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Using Waypoints in Tracks with Guidance

Alan McDonald shared this question 7 years ago

I ride a motorcycle off-road on tracks with no mapping or on tracks recorded by someone else. So I use tracks and not routes. And I use Guidance.

Now the track details give me the ability to add waypoints. In many cases I want to be guided along a track but I want to reach certain waypoints and I want to be very aware of approaching these waypoints and missing them.

I can navigate to a selected waypoint and have locus beep as I approach and alert f I pass it, but this leaves the track out of the equation (I am not being alerted about moving off the track.

What I really want is to use guidance on a track and be alerted to an inserted waypoint as I move along the track. I can;t seem to find the settings to do this.

What's the point of being able to add a waypoint into a track when it plays no role in the guidance? Often, I can't even see the waypoint on the screen - sometimes when I go back to the waypoints list, it's not there. Then I try again and it's there... no idea why such frailty.

If I am not watching the screen full time I can just run right past a waypoint and that's no fun at all. How do I make this work?


Replies (15)


As you say: Inserted by the track details method:

Points are put in a "free choice" points folder, separated from the track.

Alerts: By the poi alerter.

A non directional alert from any N/S/W/E approach.

Select the 'free choice' points folder:

Points in the folder are set (eye) active and visible on map ?

Poi alerter setting ok ? Double check !

Poi alerter activ ? A previous poi alert state is not memorised !

Poi alerter must be (re)set at every new Locus start !

Was always working in the previous versions...maybe a problem by new version ?

Have to double check, but must go now will report back later.


Hi Alan,

you've got two options:

1) use navigation instead of guidance - navigation alerts about waypoints, about moving off the track, about direction changes

2) create a folder with your waypoints in Points manager and launch POI alert feature (menu >more > POI alert >select your folder)


So are we saying that the POI alert feature can run simultaneous to any guidance or navigation session?


Yes that's right - it's an independent process. Test it ;)


What is the 'free choice' points folder? where is it? How do I locate it and select it?


I think by 'free choice' you mean 'it's my choice' - 'I select it' no? But when I add a waypoint to a track in the waypoints tab, the point is not accessible to the points alert function because it's not in a folder that I can see. Am I missing something? Is there a way to be alerted to a waypoint created on a track? When I delete the track or make the track invisible, the point is deleted or also becomes invisible so it avoids making a folder for every track if you want alerts for points only on that track.. It's not impossible to make it work anyway and I'm grateful to now know this feature. I just want to be clear on it.


OK so it appears that a waypoint created purely for a track and not present in my Data|Points folder at all is included in the POI alerts when the track is set to visible. Also, If you set the track to invisible while the POI alerts is running, you stop getting alerts. When you set it back to visible, the alerts come back. Brilliant! You can choose to be alerted to folders of points or to separately created waypoints on a track. This is excellent!


I've got the POI alerts working - They do, in fact, need to be in a folder (my mistake). But now I have an issue with my voice guidance instructions and nav recalc failing. When the POI alerts are on, it seems that navigation alerts stop (I have to force a manual recalc or leave it in auto-calc) and the guidance voice instructions completely miss corners - there's no warning and no alerts of having missed a turn.


Confirm (As Michal wrote) that both the POI alerter (from a folder points) AND track Navigation are independent functions. POI alerts are not directional wich does mean that as soon as you enter (from N/S/W/E) the set alert area a warning (If set) is 'fired'.

Contrary to track navigation alerts, only triggered (if set) when nearing the navigation waypoint(s) from the correct forward track direction.

Locus Navigate ? Navigate you say, so not guiding...pse confirm. What is the nav track file source ? Can you share a file ? Is it a simple gpx track without integrated navigation waypoint ? Or a tcx course/coursepoints file ? Or a gpx track inclusive integrated navigation waypoints ? At import of that last type: MUST SET "Merge points and track" to be functional for correct directional track navigation generation. If not set set as such, you separate the source track into a track(folder) and the integrated navigation waypoints into a separated points folder, away from your track. For succesfull track navigation both, the correct integrated navwaypoints and the associated track, must be kept together.

Also double check in navigation mode at start. Select Voice or TTS, do you hear the testmessage ?


Gosh there's a lot here that's no where in the knowledgebase. I typically create routes in Basecamp. I pin them down with enough shaping points to make the route not move under re-calc. I may add waypoints but try to avoid them. I may add fuel stops because I know I will stop there. But waypoints are a nuisance in the Garmin workd becuase you MUST pass them and have the device 'acknowledge' them to prevent the device from making you return to them. Sometimes they are slightly off the road and can;t be triggered so I stopped using waypoints in Garmin.

I then create a track from the route so there's thousands of shaping points. I then export and import into Locus.

I can thus live with 'outside' waypoint alerts.

I am frustrated, however, by any attempt to use the route planner or track editing in Locus because the track or route becomes something completely foreign to me. I don't mind navigation instructions being inserted but often they are wrong because the underlying map has a kink in the road and the nav instructions might end up saying turn right now turn around instead of just turn left. So I find guidance a little more reliable. I use offline router and try to never 're-calc. becuase if that happens, the route goes some other weird way which has nothing to do with where I want to go.

I haven;t tried 'track navigation alerts - I didn't know they existed. I'll try to fin that.

It's a gpx file of a route converted to a track. No waypoints - just lots of trackpoints.

