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Zoom levels are too demanding

Nick Suter shared this problem 7 years ago

A few years ago, on my Galaxy S5, I was able to use images with zoom level 17 without issue. Now I can barely scroll around - literally - with zoomed 15, 16 & un-zoomed 17.

I made some notes on levels that work, with 'no' meaning it is so slow its unusable.

14 - 100% yes (ok)

14 - 200% yes (slower)

14 - 400% yes (even slower & blury)

14 - 800% no (impossible to use & very blury)

15- 100% yes

15 - 200%yes

15 - 300%yes

15 - 400%no

16 - 100% yes

16 - 200% no

16 - 300% no

17 - 50% yes

17 - 100%no

The sqlitedb are created with Mobac and are in the maps folder.

The sample files are tiny, and even when I created 600MB files, with 10k+ files the behaviour was the same - it didn't make a difference even if the db file was only 20 level 17's. I've played around with 'maps -> advanced -> increased map resolution' but it made no difference and all it seems to do is automatically zoom for me rather than switching to the next zoom level.

Is there anything I can do to make these perform faster? I used to be able to load up a level 17 and zoom right in much more detail - huts etc.

Sample Files:

Thank you for any help!

Replies (19)


Good day Nick,

please firstly check if there isn't any huge number of points/tracks visible on the map. Laso you may try to disable shading if enabled.

Let me know if it helped. Otherwise I'll try to test your sample map.

Thank you.


Hi Menion, this is without any tracks or points loaded. Just a single sqlite db map.


Interesting. I've placed your four maps into Locus/maps/map_test directory and they works without any problems as a single maps. With higher scaling (like 17/800%), maps are faster and faster, there is no reason why should not be.

Is same problem with different maps? This will be probably something other then "map problem". You may check , but probably all is disabled in your case.

I plan for today new Beta version of app, so it is possible that I send you one special version of Locus Map Free for a test that tell us (probably), where is a problem?


Wow, 17/800% is smooth?! I literally can not move the map at all at 17/100%. My Galaxy S5 is a fresh re-install with only a few apps on it. Yes the same thing occurs for nztopo maps (I just put a tiny nztopo sample "1T.sqlitedb" into the google Drive folder).

Yes I can run a test version if you provide a link to the APK.

Thank you very much for looking into this!


Oh and to add, I do not have map shading, map color mode or speed auto-zoom enabled, or any other layers or vector maps enabled.


Not to derail you, but I installed Locus Beta from the app store and 17/800% works fine - nice and smooth.

Locus Pro still does not work. They are both 3.29.2 and both working directory /sdcard/Locus

I copied and zipped these files for you:

Locus.7z - /sdcard/Locus (which both the pro and beta version are using) - from /sdcard1/Android/data - from /sdcard1/Android/data

I notice there is no\cache\images_int

Any other files/folders you would like?


Hello Nick,

you seems to be quick and experienced user, nice :).

Seems that zip file was not attached, anyway correct fact that both versions share same directory mean, that problem won't be in maps itself.

I have two things to try for you:

  • start Pro version, start menu > more > backup manager > backup of settings. This create new backup in "backup" directory. Then close Pro and start Free (beta) version and in same backup manager tap on "Restore" and choose previous backup from Pro version. After restart ... how does it work?
  • second thing should be to try to close Pro version and temporary rename "Locus/mapItems" directory. Here are usually some points/tracks/maps for a quick usage that in case of huge number, may cause slowdown of app.


I know a little about Android. The zips are on the share from my first post.

Backing and restoring settings from Pro to Beta ruined Beta! So there must be a setting which is causing this problem.

Any idea which it could be? Where is the settings file? I have root access. In /data/data/

Locus/mapItems is empty (I didn't empty it).

In Beta, I reset settings via Settings -> Misc -> Reset and clicked restart app.

Beta crashed on restart. So I started Beta manually and it went through the guided setup. Of course, 17/800% works fine again.


Perfect, this is a progress!

Now, most simply step ... if possible, share with me this settings. I'll try to restore it on own device with hope, it will do same issue on my device as well.

If this won't work, we now have Beta version that has this problem as well, so we may apply one more method, but this later.

Thanks for patiance Nick!


No problems, thank you for the help. I have a big tramp coming up in a few days. I can always reset my settings, but for now have not. Attached is the bad config backup.


Hello Nick,

thanks it helped. Issue simulated. Please try to disable distance rings and also time rings. It should solve your problem for now.

I'll try to fix this to next Locus Map version.

Let me know if it helped,



Ah your right! It was just distance rings. Wow, one small setting and I didn't realize. Thanks for the help. I can do without them for my tramp :)


Oh what also was interesting, I am not even near the map area. I am thousands of miles away. So the rings are only drawn at my location (USA), and not what I was looking at on the map (NZ). Perhaps determine if the rings are visible based on the screen location vs user location - and if not, do not even bother calculating them (and drawing them).


Yes, this is THE problem. You may use them without worry in case, your current location is visible on the map or close to current map view. In case, rings should be draw somewhere far away, it starts to cause such problems.

I expected that Android will take care about it and won't try to draw anything on the screen if it is completely out of screen, but seems I was wrong. Anyway issue alread fixed so in next version it will be ok!


Thanks Menion- Nice work! Now I'd love the new version released before I go on my tramp in 3 days! :)


Hehe ... new version will be unfortunately published at start of March (most probably).

So suggestion: keep stick with map center to current GPS location or for planning just disable GPS ;).

Once more thanks NIck for help with finding such serious problem and enjoy your trip!



I hate to keep bumping this post - but I can use the Beta version with the fix if you extend its expiration to 3/10/18


I'll most probably publish another Beta version soon with extended expiration time. Anyway even after Beta version expire, it will still work as basic Locus Map Free app ( Beta works same as Locus Map Pro ).

Anyway, I really believe that with knowledge of problem source, it is not a big problem to use current Pro version, right? Thanks for understanding.



Yes, I understand I can use Pro when I am at the location :)No problems, do whatever you like with Beta release. Thanks for helping me solve this!

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