Merge new "map layers" and old "Elements" in user interface

joeloc shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

I really like the new built-in map layers of current Beta versions. Its a big step forward for Locus.

As for the UI, shouldnt this be merged with the old "Elements"? Its basically the same thing... the only difference being "integrated in Locus" vs "external kml/gpx file". From a users point of view, they work exactly the same. No need for two separate and different UIs.

How would this work? The map layers sidebar dialog would have one of those very common "+" buttons. Then Locus puts up a file dialog where users can select any gpx/kml/kmz file from file system. This new "map layer" is then added to the list below the builtin layers) and can from now on used exactly as if it was a builtin layer.


The "external layers" added via "+" would need a context menu with "remove" (if i want them gone completely) and maybe also "import" (if i change my mind and want to have them inside locus database). Other than that, they can simply be enabled/disabled with the Eye-Icon, exactly like internal layers. It is important, however, that Locus does not "load" all the external layers on startup unless they are enabled!


The old user interface for "elements" can then be removed completely. I know this is a rather "radical" change. But in the long run, the would help cleaning up the UI. Elements and map layers are basically the same... and the UI should reflect this.

Replies (4)


On a related note: It would be amazing if I could set an alpha value for each of those layers (internal or external). Could really help remove the clutter on screen that happens with lots of data... my geotagged pictures would eg work nicely at 50%.

Suggestion: when you long-tap the EYE icon, Locus shows a slider to set the alpha for that particular layer... from 0% (same as eye-off) to 100% (same as eye-on). The configured value could be shown on top of the eye in the layers list.

Or maybe instead of a slider... a list with












would be easier.


Shouldn't map overlays be handled in the same way and through the same dialogue?


Interesting idea, but can't imagine how I move my long list of 20 folders and 100+ items into single list here, mainly when 99% of them is disabled most of time ...

In "map layers" are currently real overlays for map (map overlays, shading, ...) and also dynamic items downloadable over internet. And you want to merge them with static items from Data > Items, hm..


Well... if 99% are always disabled, I can't see any problems :).

Another idea just comes to mind for this: Locus already has sort of a KML Editor thingy that allows enabling and disabling single Elements within a KML. Maybe the same logic/code could be applied to the mapitems Directory... if you want to keep it.

Then all that's needed would be to recreate an "internal mapitems folder kml representation" whenever the directory changes, including all folders and files. And it could show up in your layers list as a single "mapitems folder" entry that you can dive into and enable/disable with the kml viewer Code.

Just brainstorming here... the current way is less than ideal... like enabling a kml from mapitems on the elements Tab and then further enabling/disabling with the maplayers Sidebar. That's at least one Level too much.


Ah you though that only active items will be in list ...

I'll have to think about it later. Anyway agree that all these three pages -

Map content > Map layers, Data > Items and map content > Active items , should be somehow merged/connected.


@menion, you may well be right but recently I made an overlay image map through "Image Map Calibration" and rather expected to find it in "Map Overlays". I eventually found it in "Data | Items | Calibrated maps". And also in the new side tab (which looks like "Map Overlays" but is more than that) under "Active items" (which confusingly loads a side menu called "Loaded") , but only if I have already activated it in "Data | Items | Calibrated maps". However hard I try, I have yet to understand the logic of this.

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