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Trasa obliczanie czasu

Marek Kobylecki shared this question 8 years ago

Piszę ponownie, w trakcie wyznaczania trasy pomiędzy punktem początkowym A i punktem końcowym B program żle wylicza czas do przejścia/przejechania tej trasy - pokazuje bardzo duże czasy. Dodam ,że punkty były wcześniej zapamiętane. Wygląda na to ,że program ciągle liczy czas od aktualnej pozycji GPS a nie od wskazanego punktu początkowego trasy .Jak to zmienić?Pozdrawiam Marek Kobylecki

Replies (3)


Hi Marek,

we're sorry but we provide support in English or in Czech only. The time between start and target of the navigation is calculated from your average speed. If you haven't started yet, the time is "too long" - if you start, the time is immediately recalculated and continuously precised.


Thanks. I have another question in addition - if it's possible to write average speed in preparing my route for example route by car, like it exists i car navigation?


Locus has a "travel time" feature that can display estimated time on your route depending on activity - outdoora activity (hike, bike, cross country skiing...) but not car - Locus is primarily an outdoor navigation. More about "travel time":

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