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Picture for points location

Jelle Ruben shared this question 2 years ago

Is it possible to set-up the location for the pictures. So you can use it for the points?

I have now the follow problem. On my smartphone I have saved some pictures by a point. It saved in the folder:

/storage/9C33-6BBD/00 GPX/Oostenrijk/Grunwaldsee.jpg

If I want to sync the point with my tablet. The sync of the points work fine, and I know I must copy the pictures to the tablet.

But I can't make the folder. Because /storage/9C33-6BBD/ is a sd card on my smartphone.

The only way now is to change manuell all of the points.

Is there an easy way to adjust the points with the pictures?

Replies (2)


a sort of mass edit POI of where pictures are stored

so in your case you want to batch edit any reference to /storage/9C33-6BBD/

to become /sdcard/Pictures/ ot similar

At the moment the full path to POI attachments are in each POI

what would be better is a a variable "attachment location"

ie /storage/9C33-6BBD/

and the have that inserted to the beginning of each POI image URI

so if the images were synced manually to each device, the POI would then show.

However, this is just a patch, what would be better is a full cloud POI attachment syncing, so this wouldnt be needed.

as per recent post


Hello, I think this idea is just great and hope that it will be implemented. Not only that the online version of LM is upgraded, it also becomes a media stage to show others what everything Was photographed and marked. Future? In my opinion, it is definitely a premium function!


VG Richard

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ich finde diese Idee einfach toll und hoffe das es umgesetzt wird. Nicht nur das die Online Version von LM aufgewertet wird, es wird auch zu einer medialen Bühne um anderen zu zeigen was alles

Fotographiert und Markiert wurde. Zukunft?

Das sowas auch Speicher, Geld und Entwicklungszeit kostet ist es meiner Meinung nach definitiv eine Premium Funktion!


VG Richard


It may be a premium function.


Or, that the pictures stored in the folder of Locusmap it self. So the sync goes good.


Theres several ways to go about it

1. split geotagegd POI/Local photos and have them in a folder, and have locus look at the folder and geotag

along with this, have photo attachment to POI/Trackpoints behave like lopoint photo attachments

as in you upload to locus, and just have thumbnail on device, and full image downloads as its called.

this would take some migrating of trackpoint/poi attachments but would make everything work with the complications of newer android versions.

big advantage is that it would be easy to see them on web planenr and syncing would be easy

2 improve the image URI of the attachments, to enable updating location, and have individual image locations relative to a master folder in the devices configuration

the images in this folder wouldnt be synced to locus server, they could be in a folder outside of locus even and would be a bit like normal images that are searched by the geotag function. this would mean that they dont sync to devices, and arent available by webplanner

syncing of the master images/attachments would be outside of locus, perhaps done by foldersync and google drive. which is how people are doing at the moment.

3 implement a 3rd party image hosting, like integrating with google photos, I think Menion has vetoed this idea. The URI of the google photos image would be attached to the point, whats missing is colelcting the thumbnail.

Also main problem is that were relying n a google serve, and google has a habbit of changing services, and a lot of people wont want to put up with privacy issues of google photos.


The easy way is to add / enable a picture location


Jelle, How do you mean, picture location is already there.


Picture location, where the pictures are stored. I can find the settings of it.


I see what you mean

not picture location, as where picture taken

but location of default pictures/attachments for POI and trackpoints

I ve always used a Pictures folder, and added attachments to existing POI from this folder

but this wont work in Android 12, at least with the play store version.

This would be a usefull setting, butmay be limited


This settings would be nice, especially if you want to sync with other devices.

So you can set a standard (same) folder on your Smartphone and Tablet.


It would fix some things in the short term,


Hi guys,

this is a very complicated topic. We plan to analyze and do something with it this year (not 100% guaranteed).

Anyway Jelle, app already tries to detect change in photo directories automatically. Change of SD card or transfer between internal/SD card while keeping relative path was missing. I made some improvement here so your photos should work correctly in the next (Beta also) version. So let me know later if it works correctly.


Menion, I would be interested to help in any way...


Thanks. There is currently nothing to discuss.


Allright, I shall wait for the update.. So I hope it change the path automatic. Thanks for your answer.

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