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Travelbugs prepared for logging are lost when screen orientation has changed

Martin Major shared this problem 9 years ago

When i log geocache and select some options in "Inventory" tab and then change screen orientation (from landscape to portrait and vice versa) the screen is reset to default. The biggest problem is that it happen also when I change screen orientation on another tab so I don't have to notice that TBs won't be logged.

Replies (6)


Hello Martin,

thank you for your report, you are correct. I've improved system so now it should work. Unfortunately testing server from Groundspeak is currently not working and I personally do not have any trackables in inventory to test it :). So please try it in next Locus version (or Beta version if you are testing it) and let me know if there will still be any problem. Thank you.


Hi Menion,

thanks for quick fix! I don't have access to beta version so I'll wait for next regular version and let you know.


Hi Menion,

I've just got the new version and this bug is still present and now it is even weirder. I have two TBs now and when I select something in drop-down menu for the first one, rotate screen, then the selection disappear. But when I select anything for the second one, rotate screen, the selection is copied for both TBs.

So please reopen this bug. Thanks!


Ah thanks! I've tested it once more ... seems that groundspeak finally enabled server for developers for testing and I've found one more issue. So hope that next version (today) will helps.


Sorry to said that, but the fix still doesn't work properly. When I choose anything for first TB, it works good. But when I select something for second TB, it overwrites the first one.

Finger crossed for next fix :)


Hm you have luck to see developer, when he is to lazy to precisely test some fixes. Here comes result :).

Sorry. I searched for some older photos with found TB (to have more then one testing TB code) and finally found an issue (partially in Android itself). So it should be finally fixed now. Thank you and sorry for complication and my rare lazyness :).

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