Wikipedia off-line

nicky shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

A pretty useful feature of the app "osmand" is to

- search off-line in implemented/downloaded and georeferenced wikipedia articles,

- show nearby wikipedia articles for each (tapped) point an the map.

Is there a way to achieve a similar functionality in Locus being able to jump to off-line wiki articles near a selected/searched point?

Replies (7)


Good day nicky,

offiline access to wikipedia articles is not currently supported by Locus Map application. We were already internally discuss about offline wikipedia articles (in Asamm team), but in the end we weren't sure if users will appreciate it.

Anyway I've changed your question to idea, so others may vote.


Hi Menion,

you and I had this topic many months ago (

You do not need to manage offline Wikipedia as such. Both, Aard2 and Kiwix do this job. Locus has to submit a meaningful query to them.

The "nearby" aspect you currently have implemented needs internet access. I think it's worth while working with the providers of Aard2 and Kiwix to make THEM build a feature that answers queries "give me all items that are near coordinate x,y, radius z". (I would hope Locus should cycle through z = 500m, 1km, 10km, 100km, is there are not enough matches.) Wikipedia does have the coordinates in some exposed filed, to their tools have easier access to it than you.




Thanks Michael for remind me this topic. It contains some useful information.

Because we were just today discuss about some options how to improve offline content in Locus or offline content of LoMaps Points, I'm sure this topic will comes to our internal discussion again (soon).




As for now a work-around to this is to share a searched/selected point from Locus to Osmand and show the description and nearby wiki aritcles in osmand.

But it'd be of course a much more "clean" solution to have such a thing directly in locus and not to have to make all those steps and switch forth and back ;)

Also listen by audio!

When you are at a new place you do not want to read about this place, you want to see the place and listen about it.

An "extension" to be able to directly listen to the selected wiki article by (bluetooth) audio - without having to copy/paste the text to a TTS-Reader - would round the thing up :)


@nicky, I can us my offline Wikipedia "nearly offline" with Locus, today. Only the DB lookup from WikiLocation needs network access, and the amount of data is minimal. When you scroll down to the Wikipedia link, tapping it goes to my Aard2, opening the arcticle in the language I chose for my initial search.

Not perfect, but I trust Menion will sort it over time.

Funny enough Kiwix is NOT offered as an alternative to Aard2. If you have enough space: Kiwix can also deal with offline images. Without images, the SLOB format is a bit more compact than the ZIM format, I have seen, not much, tough.


Hi Michael,

could you tell a little more about your solution on querying wikilocation from locus?


Let us check step by step:

- you know the search function in Locus I suppose

- tap the function button on the top right, the three stripes

- scrolling down you are offered Wikipedia, tap it

- the search button triggers the Wikilocation search, which currently needs internet access, and which should be local instead

- after some time you get a lost of Wikipedia entries

- tap one, scroll down and hit the url

- if you have Aard2 offline Wikipedia installed, you will see this besides browser based access

- enjoy



PS: the mapping of geo coordinates to Wikipedia entries nearby is the only missing piece, and this needs Menion's action


Thanks very much!


This may be possible completely offline now: On my system, I have Aard2 with German Wikipedia and hyperlinks to German Wikipedia are offered to be opened either in Aard2 or a web browser. As of Locus 4.26 a LoPoint can contain a link See more on Wikipedia – clicking that link shall allow to open the Wikipedia article offline in Aard2. I cannot try/verify because the link is to English Wikipedia which is quite fat so I do not want to download + install just for that test.

I'm not sure it makes sense to offer a configuration/setting what Wikipedia language LoPoints shall display and link to. At the one hand, it's probably trivial + fast to implement and also helpful for people not fluent in English (they directly see the entries they understand without a need to manually navigating there for each single article), at the other hand, to really implement this idea, Offline LoPoints would need to be provided in multiple languages...


In LM4 you can select the language of the Wikipedia lookup. I just tested to confirm.

I have both, DE and EN Aards in my device and it works like a charm.


We are currently rewriting the system of offline map content (LoPoints) in Locus for both Android and iOS. In the new version there will be Wikipedia content included in form of short texts - first paragraph of the page. So even without large offline content downloaded (Aard2) there will be something short in 7 languages. The language selection logic is simple, as far as I remember it is "give the client the language they asked for, if it is not available then English, if English is not available then nothing". (For me, e.g. French is not much useful). The link to full article offline should work too. The (partially) bad news is: There will be not all of Wikipedia geo-referenced articles. One of the reason is described here . Another reason why there will be categorized selection of articles linked to points is... management of chaos. The better part is that offline content will be a "mirror" of online content. So everything that is done online will be automatically available offline too. And lot of needed work is rather configuration and not too hard location based matching, it is just a lot of work for someone(me). I attach an example of such an excerpt.


@Michael: How can one cnfigure the language for Wikipedia lookup to work offline with Aard? 🤷‍♂ I did search English LM settings for "wiki" and "lang" but did not find the setting. Also, witin one online LoPoint, I did long press "See more on Wikipedia" without success. Only place I found a language choice was Search > Wikipedia, but this only works with internet connection, i.e. fetching the first few sentences from the internet, and only the final link to the full article opens in Aard.


Just tried to test, but it seems they Bröker the while thing befreien having the new solution.

Different from before there is no link to "more" but only http links that point to the internet.


Or do I miss a trick here, @Radim?


PS: I opened a ticket in the Kiwix forum. In second post asked for geo coordinate search fetaure.


Emmanuel answered lightning fast:


This will be in Kiwix 2.3 for Android... and later in other ports.

[feature-requests:#1006] Implement geo coordinate search

Status: open

Group: v1.0

Created: Thu Mar 02, 2017 06:41 PM UTC by Michael Bechtold

Last Updated: Thu Mar 02, 2017 06:41 PM UTC

Owner: nobody

Hi team,

Wikipedia as such seems to manage geo coordinates (at least they are presented separately top right).

Yet, Kiwix does not seem to support geo coordinate search. It would be

great to allow a query like "get me all articles that are in radius z

around point x,y".

It would be an extension to the indexing you do anyway, I guess.

TXs and cheers



This will make life much easier in the Locus world, hopefully.


Great idea. Also would be nice to be able to show wikipedia entries as POI. Useful when exploring new area.

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