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Track Recording - Display updates too slow

Willem shared this problem 10 years ago

Version 3.x changed the Track Recording & Display of track recording.

I am using Locus th ride MTB tracks which I have loaded and are displyed on OpenMTB Maps. Works very, very good. But after Version 3. the screen updates are too slow. How can I change back to 2.x style, where the cursor would immediately show the track which I am cycling? I am trying to use the Walking Profile, but still the update is way too slow.

Especially with the Option enabled to have a rotating screen it is very annoying not to see the track which you have already followed.

Replies (6)


Hi Willem,

honestly there is no 2.x style or 3.x style. So if I understand it correctly: when you start track recording then blue arrow (symbol of your position) stays couple on second on the same place and then skip to the actual position?

- Does it happen only during track recording? Or can you see the same behavior when track recording is turned off?

- Would you please check if feature: Settings > GPS and Location > GPS auto off is Disabled?


GPS auto off = Ok.

What I mean is: If I start track recording en start bicycling then in the 2.x version the blue arrow immediately moved en a blue line was directly drawn. In 3.x the blue marker is sometimes 1 sec's behind and the blue line is drawn much, much later.


OK, so position is updated every 1 second but line is drown later. Would you please check that you're on the latest version 3.2.3 (you can see version it Menu > Information). There was similar issue but it should be solved in mentioned last version.


I just wants to mention one thing.

Line during recording display really recorded track!! So if you have in record condition like - "every 10 s / every 100 m", then you should see exactly this on a map - so line of recorded track will always have a delay. Hope it's clear.



I updated to the last version en checked this weekend on 100km bike track.

It has been corrected and works O.K. again.

Thanks !!


Perfect, glad to hear it.

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