When I export a route and import into Locus, the gpx file comes across with the shaping points inside the Waypoints tab of the track in locus.

I use TTS and I hear the voice.



I can't find any option called 'Merge points and track'. Where is this?


Hi Alan

if your track include POI´s you can select during import dialog what you want.

If you uncheck "merge points with imported track"

POI´s are stored separated in a POI folder




OK thanks Wolfgang, maybe I never checked this box before. I've done that and the waypoints are in the track. Also, when I start to navigate and then go the Navigation information|Waypoints tab, I now see the nav directions WITH the waypoints interspersed. This may be what I was missing. Maybe I don't need the separate POI alerts now. I'll test. I assume I'll be alerted to the waypoints as I do with the nav instructions.

But it's nice to know the two alternatives - thanks for your help



Ok that probably explains it. Tracks in Basecamp don't have waypoints. This only happens when with routes which I usually avoid.


Hi Alan, as I see you're experience was by Garmin so that explains some of your message/Q.

Plan a route for Locus navigation in Basecamp (or Mapsource). Add free Waypoints (flags) (Via's for Locus) where you want to be alerted along the route. Export the Basecamp result (route+waypoints) as a .gdb file !

- Import this file into the (pc) JavawaRTWtool and export as tcx course file with coursepoints.

- Import this file into Locus and be succesfully navigated.

More info: The JavawaRtwtool:

General information about tcx ( A Garmin standard) and Locus navigation in this forum discussion: see and download attachments you have to be a registered forum member !

A very nice and easy best source for navigation by (new) users is the (online) RWGPS service. Very easy and very comfortable (online) planning. You do not need the paid version. Create and generate your route into the RWGPS planner, export as a tcx course+coursepoints file ! Import into Locus. Start Navigation. Be perfectly navigated by strict turn instructions and by (your) inserted informative Waypoints. (Via's for Locus Navigation). How to add free waypoints see help RWGPS.

Offline route generator alternative: Use Locus + Brouter app. Generate your routes (= track+associated waypoints) direct into Locus. Save (to be used for navigation later) into the Locus database or export/reimport as (Locus) gpx1.1 file format.


I've followed this precisely several times to be sure. The route with waypoints in Basecamp comes over to Locus as a route with nav directions but the waypoints are stripped. The nav directions appear sensible but I'm still left having to use POI alerts. I was expecting from your explanation that the route would include the waypoints in amongst the nav directions. The conversion tool looks powerful but it adds another layer in my already work heavy workflow with no apparent benefit.


OK some testing on routes with waypoints seems good however, I have a track/route with quite a few waypoints, it starts some kilometres away from me (shoulhdn't make a difference) but when I start navigation, it re-calcs (doesn't matter which method of auto re-calc is used) and jumps completely away from several of the waypoints to find a more direct/faster route. Why does it ignore the waypoints in the track?When I go to the information|waypoints tab, the early waypoints are no longer in the track. What makes them get thrown out?

When I stop/exit the navigation and inspect the track again, the waypoints are certainly there.


Alan, did you use tcx as suggested ? No ?

Complicated ? Use simple RWGPS generation set up, tcx out only !

Generate easy (short) circuit design, go step by step, only later add extra Waypoints.

Alan, I WAS a Garmin user ! Even with Garmin cycling gps I WAS mainly (only) using tcx.

Garmin (gpx) routes (not tracks) are to be used with compatible gps hardware and routable maps !

The resulting path on mobiles can be (very) different from what you expect by a Basecamp design.

My advise, forget most previously used Garmin methods, except tcx, used with Garmin cycling gps or Locus

Maybe you noticed, sharing tracks(trk) is popular, routes(rte) are not...thank (complicated) Garmin for that.

Locus: Start Navigation near the start of your tcx course design. Use a simple uncomplicated tcx circuit !

Use most simple Locus set up, non strict tcx navigation, not using any autorecalculate for first tests.

Become member in Locus discussion forum, share user name, use PM (mailer) for further discussion.

By tcx file share, optimal Locus setting (picture), and (short) virtual simulation drive example.

Prefer to keep using the previous Garmin (Basecamp) route design methods ? Than sorry, be prepared for multiple failures, can't help than.

Locus discussion forum:


Hi guys,

thanks for the long discussion but I think the things get over complicated here:

- Alan needs to be guided along a route (converted from a track) and doesn't need voice navigation (because of kinks misinterpreted by Locus automatic voice rendering) - therefore, GUIDANCE along a route is recommended

- Alan wants to be notified of waypoints along the route - the best tool for this in Locus is the POI ALERT which is route independent, therefore, it's necessary to place the waypoints separately in a point folder and select this folder when setting up the POI alert.


Thanks - good summary. Unless I am confident that the route will hold together with the waypoints included, I intend using guidance on a track with POI alerts running. This is a good solution for me.


Same can be obtained by Navigation without "automatic" commands generation set. POI's still announced by the POI alerter (If SET !) So no "kink turns" are announced. In Navigation (IMO) the user position on (along) the track by the "arrow" position Icon is more comfortable/visible.

Locus Map automatically generates navigation commands along the route in places of the most remarkable direction changes.

MOST IMPORTANT setting: How to switch off 'automatic' generation is here:

Number of commands - manually drawn or .....

Navigation Menu -> Advanced settings -> Number of commands: select NONE !


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