Use better map starting position

Andrew Heard shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

I just read this OpenAndoMaps announcement regards better map starting positions. Nice idea by Tobias & Christian. I have same issue with Locus own vector maps. If I switch to another map then the starting position is generally some useless place in middle of map. Suggestion is every (LoMap) map has its own starting position set by hand – usually the capital of the country/region or a well known natural preserve or something like this.

Replies (4)


Dear Andrew,

honestly I already thought about similar solution when I tried the Denmark map couple weeks ago and the result was...nice blue see. My idea was focused on some "automatic solution" but the manually defined center is simple and suitable solution. Let's wait for some votes but I can agree with it.



A good idea, but would it better, if Locus just remembers the position where a map was last used? If I move around with different maps, I would prefer to continue with this last position.


I like that improved suggestion.


Yes please!

I regularly switch between the New York and Québec LoMaps. Given the size of these areas, the "center map" feature is not useful.

The province of Québec is about the height of Greece to Lithuania and the width of Poland and Ukraine. The center of this area is a location about 900 km north of where I live. That's like living in Athens and having the map center itself somewhere in Romania (and Romania was a vast expanse of virtually uninhabited tundra).


I had distant recollection from forum discussion this suggestion had been implemented, but just now had need to swap between maps, and find that new map is still just "centered". Any progress?


Honestly still not implemented. I'm not sure what was discussed on the forum but we use still the old solution with "Center" position.

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