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Navigation. Limit the total orders by user editable Navi order distances.

0709 shared this idea 10 years ago


Add possibility where the navigation orders should occur. User selects for multiple, or single, user free editable (time) notices in Locus before turns. As this is not a daily user operation, such setting order preference could be changed via config.cfg.

Pro: Easily limit the total orders, or even keep just only one order before a turn.

Example: One alert only, 10 seconds before turn, used in combination with 15sec auto screen time out and using voice 'Samuel' ! That rocks "morse" !

Replies (12)


This feature is really badly needed!


I agree. This would be a really nice feature for bike navigation. Using the morse code TTS voice (Samuel), there are too much beeps at the moment, which is very confusing. Reducing the amount of navigation orders to only one before a turn would really help here. Please, make this possible! This would make Locus as a MTB Navi even more perfect!

Configuration through the .cfg file would be suitable, I think.


In 3.8.0 I set Navigation > Number of alerts = Low, and yet I got two voice announcements at same time: "turn Left in 100m then turn Right in 100m". All other settings were default but I can't see any others for reducing the announcements. As per this discussion it would be good to distinguish between turns and junctions - even with Low setting I was getting voice announcements so often (lots of turns on quiet country road) that I disabled the navigation after a while because they weren't helpful.


I agree, it's a bit annoying if you cannot control it a bit more



1. Distance in advance to orders2. Specify turn radius for orders3. Distinguish between turns and junctions


* Reformulating idea.

Free (via config.cfg.) to limit the total number of (pre)orders and distance (time) before Coursepoint,

and a free < xx m. editable distance setting for the "double notation".

Double notation only should be triggered when the second action is expected < 10 seconds after the first order.

Suggested user settings: < xx m.

Motorcycle usage: < 200 m. The actual fixed distance.

Fast race biker: < 100 m.

Tourist biker: < 50 m.

* Because since V 3.8: The double notation is also activated now when using imported .tcx files.

Added in V 3.2.8: A menu to dis(en)able double notation orders.


When I navigated a route yesterday while cycling (using 3.8.2) I noticed that prior to quite a few of the navigation points the display was turned on twice. My speed varied between 10 & 20 km/h. The first time the display turned on about 180m before the point, then off again after maybe 15s or more later (I have set to turn off after 15s), but then the display turned on again at about 70m before the point. It always turned off a little while before reaching the point. This behavior (display activated twice) doesn't seem right to me - is this a bug? I have set notifications to Low. I also had 2nd notification turned off.


I tested navigation again on a biketrip yesterday. I think the option to disable "Notify also second command" introduced in 3.8.1 is a great improvement already. It reduces the confusion caused by multiple beeps (when using Samual voice) in a short sequence.

However, it would be very nice to also be able to disable "pre-warning of upcoming command", so that only one command just before the waypoint is possible. I think it shouldn't be difficult to implement, because disabling of "Notify also second command" is already implemented?

Thanks in advance for considering it!


>it would be very nice to also be able to disable "pre-warning of upcoming command"

+1 yes please, turn on display just once before the next waypoint


After questions via forum PM.

I'll try to show a possible example.

Hope it clears up the system.

# Navigation set alert in xx;xx;xxsec before cross, double notation if points distance < xxxm.

Alert orders=15;35;300sec,200m (by menion)

other user

Alert orders=10sec,33m (by 0709)


Fine ... for now in config.cfg in next version

  1. # times before command, when Locus notify (in seconds), default is: 15,35,300
  2. navigation_announcements_times=15|35|300


Great compromise guys. Thanks Menion.


I hope other users may find this comment useful, because I wasn't sure of the X|Y|Z format until 0709 helped:

If you just want a single announcement before the waypoint, set the config.cfg setting to a single number (you don't need to specify all three numbers). For example make announcement & turn on display 15s before waypoint:


This now works very nicely. Optimized for battery & no hands required to turn display on/off at each navigation waypoint.

However there seems to be a conflict with the setting > Display > Screen on > Idle time. For example if I set navigation_announcements_times=20 but with idle time=15, then 20s before waypoint the display is turned on OK, but then 5s before waypoint it is turned off again, then back on for another 15s while displaying next waypoint. Strictly speaking I guess the app was idle for 20s however it seems silly to turn off for 5s then back on again. Maybe you could treat the navigation_announcements_time as "non-idle-time". Then for my example the display would be on continually for 20s (up to waypoint) then a further 15s (after waypoint). Note it is not possible to set the idle time to 20s, and I really want to keep it as short as possible anyway.


@ Andrew. Too complicated.

Just get rid of that newly (v beta) introduced, uncontrollable by user, extra unessary screen on (no sound) around the turn. As even most simple system is already complicated enough to set up it seems.


= Set *Free distance audio alert and screen on setting before Navigation order (mostly a turn) =

* Ok since testversion (beta)

= Set **Free autoscreen off 'if iddle' time in xxx seconds instead of the actual too BIG 15 second steps. **

Thats all you needs. Total freedom to set your preferable timing shifting period before and after a Navigation order.

My actual setting:

Audio alert and screen on 12 seconds before Navigation order.

Autoscreen off'iff idle: 15 seconds. (Only 15 seconds steps available).

So that gives me the audio alert, or hé, look at your screen now, 12 seconds before (turn) until 3 seconds after turn with total screen on time of 15 seconds = energy efficient.

Adrew if you test: Use a realistic 5m/second or real biking test with phone on handlebar and clear sky view and so most stable average speed record !

Walking tests mostly suffers too much from drifting gps position (in bag/pocket/hand) and so a not very stable speed notation sometimes.

Also the turnpoint is never perfectly indicated because of too much tolerance of your real gps position in combination with not perfect mapped (turn) Navigation point position.

The method to use the average speed to determine the alert distance and so the according time setting before turn, an ingeneous it seems yes, but this is also another annoying unstable extra factor...but that system is not my invention !


On the weekend, I was able to test the feature on a ~7 hour MTB-tour. I chose only one notification at 13 seconds, and had screen auto-off configured to 15 seconds.

I have to say: nearly perfect for me!

With an optimized navi-track (removed unnecessary orders generated by navigation generator by hand), I got along with only ~45% battery drain on my Sony Z1 Compact (in stamina mode). Great! My buddies were very impressed, also ;-)

Only sometimes, the notification came a little bit too late, bit I guess that was because of bad GPS quality in the woods...


Glad to hear it! Thanks for feedback from test.

So I'm closing this as completed for now.

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