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What do add-ons add?

John Lee shared this question 9 years ago

I use Locus pro for Geocaching.

I have GSAK on my home PC and regularly top up the database with PQs. I will either load the full content of the database (10,000 ish) or the entries for a particular area into Locus on my Android tablet by using a GPX file. I should probably add that my tablet has no phone connectivity.

I have recently added Geocaching4Locus and GSAKdatabase for Locus . Can someone who uses these please tell me what, if anything, I have gained? I can't for the life of me see anything that I can do with these extras that I couldn't before.

Replies (9)


Question for better understanding:

  1. my tablet has no phone connectivity.

your tablet has also no internet/wifi connectivity????


The tablet has internet via cable or WiFi. My point in mentioning that was to say that when I was out caching I am off line.



in your first thread you ask for "pictures when offline", now you will load gpx file to locus

so next question:

are you able to import your gpx to locus and geocaches are visible in "POI tab" and if, you can open geocachelisting but without pictures?


In GSAK, I export the caches that I am interested in, or the full database as a GPX file.

In Locus , I import the GPX file . All caches are then shown on the maps in Locus.I click on the particular cache to open it. If I am online at this point, I will see any pictures that are on the cache page. If I am not online, I do not get the pictures.

I don't know if I have missed something but nothing has changed since I uploaded the two apps mentioned originally.


I now understand how to get the pictures to appear by using the Offlineizer and indeed, where to find the switches for this in LocusPro.

So back to the question that started this thread.

Using GSAK and LocusPro the way that I do, what do I gain by using GSAKdatabase for Locus and GeocachingforLocus?


Hi John

i do not use GSAK, so i didn´t know wich infos are insert in gpx file you create and export by GSAK and import this to locus.

Generaly use of addon GC4L with available internet connection outdoor is:

- searching for geocaches arround with filter option

- search cache by GC code

a.s.o., but this is not your usage.

for your use GC4L is needed for option "Offlinizer" loading and storing all images of a cache and "download logs" to get more than last 5 logs, without GC4L this options are not available!

For your info, the content of a cache is very different depending on file extension/format you import to locus ( PQ, gpx, link), so my workflow is: after i import caches to locus i run Offlinizer and update cache, so i am sure i have all pictures and all WPT´s offline available.

One additional hint for your "problem" unvisible photos in offline use you have seen before while you have been online, by default settings this photos are only temporary visible and not stored!

In locus directory you find a file, config.cfg there you can change


with an editor, so all photos you have seen once are stored and offline available


Doesnt time fly. I tried the 'offlineizer' and it did the trick.

This morning, I tried it again for a cachingtrip today but cant find the 'Offlineizer' button in Geocaching 4 Locus. Has it been scrapped?


Hi John,

the "Offlinizer" button is not in GC4L but in a cache detail menu (upper right corner) and in the tools menu of a points folder - check caches that you need to "offlinize" and tap "GC Offlinizer" button.


Good Morning Michal.


Got it.



I'm not sure GPX format can contain photos, maybe some links to photos in some external folder. GSAK add-on should import geocaches directly from your GSAK dtb stored on your SD card.


Thanks for the contributions. I am happy with the set up that I have now arranged.

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