Variables for logdate and logtime

c.s.g. shared this idea 10 years ago
Gathering feedback

Is it possible to introduce variables for logdate and logtime in the templates for the fieldnotes or the fieldnotes itself?

For example:

"%logdate[] - %logtime[hh:mm] Uhr"

These variables should remain in the fieldnotes until they are uploaded to the groundspeak server and should then be replaced by the actual values before uploading:

For example:

"%logdate[] - %logtime[hh:mm]" Uhr becomes "28.02.2014 - 10:00 Uhr"

After the upload the corrected fieldnote should also be stored in the local locus fieldnote so it matches the uploaded fieldnote.

And maybe there are even more variables possible?

For example %cachename or %cacheowner?

So an template / fieldnote can look like this:

"%logdate[] - %logtime[hh:mm] Uhr

Thank you %cacheowner for the beatiful cache "%cachename""

An then be uploaded to groundspeak as:

"28.02.2014 - 10:00 Uhr

Thank you c.s.g for the beatiful cache "heute hier, morgen da""

The variables can begin with "%" or any other appropiate character.

They should be caseinsensitive. So it does not matter if you write %logdate or %LogDate or %LOGDATE

It would also be nice if there are some formating infos available. For examle the format of the logdate or logtime.

I. e. "%logdate[mm/dd/yyyy]" or "%logdate[]"

And finally a preview of the corrected fieldnote before uploading to groundspeak would be nice too.


Replies (8)


Now you can add time into log via Locus template. At this time I can say yes or no. With date, time, cache name field should not be a problem, because this values is in fieldnotes database. But for other fields (like owner) could be a problem in speed according your database size and existing cache. For other fields I must call Locus for this data.


Thanks for the info ....

This feature is more a "nice to have" rather than a "must have" for me.

By the way: Where can I find the PRO Version, mentioned in the changelog of version 1.3.0?


PRO version you should activate in Locus Store. Aha, I write to admin for visible item. Thanks.



I have add time into log text via Locus template as suggested. So my log text starts with "20:15 Uhr" for example.

But when I change the logtime via the PRO version of fieldnotes to lets say "21:00" the log time in the log text stays at "20:15 Uhr"!?!?!

I suppose thats because the fieldnotes addon did not recognize the "20:15" as a source from a template and have therefore no chance to replace it with the corrected time info. Correct?



Hi c.s.g,

Addon don't use Locus template for checking text. You can change log anytime and after change time. And addon don't know, if log text contains some time insertde from Locus via {t} template. This is why it does not change the time in the log. Addon only change date and time for log in the database.

If you have any idea, how check time in the log (which could be changed), write me.


I believe this is not necessary. Locus also do not modify already inserted time and I see no reason do it. Or is there any serious?


Hi Jarda Kvapil,

Hi menion,

you are right: The whole thing is a "nice to have" for me ....

I only think about it, because GSAK offers this possibility.

I have already mentioned a possible szenario for handling this in my first post.



Ah understand. Sorry, I was little lazy to read so long post :).

Oki, I'll keep this post open for votes.


  1. And maybe there are even more variables possible?

    For example %cachename or %cacheowner?

I would also like!

kind regards



I dont have all detail metadata for cache. For gain this data I must call Locus. If you have big database, the question can do a long time.

If cache is not in the database, what should addon make? %cachename is not replace with accordind data.


Thanks for the reply, that's not so good. But probably not to change.

best regards, Holger

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