Bosch connect KIOX integration

Michael shared this idea 4 years ago
Gathering feedback


any plans to connect with Bosch Connect (Kioks/Nyon).


Replies (14)


Hello Michael,

as I quickly check, we speak about a special eBike device right? There are no direct plans to connect such specialized hardware, sorry.

Jiří M. aka Menion


Hey Menion,

thanks for your quick reply.

Well is not really special It's very wide spreaded like garmin and polar that you support.

Therefore I'm wondering why it's not support because is leading the eBike scene as Pedelec supplier.

I think a bt connect interface would be just enough to query a few information like speed, heart rate, cadence and transfer the GPS date of the route to Locus.




I'm trying to find out if this is really possible and I see that direct connection from Android device is currently used only with their own Android application. I see here a big difference compare to existing POLAR etc support. These various sensors are directly made as a source of data for other apps, so they use the standard BT interface. WIth Bosch Kiox it is different. It is already a final product that consume data from other sensors and I'm not sure that any 3rd party app may simply connect and read it's data.

So sorry, for now, I do not think it will be done in the near future. Thanks for understanding.



Hey Menion,

sorry for my late response.

For clarification: with KIOX you can't navigate.

It's about to connect both apps Locus Map and Bosch eBike Connect to transfer routing (track) information to LocusMap. I.e Komoot does this already.

But It seems you understood it already. Maybe it's needed to get in contact with Bosch.



Hi Menion,

I reopen this topic as I have bought a brand new VAE using the latest KIOX system which is now able to display navigation on it.

Currently, Bosch eBike Connect (the application provided by Bosch for their systems) can be connected via bluetooth with a smartphone containing a navigation system (Locus Maps for us) and displays the navigation instructions directly on the KIOX screen.

They are currently providing the connection to the 'Komoot' application.

Maybe they have developped an API which allows to get navigation instructions from navigation systems to display it on their screen, and it will be nice to have this kind of feature so we can connect our Locus Maps application directly.

Can you get in touch with Bosch to be able to connect to Locus Maps in their Bosch eBike Connect application?

So maybe it will be possible to connect also Locus Maps and not only 'Komoot' to their application.




Hello Laurent,

thanks for extra information. We plan to invest a time to a lot better support for sensors & e-bikes next year 2021.



Hi Menion,

Thanks for your answer.

I think that the connection used by the Bosch Kiox is both ways, that means that you can retrieve information from the Bosch Kiox as speed, cadence, and input some data to it as the navigation information.

If you have a look at the Bosch displays here, if you put your mouse on the 'i' icon next to 'Third-party apps' you can see that there are already many smartphone applications.

So hopefully next year we can get something intersting with Locus Map and Bosch e-bikes and probably other e-bikes systems.


Seconding this. Any news?


Hi Menion,

Any news about le Boch eBike connection ?

I have seen that you have released a new version of the App which is version 4, but the eBike connection is still missing.

This is more than 8 months that I do not use Locus Map anymore as I have conflicts with the GPS sharing between Locus Map Pro and the Bosch eBike app with Bluetooth connection.

I have downloaded instead Komoot as it is fully compatible with Bosch eBike App. I use it everytime I go out for a ride and have event paid the 29€ for the world map.

I would really like to go back to Locus Map, v4 and even pay for the gold member to get access to every functionnality, but the Bosch eBike is still missing.

Do you have any plans ? Any date when the application will be compatible with Bosch eBike App ?



Hello Laurent,

I do not like promises so I won't do that. Anyway right now I'm working on completely new system for work with sensors. Once, all current sensors will work, next step is support for Power meter and improvements in dashboard. Support for additional sensors, eBikes etc may comes later. It will anyway depends on few factors, also complexity of implementation. This anyway needs to be examined first.



Hello Menion,

I come back to you regarding this thread.

Have you been able to implement the new system for sensors?

Do you have a plan for eBike sensors too? And when?

Hope to hear good news soon from you.





let me bump this one 😀

Currently I've to use Komoot for planning my bike tours as this is the only app able syncing with the Bosh systems, in my case the Nyon. I really don't like Komoot and want to use LocusMaps for this. For details see:




Hi Matthias,

You have exactly the same issue as me and This is a long time I am waiting for this wonderfull app to be fully compatible with eBikes systems (and precisely with Bosch eBike system in our case).

I also use Komoot for the moment and this is not as simple as with the Locus Map app. The worst is when you want to change a trip, the points are going everywhere instead of the road you want to define.

The whole system is not as friendly as the Locus Map app and I can't wait to get Locus Map compatible with eBike systems.

I am glad you are also pushing to get this app compatible with Bosch eBike.

Hoping to get this compatibility soon.




Hi guys,

you probably noticed that we did a completely new "Sensors manager" last year. This was the first step necessary for this task. This year, we really would like to give e-bikes a lot higher priority and start working (somehow) on their better support. I won't rather promise anything, because we still have a few tasks with higher priority in a row. But I just wanted to inform, you that this is something we will focus hopefully soon.


I also jump on this train , I use Locus for many years now and love it everytime more.

Now I also have an Ebike with Bosch system and would like to use Locus with this.

I would love to see Locus with Bosch integration, Komoot is no option for me for now.


Hi Menion and Locus Map developpers,

Any news on this topic ?

This has been a while since we didn't get any news about the new 'Sensors manager' with addition to support e-Bike connections.

Thanks for your update on this


Hello Laurent,

unfortunately, Dashboard & e-bike tasks have to be moved to the next year 2023 because of more important tasks (problems with the Wear platform, geocaching, LoPoints support, ..).


Hello Menion,

Any news about the implementation of connections between Locus Map and Bosch eBikes ?

(and also other kind of eBikes probably)

I hope this is really going to be a reality in 2023.

Let me know how it goes on your side.



Hi guys,

thanks for the push. I'm searching for some news regards the possibility to connect to Bosch devices directly, but it seems, it is still not simply possible.

We will be finalizing plans for this year next week, so I'll open this topic. It will most probably need some extra communication with the Bosch team. Unfortunately.


Hello, I would also be very interested in the integration of data such as range, possible support level, selected mode, pedal rotation, etc. from the Bosch Flow app in the dashboard. I find the display of the Komoot screen in the Bosch Flow app very bad, as it cannot even be zoomed while driving. In general, I can't get much out of Komoot, I find Locus better by classes.



3 years is long time to make a deal with Bosch 😀 Komoot and Strava did it 😀

Will be fine to have this service !


Hi there, I'm also on the fence - waiting for Locus to be included into the Bosch system for route planing etc. Hopefully you get that task done soon. 👍


me too


Me too! Spending that much for a good eBike I would like to also use a good navigation- app on it.

I have long avoided to switch to komoot, but now it gets harder for me to stick with locus...


There are news?

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