Would it be possible to get a widget for starting and stopping Live Tracking ?

Sean shared this idea 10 years ago
Gathering feedback

Would it be possible to get a widget for starting and stopping Live Tracking ? I use the tracking quite alot and it is a little cumbersome to start/stop. A widget would be just great. Thanks - Locus is great...

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Replies (8)


I'd like this very much also, also with the possibility to add widgets for different profiles.

The possibility to start and stop live tracking would enable tracking client visits etc, especially if extended to multiple profiles.


Interesting idea.

Because there is currently (at least as I know) no simple usable public service for Locus Live tracking, this feature currently have no big support from dev team side.

Anyway this may change. For now I'll leave this idea open to see how many people is interested in improving of Live tracking


Would be be possible to do this through the API ? are there any examples of how to do a widget for the Locus API. I'm not much good at Android SDK but I would have a try and would be happy to share. :-)


Hello Sean,

this is very interesting idea. Unfortunately Locus API is currently working in this way only to track recording, not Live tracking.

There is quite more tasks to do around Live tracking. Except this, there is missing some security mechanism, more variables, easier configuration and more.

For me it's good news last weeks, that I see bigger and bigger interest in this feature. If this will continue, I'm sure, that I'll do improvements in this area during next months.


Have to bring back this idea and want to ask for a similar solution.

Currently it's possible to set "autostart" for a live tracking profile.

Unfortunately the record widget ignores this.

My question now:

After tap record on the widget - is it possible to check for an livetracking autostart profile and start live tracking too?


I'm currently silently working on one feature, that may be connected also to this one, so that is why I do not gave you any feedback here till now.

Anyway because autostart for Live tracking is very simple and really just during start of main map screen check, if is any profile define and if so, it just start it, I think, it should be logical if autostart apply also on start of track recording.

On second side, i have to try it, because it may be a more complicated to end live tracking when you control only track recording over widget. Hmm ..


Not exactly what this topic require, but since next version will be possible for every recording profile define, which live tracking profile should start/stop together with track recording.


including start record from widget? ...and stop?

it sounds like so. :)


if anyone is still interested in 5 year old request, the new tasker locus plugin can achieve this easily now...

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