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Track recording glitch.

elmuSSo shared this problem 13 years ago

Hi. I have Locus 2.0.2 now. And I think I discovered some strange bevahiour. Ive seen this also in 2.0.0 version. Im not sure if it happened also in 2.0.1

Look at the screens below. Thats was during recording of the track. It is happening all the time. On every track recording.


And that was AFTER I stopped the record, save it and get out of the Locus, and come back :

I will try to make a deeper investigation and will downgrade the app version tomorrow.

Locus 2.0.2

HTC Desire Z

Android 2.3.7



Replies (20)



hmm so problem is that track is recorded correctly but during recording, map display really weird results? When you zoom in/out (which cause complete reinitializing of visible item), is then track displayed correctly?

this is really weird. Anyone similar issue? I`m little bit worried that this should be some rendering issue of MIUI ROM


Cannot confirm. Track record works perfect.

Proofed hard: changed several times zoom, locked screen, paused, , .. everthing fine.

Galaxy Tab P1000, Android 2.3.3, Kernel,

Overcome 3.3.1,


I just checked on Locus 1.16, no signs of glitches. Hopefully this weekend i will have more occasions to test this issue.


Is there a relationship here?

(should be fixed)


Re: [APP] - version 2.0.X

Unread postby gynta » Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:10 pm

babi wrote:Looks like it`s working well. But it still doesn`t remember zoom level from previous session.

You`re right!

...and sometimes after a newstart i can scroll the map only a minimal distance

and, curiously, the loaded track moves normal - but doesnt fit on the map. :geek:

The above looks very similar to my issue. And then somebody wrote:

Re: [APP] - version 2.0.X

Postby tramp20 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:17 am

Good morning,

with the new v2.0.1 all my problems with Locus have gone :-)

Im almost certain, that in the version 2.0.1 my issue was not occuring. I will try to test version 2.0.1 during this weekend.


Ok. I made a tests.

Locus 1.16 - working perfectly

Locus 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 - above glitch occures

Locus 2.0.2 - I sometimes have random app exit. Without any message. Nothing. App just exits suddenly. It occured a few times.

About the glitch: it occures both in 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 version. I uploaded two videos. Bear in mind that I dont guarantee that these links will be online forever.

First video is from version 2.0.1:

Second is from version 2.0.2 ( watch only first 7 minutes):

The issue is serious, and it occurs everyday! I can help in tests Menion, maybe give me some special version with debugging messages turned on? Or should I downgrade to 1.16?


firstly, seems like exist new version of your rom - MIUI ROM 2.3.9. Is possible update? Because as you can see, you`re the only one with this issue (only one who looked on GetSatisaction of course). So before I start some testing with you and because you use alternative ROM, I would rather choose first step update of your ROM

EDIT: damn, you probably wrote it somewhere but I`m surprised by seeing video, that this issue happen only during track record, correct?

EDIT2: may you please record me a short log with CatLog program? There have to be some error on background, thanks


I know about an update, but IF it will fix the errors, you will lose the possibility to get any hints what was wrong with these issues.

To bo honest, Im always using Locus to record tracks, so I cant say if it occurs besides track recording. I will try to get you some logs in a few days.


yes, but if this fix this issue, I`ll be able to help other people. I can then point to this topic and say "hey read it and then update your ROM because it`s not a Locus problem".

anyway log will be welcome. You don`t have to record for a long time. Just start it, record ten second till you see this issue and then stop record, run CatLog program, save long and send me it. If there will be some error on background, I`ll probably know what to do. But if not, I was looking today half and hour to code if I don`t see any possible problem or any idea .. nothing


Menion, today I observed exactly the same weird display of a track during recording with Locus Pro 2.1.1. The track was only displayed correctly after stop/save of recording.

I use a SGS II with non-rooted Android 2.3.6 delivered by Samsung via Kies.


tommi62. thanks. now i dont feel so alone with this:)

I made a new video, start watching from about 3:00

and here are logs:

Im not sure if I was recording this on 2.1 or 2.1.1, but the issue is occuring on 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2 , 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 ( I hope I didnt miss any:P ), any way. Its occuring since 2.0.0 has been released.


perfect, finally some logs!! :) if you look into file, you may see that it`s full of

03-16 19:58:07.464 E/MapItem (13984): initializePoints()

03-16 19:58:07.464 E/MapItem (13984): java.lang.ArithmeticException: divide by zero


that`s what I need to know .. going to check it


eh, little bit funny when I see it on my own eyes. Guys, disable please in settings "Limit points on map". This issue is fixed now anyway rather test it when there will be any testing version or in next release. Thanks for patient and remember that logs together with description are on 90% best way for fix!


great, but now you owe me explanation what exactly was wrong:) talk to me like to programmer, please.


OK :)

imagine that my object that draw track on map have two main parts. Initialize and Draw. In initialize part I compute two variable before I start recompute coordinates on pixels. These are "firstPoint" and "everyXPointBeforeStart". First point say since which point, track will be completely draw (every point) and second variable says which Xth point to draw before firstPoint. And here was problem.

For normal track I usually set firstPoint = lastPoint - 1 and just compute "everyXPointBeforeStart" depend on zoom. For track record there is also variable in settings that limits visible points so it`s more complicated and here I had mistake where "everyXPointBeforeStart" was zero for high zooms and that caused "java.lang.ArithmeticException: divide by zero"


I verified the fix with test version from dropbox. Thank you!


perfect!! Thanks for report, issue closed


thanks for explanation:) tell me, how to get access to your dropbox with beta versions? Im avoiding beta versions, but tomorrow im going to forest and I need a Locus without above bug.


I`m giving access only to people that I already know ... so invitation send ;)


That`s an honour:) thank you.

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