Vector maps do not auto load properly

Dave shared this problem 11 years ago

Offline vector maps do not auto properly. I have to reselect the state map to have it load after moving from one state to another.

Replies (4)


Do you have selected Vector maps - Map auto load ?


Yes, - it is set to " Automatically load vector maps when needed"

Personal maps is set to " Autoload maps of same type (if exist) other type otherwise"

The problem occurs randomly when I change states and then zoom levels.

Initially the maps load fine but after zooming and changing state location a few times the map will display loading several times but the map does not load or only labels are displayed.

Most often this occurs at higher zoom levels.

Changing zoom levels does not make the map load correctly.

Moving to a different state map and then back does force the map to load correctly.

There is plenty of RAM and storage available and no other user apps running.


Hello Dave,

sorry for a late response.

We were testing it now and can confirm that auto-loading feature do not work on 100%. Problem for us is map format used for vector maps, that do not have any information about it`s exact borders, so it`s harder to know if new map is needed or not. Anyway it`s our problem.

Currently we have no better solution for this feature. So please, take "auto-loading" as a small bonus feature, that in 90% cases, correctly load nearest required vector map. In remaining 10%, when shapes of maps are more complicated, it`s needed your own action, to change to correct map.

Sorry for this. We will for sure try to improve it, if there will be any possibility.



I run in this problem too (using the latest version).

Is there any update regarding the problem?


Unfortunately long story continue, but I believe we are finally on good way to solve it within next few months (hope that with next update of Locus Map and LoMaps to be true, but I rather no promise).



Using Locus version 3.30.2. Was there any improvement in the map auto-load status?

Thanks and regards


Good day Alfonico,

as I know, from own experience, LoMaps (in version 2016/06+) should be auto-loading correctly. You have any troubles with it? Which two (or more) maps cause a problems?


Good morning Menion.

The issue appears when using offline raster maps (sqlite database). If the map is missing zoom levels, and if there is no other offline raster map available for the missing zoom level, the vector map doesn't show. I suppose that this is normal according to will try the proposed "Global Map".

Have a nice day.

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