Wrong navigation waypoint icons displayed if track contains mixture of POI & navigation waypoints

Andrew Heard shared this problem 8 years ago

When an existing track contains a mixture of navigation & POI waypoints, the WAYPOINTS list displays all icons from general POI/Locus list. Go to track list > tap existing track > tap WAYPOINTS, observe navigation waypoints have wrong icons:


If track contains only navigation waypoints or only POI waypoints the correct icons are displayed.

Workaround: if I now force Locus to repaint all icons by editing any waypoint, the navigation waypoints have correct icons:


Have checked on a few different tracks which contain mixture of POI & navigation waypoints, simple/ complex, old/ new. Same problem.

Replies (2)


Hello Andrew,

I never saw such problem on own device. What should I do, to achieve same problem? If I generate track by any routing service (so track contains navigation waypoints) and then manually add some custom points, icons are correct for navigation and also custom points. Thanks


Hi menion - the track from screen capture came from RWGPS w/o further modification in Locus. Could the problem be related to the size (# points) in the track? The example track is ~400km long with ~4 pages of points. I can email you the GPX. I have also just discovered if I simply turn off & on the display the waypoint list is immediately fixed - does code repaint list when display turned on?

So I created a simple track direct in Locus, single nav point, and added single basic point - no problems.

Then I created a simple track in RWGPS & import to Locus, single nav point & single basic point - also no problems.



as I see, even you have a problems to simulate this issue. Hmm, yes please, send me GPX file, so I may try it on my own. And yes, list should be refreshed when screen turn off/on. Thanks


Incorrect, I don't have problems. Consistent error & easy to reproduce once conditions are known.


@menion - although listed as fixed in beta I can still reproduce this bug with simple RWGPS tracks. Import TCX from this simple route.

Initial list f50b99602e96e6d0487a39386c67a17f

After refreshb8da19bd183d5029d10ae469b9810387


Interesting that I'm unable to simulate it. Hmm ... let's wait on next version, because I'm not 100% sure if didn't made some more changes (fixes) right after release of this Beta version, thanks.


Hello Andrew,

did you noticed any troubles with waypoint icons with latest Beta version of Locus Map I have no more feedback from You, so I hope all works fine now.


Unfortunately same behavior in With that wrong icon (with red rectangle) when I turn off display then back on again, list is repainted with correct icon. The correct icons are available when any waypoint is edited. You have the simple track/ route, but is there anything else I can provide to help?


Hmm may you share with me please any GPX/TCX I may use for test? Seems link to track above does not work anymore, thanks.


Test file attached.

I know there is a workaround, but for a GPS-related forum, would be less confusing if a user could directly attach GPX/ TCX files instead of having to put inside ZIP or add a fudge file extension.


Hmm I think that problem has to be in TCX import. No matter what I do, when I've imported your GPX file, I always get correctly look as on your "initial! screenshot. May you please attach TCX file instead? Thanks Andrew!


>"initial! screenshot

Initial/ first screenshot is the bad one. The second screenshot is the good one. "2nd exit B" should be "right turn icon" not "half green circle" icon. Yes - if I export as TCX from Locus then re-import, bug does not occur. Only native export from RWGPS causes the problem.

I had to recreate the RWGPS route sorry - original deleted. Now 2nd and 3rd icons are both initially empty circle icons, then after display refresh both become correct straight ahead icon.

I also note (different issue) that 2nd icon "danger" is red diamond inside red square (correct) with native RWGPS import, but after re-import it becomes red flag icon, same as start/ end icons, which is wrong.

Thanks for help.useresponse link. 7 months ago - poor response - they could learn a lesson from fast Locus support.


To defence on user-response support ...

  • they work really fast in case of any problem
  • mentioned topic is idea so they just collect voices
  • compare to me, they have precise plan and this more then me before they add new feature :)
  • an finally, based on their last response in mentioned topic, I made change in code of this web page so maybe it will work now as well here ...

Back to topic. Thanks for a file.

  • when I import it, both middle points on the map has icon of "straight" command
  • same in list of waypoints
  • same after refresh of this list (add/edit waypoint)
  • in TCX is only information that affect icon '<PointType>Straight</PointType>', so icon is correct

So this TCX is fine, I do not see any problem. Previous GPX was also fine. There needs to be some different TCX file you had troubles with some time ago :).


Testing with I've made an important discovery in how to reproduce this bug: ensure the track is not visible on the map before you display the waypoints tab. If the track is displayed on the map, and/or the track is marked visible, then the icons are displayed correctly.

Bad icons:


After refresh:


Does that help?


Nope, but thanks for a try :). I'm almost sure that I know from where problem may come, but issue was causes during import of file. Later export won't help me here.

I consider this as minor problem so just please remember, if same problem happen again and you will have original file you've used for import, just attach it here please, thanks.


I did attach the original TCX download from RWGPS. Yes, minor problem but it happens with every route created by RWGPS and exported as TCX file . Try the original route here.


Hmm all these information probably pointed me on correct place of problem. It was in import of TCX where by "accident" was to navigation points attached also icon, which lead to original attach icon visible in case, points were not yet fully initialized (placed on map).

Thanks, so hopefully last try with next version. You have patience :).


Sorry but same issue in Are you sure you are testing with track NOT visible?


Yep I'm sure ...

Anyway giving up this for now ... I'm sure it will be solved over time. Thanks for patience for now ...

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