Waypoint editing in Locus

rvheddeg shared this idea 12 years ago
Gathering feedback


I have noticed that you have changed the handling of waypoints in Locus. This is a good thing. Let me add some more features that I would like.


1) When geocaching, I`m practically always searching for a tag, a number or some answer for a multiple choice question. This is then translated in some variable A, B, C,... that I have to substitute in the coordinates.

I store those variables now in the notes.

Is it possible to somehow use or show these notes in the waypoint edit? That would eliminate some copy and paste of note variables.

2) Allow to paste from clipboard in the coordinates. (same as edit, clipboard, paste from clipboard)

3)!Bonus Wish!

When in the field it happens more then I like that some tag has disappeared (or my searching skills are not good enough). What would be a real crazy feature is that I`m allowed to not substitute some variable in the coordinates, but that Locus showed all the 10 possibilities. That way I`m quicker to locate all the valid waypoints so I could make an educated guess.

What do you think? I know there are practical problems with this.

Fact is that I now substitute the missing variable with all the possible values and make 10 or more points on the map. This is slow and not fun.

Replies (5)


I also encountered some of these problems so I will support that. Especially the part with letter substitution - its very often used in geocache`s riddles.


Although I liked the fact that you changed the editing of waypoints, this solution is not better. (2.8.1)

How can I edit a waypoint? In the previous version I was able to edit the coordinates directly, but this is not possible anymore. This is a pity, because waypoint editing is what I do the most in Locus.

Can this be improved plz?


I`ll write you few facts that lead me to current changes

1. editing of coordinates directly is by me advanced feature, that more then cca 75% of users never use

2. editing of coordinates is in less case, action that took half of minute and require 10-20 clicks

because of this, editing panel was removed and all actions with coordinates directly are under "black pen" (edit) > coordinates.

Description is here http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php/manu...

1. in "Complete location setter" tap on button 2

2. in "Get location dialog", tap on coordinates



When 25% of your users are using this, I wouldn`t call it an advanced feature. On the other hand, you can now edit the height directly, but not the coordinates? This is even more advanced?!?

IMHO I think that almost everyone who uses Locus for geocaching (multi-caches), is manipulating waypoints.

But I`ll think about this UI myself, in the hope that this will become an advanced feature for everyone to use ;-)

PS: On the other hand, maybe you are right, because there`s no much reaction on this thread from the community.


you`re partially right with height .. but if you look on it dispassionately, you may see that altitude is something you may simply imagine what is it. You see 250m and you know what it mean. At least better then 50°32.222N, 17°12.1112W ...

Anyway you`re right that this is similar. I`ll think about it

About reactions .. I also had, I think, two or three on email. It`s not much, because when there is a problem, I count it in tens. So generally, this change should bring much less confusing to basic users, it also shrinked editing screen by one line and in case you need to edit coordinates directly, it`s just two more clicks. Not much I hope :)

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