it, thanks for information.


Thx Menion. Is there a connection with importing a gpx track that contains points? When I choose "merge points with track" hovering over a point does not display the point label. When I do not merge these two, hovering does display the point label properly. The track label is either on or off (setting) and does not respond to hovering over it (pointing to it).

I really liked that behaviour in the past because choosing from several active tracks the right one to set for guiding is made easier when the label with its name shows. (And then disappears because the label covers quite a piece of the map).

Ok, I will wait patiently. :)


It is possible that points attached to track ignore this settings for labels. Main reason were navigation points which causes quite label-overflow on map.

I'm playing with it now and I see reason why tracks works differently compare to points. Reason is cpu usage and fluency of the map. Because tracks now do not react on "hover", it is not necessary to test all visible tracks if center cross is over certain track. And this saves really a lot of time.

I'll have to do some tests when I return back, but I'm worried I won't be a big fan of "hover" feature on tracks as in old times...


Ah oké, but I was not hovering over the track. But over the Start-icon of the track. Now selecting the "simple" popup setting, means it is always visible and blocks my view. Then I would prefer it to be visible when I tap the track Start-icon and disappear agian when i TAP SOMEWHERE ELSE ON THE SCREEN.


Good day Henk,

I'm looking on this "problem". Currently I do not have a clear solution, sorry. What you suggest, something with a "tap", it already works in this way. When you tap on a track, white popup appear with all basic statistics, tap somewhere else hide this popup.

For me, it looks more like that these small permanent labels for tracks are not needed anymore. I'll have to think about them little bit later. Thanks for opinion anyway!


Yeah, after another week of using Locus (with this label setting OFF) I would say, dump it and remove the setting from the (maps) menu.

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