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Where is stored local log state of geocache?

Geraod van Seltenmore shared this question 9 years ago

Where is stored local log state of geocache? Is it somewhere on Locus database and is it remembered forever? Is it backuped by Locus backup function? This question comes from my experience because earlier was found state in some text file connected to fieldnotes and now this file and connected found state is lost.

Replies (4)



- all field notes are stored in private database

- field notes database IS backuped by "Backup manager" function in Locus

- if you find a way, how "found" state is lost, let me know and I'll of course try to fix it.


Hello, thank you very much for the quick answer. Please tell me is there some way how to import older field notes to the database? I'm trying to do it manualy but it is very time consuming.


Hmm understand.

Currently Field notes in Locus are handled only in cache screen when you "log a cache". In next version will be also a small dialog in geocaching tools, where will be option to log caches in batch, or export them to text file. Anyway nothing more.

All main work with field notes may be done in special "add-on Field notes" created by independent developer Ormoru. I've added him into copy to this question, because your question is more on Jarda (Ormoru) as a developer of this add-on, then on me (as a developer of Locus).


Thank you again for the quick answer.

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