Tracking: Add waypoints by map or individual coordinates

Guest shared this idea 8 years ago
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I really like the already working option to add New points/photos/videos during Tracking and that these points are saved in the track's file!

But right now these points always contain the coordinates of my actual GPS-position. These is of course the prefered method! But sometimes I want to add waypoints by marking a positition on the map (for example to save a Waypoint which is 50 Meters off my path). Or to save a Waypoint which is defined by special coordinates I want to enter.

Yes - I could add individual Waypoints by "Menu/Add new point" which already support these methods. But I don't want to save individual waypoints but want to save them within my track file.

Replies (7)


In track recording field (widget). "Fast and direct."

- Keep: (Quick) Add Point button -> by actual gps position. (=ontrackpoint)

- Add: (Free) Add Point button -> by on map selection. (=freepoint)

Save Record: Merge track and points. (ontrack and free points)


Hmm...shouldn't the votes of +/- similar idea be merged ?

Related with:

Actually Locus can't merge points and tracks (from folders) into a single gpx track. (. kmz = temp. solution).

Actual Locus version 3.6.1 Manual:

See zip: A "Free" Waypoint was added (merged) in a Locus recorded track by (pc) 'gpx editor"


A change in v3.6.1 or before ? In recorded "ontrack" waypoint the timestamp is the save time now ? Any reason for the change ? Someone asked ? In (a) previous version, waypoint record by tap + point copied the gps position AND gps timestamp, or a full association with at same position and time recorded trkpt.


Hi, I think this idea is not "similar" to Andrew's idea and not even to 0709 idea about merging. Point here is just ability to create a free waypoint attached to track during recording as 0709 show on updated screenshot.

Times of waypoints ... I think it should not be a problem. Or did you found any? Export to TCX for back re-import works correctly as exported time is also correct.


Hi, ok..

-Not similar ? ok discussion. If all realised, no problem ;-) ;-)

-Wpt timestamp no direct operational problem. Only "more nice" (natural), maybe is also a good argument ? Point recorded at the same position/time as trkpt (sitting on top of it) should have same timestamp I think, no ? As it was in some (a) previous version. How I found ? Before sharing the above zip with tracks I double checked (not bringing false story), searched by waypoint timestamp but did not find a correct match with trkpt. That's how I discovered.


Yes Menion is right, no new feature, just implement the posibility to change the location of a waypoint added *using the tracking-panel*.

I'm using the "Side panel" (not the "Bottom panel") for tracking. If I click at "Add new point", a dialog opens where I can see greyed out coordinates of my actual position. Just add the possibility to change these coordinates to individual coordinates or coordinates defined by selecting on map.


Also use "tracking panel" = sidepanel. For the screenshot demo only, pictured with bottom panel.

Greyed out ? Tapping location:"Action not possible. Point is not stored in database."

- (Quick) Add ontrack point is possible during biking, but to edit before saving, I must halt for safety reasons. Later in time and position.

- Add Free waypoint by map selection: I can't during bike drive and moving .


@ sonny.

Your specific wish: Change location of a waypoint added 'using the tracking panel'. To edit point (location/symbol etc) it must be stored into "Points" database. Export track with merged point to gpx -> reimport, split up into track and points folder, then edit point. Problem: Separated points-track can't be rejoined by Locus into a single gpx file. Or please add vote to not related idea:


Yes, the coordinates shouldn't be greyed out, also not on editing a track. Then we'd also have implemented.


3 Ideas implemented with one single change - go for it! ;)


@sonny @ Andrew. Yes yes, agree is better, no extra button.

+ Add point = The center cross position, mostly but not necessarily the gps position, as suggested by Andrew should indeed fulfill all needs. So forget extra button. @ Andrew: added +1 Vote in your idea. I had to read this more attentive before ;-)


Menion, could you please answer me one question:

Why must the coordinates be greyed out when editing a waypoint (= point that is part of track, but not one of the trackpoints that make up the track). I remember you recently wrote me they're stored independently - then I don't understand why their position can't be edited? You would make a few people very happy, I think ;)


I'd like to try to explain again why I (and others obviously) think it's important to have free waypoints in a track:

The basic reasoning is that the Locus DB should only contain static geographic locations, like a mountain, or a bus stop, or a hotel. A track on the other hand has a time component: It describes where I was at a certain point in time. Now there's a lot of things that happened somewhere along the track that I want to be able to save.

So a POI (Point of Interest) in the DB is a location ("crossing"), a routepoint in a route (= track without times) is also a location ("turn right here"), but a waypoint in a track (= recording) is an event with time and location ("I turned right here at this point in time").

[Yes, we can argue about all the words, but it should be understandable what I mean]

So when I make a rest during a hike somewhere on a trail, that would be a waypoint. It makes no sense to put it in the DB, because it's not a resting place, it's just a place where this one time I stopped. This also means that, when editing, a waypoint's datetime shouldn't change - I might just change the icon later, but the time of the rest didn't change. When editing a point in the DB, the time indicates how up-to-date the information in it is, so setting it to now is correct. Of course, if we have created and modified times for both, that's sufficient - although for a waypoint, the created time would be the one to be used primarily.

Perhaps this makes it clearer why some of use argue so vigorously about this - I think some people are not aware of the differences between all these kinds of points.

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