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User specific themes do not work in Android 5.0

Christian Huber shared this problem 9 years ago
Not a Problem


using my Galaxy S5 (updated to Android 5.0 Lollipop) I cannot copy user specific themes for vector maps on the SD card: when copying the files and directories to _themes I get a warning "die datei kann mit dem gerät möglicherweise nicht wiedergegeben werden" and locus does not find the theme.

Doing the same using my old Defy+ (Android 2.3.6) works fine.

I suppose a connection with changed security features under lollipop.

Is there a solution?

Replies (2)


try to put sd into pc card slot and copy your theme in the right dir



I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 5.0.1.

My experiences with the external sd card on that device are ...

(1.) ... there are no read / write problems to the external sd card using the build in file explorer.

(2). ... there are no read / write problems to the external sd card using the latest version of es file explorer. You only have to grant full write access to the external sd card once in the dialog that pops up within es file explorer.

(3.) ... (2.) is also true for rar for android. The app is mainly a pack / unpack program. But it has a little build in file explorer.

In common all statements you can find here for Android 4.4 are aslo true for Android 5.0.1.

My configuration using Android 4.4 / 5.0.1:

Vector maps on the external sd card.

The rest of Locus Pro on the internal sd card.

The themes of the vector maps are on the internal sd card so far.

But I think, but I have not tried it out, you can also put them on the external sd card.



Thanks c.s.g.,

finally it worked with themes on the external sd card.

I used the internal file explorer for extracting the themes zip file. At

least a stupid error on my side blocked me: I didn't see the arrow for

"more" in the internal themes menu; after clicking on it the external

themes were visible too.

Best regards Christian


Hello Christian,

there's limitation on android 4.4 (and higher) that application can not write directly to the SDcard. But some default application as your internal file explorer has permission to write to SDcard.

Unfortunately I do not understand why you want to put themes on the SD card? Themes files are quite small. More over SDcard is by definition slower then internal memory and this can negatively influenced the speed of vector maps

However back to your issue. I guess that your default folder for vector maps is still located on the internal memory. You can see the default path and the location of Locus root folder in Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Default directories. If "mapsVector" has label "Default" then Locus search for themes in internal folder Locus/mapsVector/_themes


Hello Petr,

I do not want to put the themes on the SD card, I simply do not know how to bring them back to internal memory.

Originally when I had locus on my Defy+ everything was on the SD card because of limited internal memory. Then I moved to S5 and so locus was installed in the same way. Then I changed the location using the app manager and now the app manager says locus is installed in the internal memory.

By using the DiskUsage app I see that only the apk ist located in internal memory (40 MB). With the file manager ("Eigene Dateien") I see an empty directory Android/data / in the local memory and a non empty directory Android/data / in the SD memory. This directory has subdirectories cache, backup, ... , mapsVector and here the _themes are located. My maps are a seperate directory in /MyLocus/mapsVector (I changed the default location in Locus accordingly).

Can you tell me how I can bring the data including themes from the external to the internal memory?

Because I have a lot of maps they should stay on MyLocus on external memory.


Hello Christian,

Please follow my steps:

  • Create folder "Locus" in internal memory
  • Move all files and folders from. SDs card Android/data / into create Locus folder
  • Start Locus - locus wil very likely ask you for selecting the root folder. Please select the craete Locus folder in internal memory
  • In case that Locus do not ask then open Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Default directories > Set root directory and choose folder Locus in internal memory
  • Go back to the Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Default directories > and set Default directory for "mapsVector"
  • Finally open Menu > Maps > tap on Blue PLUS button > Add external maps and select folder /MyLocus/maspVector form your SD card


Hello Petr,

it worked.

Thanks a lot, best regards


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