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[CZ] Samsung Galaxy Watch s 4 Locus Map Watch nejde spustit mapa
Dobrý den,
Používám Locus MAP ver 4.11.2 na Telefonu Samsung Galaxy S10e s Android 12 a One UI 4.1
Používal jsem i aplikaci pro hodinky Samsung Galaxy Watch (OS Tizen) a vše fungovalo o.k.
Nyní jsem zakoupil hodinky Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 (Wear OS) stáhl jsem si aplikaci Locus Map Watch pro Wear OS. Když aplikaci v hodinkách spustím, nezobrazí se mi mapa a za cca 5 sekund: Chyba Spojení se ztratilo. Zkontrolujte prosím nastavení blouetooth a zkuste znovu. Bluetooth je na obou zařízeních zapnut a s ostatními aplikacemi funguje.
Děkuji za radu.
Dobrý den,
bohužel Google nám z nějakého absurdního důvodu odmítá schválit novou verzi aplikace pro Wear OS. Stáhněte si ji tedy z našeho repozitáře a nainstalujte do hodinek ručně. Tento problém by měl být v nové verzi opraven.
Dobrý den,
bohužel Google nám z nějakého absurdního důvodu odmítá schválit novou verzi aplikace pro Wear OS. Stáhněte si ji tedy z našeho repozitáře a nainstalujte do hodinek ručně. Tento problém by měl být v nové verzi opraven.
Ok guys, this is a HUGE problem. I don't know if others reported this yet, but your Locus Map add on for Wear does NOT work on any new Galaxy Watch 5 watches, any Samsung 4 Watches updated to Wear OS 3.5 and potentially on any upcoming watches like Pixel Watch that will be running Wear 3.5 and above. They all display blank map with bluetooth connection error. As many of us being reliant on this fantastic Locus Maps for many years, this needs to be addressed asap as we use our watches for outdoor activities rather than taking out our huge phones everytime we miss a turn.
Ok guys, this is a HUGE problem. I don't know if others reported this yet, but your Locus Map add on for Wear does NOT work on any new Galaxy Watch 5 watches, any Samsung 4 Watches updated to Wear OS 3.5 and potentially on any upcoming watches like Pixel Watch that will be running Wear 3.5 and above. They all display blank map with bluetooth connection error. As many of us being reliant on this fantastic Locus Maps for many years, this needs to be addressed asap as we use our watches for outdoor activities rather than taking out our huge phones everytime we miss a turn.
I reported this issue in the general forum too:
Wear OS 3.5 breaks the add on completely so updated GW4, GW5 and (probably) upcoming watches don't work. The latest 1.4.4 version (installable through ADB) has same problem, it does not work.
I reported this issue in the general forum too:
Wear OS 3.5 breaks the add on completely so updated GW4, GW5 and (probably) upcoming watches don't work. The latest 1.4.4 version (installable through ADB) has same problem, it does not work.
Same issue with galaxy watch 5 here. ADB 1.3
Same issue with galaxy watch 5 here. ADB 1.3
Hi guys,
finally, we managed to find the cause of all these problems - the faulty latest Wear OS build. Last night a new API was released so we are working on its implementation. So far all tests look promising so hopefully, we'll publish a new version of the Locus Map Watch for Wear OS soon.
Hi guys,
finally, we managed to find the cause of all these problems - the faulty latest Wear OS build. Last night a new API was released so we are working on its implementation. So far all tests look promising so hopefully, we'll publish a new version of the Locus Map Watch for Wear OS soon.
I look forward
I look forward
NEW 1.5.0 version
Solves the problem at least in my GW4 with Wear OS 3.5.
Great JOB, thank you!
NEW 1.5.0 version
Solves the problem at least in my GW4 with Wear OS 3.5.
Great JOB, thank you!
Zdravím Radku,
konečně se nám povedlo protlačit náš jedenáctý pokus na Google Play přes jejich podivnou kontrolu, hurá. Takže snad vše bude nyní s poslední verzí fungovat.
we finally managed to push our eleventh attempt to Google Play past their weird review, yay. So hopefully everything will work now with the latest version.
Zdravím Radku,
konečně se nám povedlo protlačit náš jedenáctý pokus na Google Play přes jejich podivnou kontrolu, hurá. Takže snad vše bude nyní s poslední verzí fungovat.
we finally managed to push our eleventh attempt to Google Play past their weird review, yay. So hopefully everything will work now with the latest version.
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