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Load more logs when "Download logs" is used

skubko shared this idea 8 years ago

In the Geocaching4Locus preferences (Downloading), I have setup to download 15 logs (Count of logs). When I update the cache, it is correctly updated and 15 logs are correctly downloaded. Then, there is a second button what can be used to update just cache logs - "Download logs". It would be great if this option would load a different number of logs. Generally, I am downloading hundreds of caches and almost for all of them, 15 logs (or even less number) is more than enough, therefore, the option for "Count of logs" is good. However, for some cache, I have a need to see more logs and for that I always need to load that cache in the browser - to be able to see more logs (or all of them). It would be great to have this option directly in G4L. When "Update cache" is pressed, only the "basic" number of logs would be downloaded, but when "Download logs" is pressed, it would be possible to download much more logs (maybe a new setting would be nice to let us setup the number of logs for this). Thanks in advance for considering this idea.

Replies (4)


"Download logs" downloads up to 100 logs at the moment. It's possible to add choice to select, how many logs to download. But Locus Map save last 100 logs only by a default setting. So the user has to change it first (Menu > Settings > Geocaching > Global > Limit stored logs) to work it correctly.

@menion Is it possible to add Limit stored logs into LocusMapInfo object? It could be max value for that choice.


Hi Arcao, this is not what this idea is about. I do not want to have 100 logs for every cache I import via G4L. For example I import 300 caches via G4L and in each of them I want to have only 10 logs. But then when I am actually looking for that cache outside, it may happen that I need to read more of them (to be able to find that cache). Therefore I use the button "Download logs" what seems really handy for this action, but it downloads only mentioned 15 logs (unless I do not change that every time I want to update just one cache with more logs). Therefore, my current approach is that I must open the cache via web browser to be able to see more logs (it is much faster than each time change settings for number of logs up and down). The functionality might work as I wrote in my idea:

  1. When "Update cache" is pressed, only the "basic" number of logs would be

    downloaded, but when "Download logs" is pressed, it would be possible

    to download much more logs (maybe a new setting would be nice to let us

    setup the number of logs for this).


It should download 100 logs, there is identical bug to Download logs does not work for "Basic info only" caches issue. Code for both is same. ;)


I am sorry, I do not know how to explain it in a better way what this idea is about :(... but it is not a bug, it is an idea for an improvement to be able to ad-hoc import more logs but only for specific caches...


skubko please check:

a) if cache has more logs then you see in Locus

b) if you have in "Locus Map > settings > geocaching > Limit stored logs" set higher number then number of logs you wants to see

Arcao wanted to say, that button "download logs" should always download last 100 logs from cache (if exists) and store them to Locus Map (be aware of b) settings, that should reduce number of visible logs).


@Menion - why nobody understands what this idea is about? :)... please try to read it more carefully... it is not a bug complaint, it is an idea - idea to change the behavior of "Download logs" button... Update cache button would download pre-defined value (as currently), for example 15. But Download logs would work with another setting where I would be able to pre-define for example 200 logs. In that way, when I import caches / or when I hit Update cache / it would import only 15 logs (as currently working), but when I hit "Download logs", there would be a new setting telling that this would download more logs than those 15 (e.g 200)... So I do not have to always visit geocaching via browser to read more logs for each cache where I need to read it ad-hoc...

Btw. for your information in Locus I have "No limit" for Limit stored logs.


At the moment this value 100 logs is hardcoded in add-on, so not changeable. I can imagine, there could be more configuration about it. For example:

a) ask user how many logs to download after click on "Download logs"

b) global configuration in settings

c) combination of a) and b), where the dialog for asking would contain checkbox to "not ask again" (with same thing in settings)

The maximum value would be retrieved from Locus Map (Limit stored Logs).


I understand your idea, but current behavior is:

- "download, update cache": download defined number of logs

- "download logs": download always 100 logs

Anyway I'm discussing in topic that is for @arcao as developer of this add-on, not for me. From my point of view, settings that should affect only this "download logs" option is useless. 100 logs cover 99% of users needs and there is always option you do > open web page.


@Arcao - it would be great to have two options - one that defines general number of logs imported during cache import and second that would define the option for "Download logs" button - e.g. another setting with maximum 100 logs.

@Menion - if the functionality is as you write, I would reclassify this "idea" to be "a bug", because for me it is not working like that. In Preferences->Downloading->Count of logs, I have value "15". When I import/update cache, I get 15 logs (correctly). But when I hit "Download logs" in some cache's detail page, I get small loading dialog window showing me that it is downloading logs. I actually see in the dialog window that it is trying to download more logs (xx/85 and xx is rising until it reaches 85), but in the end, only 15 logs are imported to Locus (not 100 as you said). Maybe what Arcao meant in the comment above is that this will be also fixed with the bug I reported - because currently, "Download logs" does not download 100 logs, but only my defined number, or better - maybe nothing...


I have just installed new version of G4L (v2.1.5.1) and that basically solves also this "idea"... now, "Update cache" downloads only specified number of logs and "Download logs" downloads 100 logs. As Menion wrote, 100 is more than enough... So, this my idea was implemented together with the fix, great :)... Before I wrote this idea I did not know that "Download logs" is meant to download so many logs, so that is what my idea was about, apparently, only a bug :)... thanks for a fast resolution...


You are welcome. :)


Well it would be nice to have download more logs feature as in some cases you would need more then 100 logs. Searching for friends logs as example


This is exactly the situation where I also needed more than 100 logs, I wanted to see logs of all of my friends and not only those whose log was between last 100. One year ago when this was discussed, I was not using friends option, but now I am and I encountered this "need" already several times :)


Seting - Geocaching - Limit logs - NO LIMIT


This is a different topic, we are talking about G4L add-on option of downloading caches....


I have G4L max 30. You have 100?


Again, little bit different :)... 100 log limit is hard-coded in the plugin as you may see from the conversation above. It is used when you hit button "Download logs" of G4L. The limit that you referred to is used when you download cache / update cache by G4L for the first time / or when you update it later. But when you click "Download logs", hard coded limit is used.


I understand it. Any logs are downloaded via G4L.

With the discussion up there is new information for me that:

WITHOUT LIMIT = 100 logs!


We need to give the facts and avoid the discussion.


Don't ask me, I'm not a developer of G4L add-on. This task needs the response from @Arcao (dev of G4L) ;).


It is more question to @Arcao and that is exactly what juozapyne wrote - that we would like to have an option for specifying number of logs that are downloaded when "Download logs" is pressed...



Somewhere I've written a request long ago...

I do not even know what kind of discussion.

Add functionality to GC-Offlinizer - download logs.The current situation is to manually download each cache separately! Try at least once ;-) Just 100 caches. An hour of unnecessary work and battery consumption.

Because of this non-functionality boys are asking to download during downloading through G4L more logs.


This is Locus ;-) No G4L

And I know that this service is going through G4L ;-)

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