Syncing photos to web

Askja Vjp shared this idea 2 years ago
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Hi the photos that are in the attachment of user points or tracks do not show up even though the points/tracks are there on the web.

I take the photos directly in the app and then write in the description box some info while I am tracking a trail. I would like to be able to access the photos straight away on the web after the track has been synced.

Replies (4)


This is an idea, not a problem

as this feature isnt there yet.


Opportunities do exist. However, no standard has ever been proposed for this and there is no initiative to do so.
Still, you can effectively test something and see a result. Similar to kml/kmz but here by gpx/gpz.
So the gpz file attached here does include a photo. You open this directly in the gpx viewer app (if installed).

If you change the extension to zip, you can also import it into Locus. Make sure you don't activate your unzipper app first. That's why the gpz extension is prefered. So link your favourite gps app to this extension. Is this offered by any app ? future? No, due to insufficient interest also no such app development nor any such offer seems to exist.


as long as the file path was the same

ie /sdcard/Locus/media

not /storage/SDCARDNAME THATDOESNT EXIST/Media or similar

then you could use foldersync to upload media to google drive, and sunc back to other device

the attachment thumbnail and media path is synced with locus, and this would sync the images


Hi Alistair.
I guessed for a moment, but I did think you were going to pick this up quickly ;-) What I show is bu a gpx link to a photo in the gpz (zip) file itself already present. This can also be a photo in a folder, well of course if the link is correct. This works completely offline via a gpz (zip) file. The proposal via internet link is certainly possible. Provided there is an online connection to the relevant photo location. Anyway good luck and a lot of patience with your attempts.


So what youre saying is a bit like this

There are a lot of problems with photos now, especially sunce Android 12 problems, but also because of locus cloud options, but the locus team have a lot of other projects, so its not a simole one.

My only objection to the gpx/kml options is that they arent useable by other image viewer apps, so it means keeping locus photo POI along with other photos,

big advantage of the geotagged photo layer is that it works with existing photo library....

big problem with photo library is that you have to keep it all on phone, and the issue with A12.

But i dont think the locus team are going to let us store 20gb+ of photos on their servers.....

thats why some of my otehr ideas have been using dropbox or google photos, so it provides images that sync, but integrates with existing photos collections...


You should be able to choose where to save photos. When I assign a photo to a point, I want to save it in Locus and nowhere else. A bathing spot or another point for me where I want a picture. I will only need these pictures in Locus, so they should only be stored there. So I save Locus files and everything is together.


are you assigning a point, or taking a new photo for that point.

if assigning, then you have already taken lots of photos which problbably exist already.

some people might want to assign hundreds of points at once by going through the photomap layer, so locus needs to acecss the photo collection

problem then comes with Android 12, or people who are using google photos because of the way android has may storing photos locally difficult.....

from your usuage, if you want photos available on other devices, then its just a case of synicg the photos.

but as locus can assign a photo thats in a folder not in locus, not so straight forward.


do I understand this correctly. If I already have a photo in google photos or in a folder for Handy Fotogalery. Then this is a problem with A12 ?
My wish would be then that the photo is copied to Locus when assigning and saved there.
Do you have an example of use where you want to assign hundreds of photos. Gladly also in the forum by message. I do not want to disturb the topic here.


freischneider, have sent PM via the forum....


I don't want to set up a new "idea". Therefore, I would like to extend this to synchronize photos of photos stored in the phone.


I would like to bring this idea back in the foreground. Is there an update?


Any news on this? I wanted to use Locus instead of Strava to keep track of my activities and trips and this is kind of a dealbreaker. I want to have photos synced to the track recording. Any ETA on this feature? Thanks


Hi, this is hard one. This feature is among our key priorities, but it is quite clear now, we will not be able to work on it during the winter and have it ready for next spring, as we have huge amount of work on tasks which must be done prior this one (both from project and technical standpoint). So ETA? Lets hope sometime next year - that is all what I would dare to say right now. For sure it wasn't forgotten though.


I think this should be delayed as it seems that it would be part of

The viewranger cloud photos wasnt that good as you didnt have an easy way to sync/retrieve, and the currnet android limitations make current photos and locus practically unusable...

Its a pity we cant integrate with google photos....


You cannot bind a locus function to a third-party service, not everyone has or wants to use Google Photos, but it's the same for doropbox, one, amazon etc.

Although it is useful, but perhaps not for everyone, such a service would require Locus to permanently host much more data in the cloud than the little currently needed, it is not a trivial step especially if not all users are interested in this function.
You could use a sort of cache, I open the track that contains the images on the web, I am asked with a popup if I want to upload the photos, then I temporarily synchronize only those photos and view them on the web, thus solving both space problems and moving images elsewhere from your device.


Syncing photos to web would have to be optional...

But as locus already connects to 3rd party services, google photos would only be an option, to then pass a thumbnail back to the poi/trackpoint....

It is possible at the moment with dropbox using the URL field of POI, to point to the url of an image in dropbox,

more difficult with google photos in current state,

The thing is when people take photos with a phone, some of those photos, like days out with family, are personal photos, but they might also have POI use, so for some people keeping the same photo storage system would make sense...and just link specific photos to the poi...

But photo access is a huge problem in android, and for a lot of people that had poi with links to photos in specific folder on sd card, a lot of these have been broken.....

There are otehr services that access a variety of photo services, so im sugegsting both locus cloud for storage, like current lopoint photos are, but to save load on locus servers, and to keep photo library consistant to allow use with google photos.

ie if you used locus to sync photos, you would have a synced copy of photos inside locus, and on locus cloud, and on other synced devices.....if you used google photos you would just have the thumbnail and photo stored remotely.....

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