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would it be better that the creation timestamp for a copied track be the current date/time?

Andrew Heard shared this question 9 years ago

I have an existing track with a creation date/time of when I "navigated" the track. I want to create a fresh copy of the track for a new ride, and would expect the copy to have its creation date/time set to the current clock date/time. However the copied track creation timestamp is simply copied exactly from the original track. This doesn't seem intuitive or useful to me. If I compare this with creating a copy of an Android or Windows file, the new file creation timestamp is the current clock date/time. I could export/ edit/ re-import the track but this shouldn't be necessary.


There is a related topic here.

Replies (4)


Nice explanation. Agree, improved.


Too easy. I thought there may be some other "legacy" reason to keep your current scheme. Often conflicting user requirements. I used to maintain a PC program that was 15 years old. Everytime we added a new feature we generally "broke" an existing function no-one thought was used anymore. So hard ;-(

BTW this change may help @Cegam in his related topic here. He would just need to copy his imported GPX to a new track and delete the import. I'll post to him.


Menion, I don't think this has been fixed, right? The copy still keeps the creation date of the parent...

If it is not possible, what about an option to sort by Last Modified Date?



I really wrote "improved" three years ago? Interesting :).

Anyway, sort by "Last updated" is possible. Sorting list is already a little long, so I'll have to add some sub-menu. Not a bit problem I believe.

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