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Gesture control should only be enabled when main screen has focus.

0709 shared this idea 8 years ago

Gesture control should be disabled when any settings screen is displayed.

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Replies (15)


Good day Willy,

from your screenshots I have a feeling ...

- when some function/bottom panels are visible ... gesture control disabled

- when function/bottom panels are hidden ... gesture control enabled

Is it correct?

And if so, why such functionality should exists? It is not clear to me from German board, thanks


Axel's phone : A 'top left' sensitive proximity sensor, near the area where also the Locus main menu button is situated.

Full Screen Navigation -> Panels by double screen tap -> select Main menu -> causes some screen off's by gesture detection. Axel suggest: Deactivate gesture control while "on screen menu user input/select" is expected.

Actual version workaround: Cover sensor by a finger during on screen 'menu" actions until finished.

+/- similar : (reply #76).


Hello Willy,

thanks for explanation.

Oki, let's try one improvements ... I've added small delay, till event created by proximity sensor is performed. It will have 0.1 sec delay. Enough time to test if user meanwhile tapped on any button in application. Result should be, that If there will be tap on any item in user interface, gesture will be canceled. I've tested it behind desk and it seems to work.

You may forward discussion from German board to this topic. Feedback from users with these problems are welcome. Hope this helps, we will see.


Hello Willy, hello Menion,

thanks for helping.

I wrote the problem a few months before. Now it very much better, if I want to change a setting, while the display activation is on. But if I leave to long in the settings (while track recording), the timeout turns off the display. My timeout is 10s.

It would be better, if the timeout does not function if the settings menu is open.



Hello Axel,

I'm not sure about which timeout we speak here. It's timeout because you are currently using some navigation/guidance tool and Locus turn off display automatically or this is timeout of your system settings, where you have set 10 seconds?


Hallo Menion,


here you can see what I meant. The automatic screen turn off value is set to 10s.


Hi Menion,

the problem is not completed. If display activation is on and I want to navigate, the "endpoint" window disappears behind the main navigation window. Only with the back button you can close the navigation.

So the display turn off logic should be changed, that only if the map is visible on top, the display could turn off with the timeout or with gestures. Anywhere I could not use the navigation while using the display activation.

As attachment again the screenshot of the timeout.

Files: Bild.jpg

Good day Axel,

we've discuss this in our small team and it same as in your device ... when you set screen timeout to 30 seconds, no matter which screen is visible, it will turn off after these 30 seconds. And it is same in Locus Map.


Hi Menion,

but in this case the window of the navigation closes immediately, it is in the background of the main navigation window. It seams that this timeout is not repsosible for the problem.

Could you retrace the behaviour?


Hmm this then does not belong to this topic, but hope Willy excuse us.

So problem in your case:

- open "Navigate to" function

- "Target point" selection appear on the screen

- when now display turn off and you manually turn it on, "Target point" will be below "Navigate to" screen, so you firstly have to close this "Navigate to" screen? Am I understand correctly? Are we talking about same screens? It's really weird because this should not happen in any case.


This happens only if you once turned off the display with a gesture. Then afterwards, if the display is turn on with another gesture, the "Target point" window disappears immediately behind the "Navigate to" window. Only with tapping multiple times the back button of my smartphone it is possible to show the map. But then there is no navigation possible.


Hello Axel,

this seems to be really complicated. I've tried it on two devices and no problem so far. Also technically such problem should never happen.

Just for sure, are we really talking about this: , screens, right? Hmm ...



now I made a video of my problem. In the first half of the video the "navigate to" disappears, then I went back with the android back button, to see the map. It goes very fast, I hope you can see it.


Good day Axel,

thank you for your video. To be true, I've never saw something like this. Are you able to create for me a log right after this issue happen? How to do it is wrote here:

I cannot promise that in log will be something useful, because as I wrote, I never saw that some screen should completely close without obvious reason, but at least we try it. Thank you!


Do you found a problem in my bugreport? What else do you need from me, that you can help me? Is there a possibility to save all the settings in a file, so that you can retrace it?

It is a pity that I can't use the navigation while riding my bicycle, when the display turn off automatic is required.


Good day Axel,

you already send you generated bug report on any email address? I do not see it anywhere.


I replied to your mail. It seams that my mail has a problem.

Here is the bug report again.


Good day Axel,

thank you for a logs. To be true, I never saw such problem before. For me, as a developer, it really does not make a sense.

I hope that in log will be some useful information. Unfortunately only on line 14177 is information that Locus Map (process 21305) was killed by system, but no information why. Your log is full of many crashes of various applications and just a few lines before the one I mentioned, is also wrote that few other apps were killed by system meanwhile.

I noticed some information about problems with "animations". Do you have enabled "developer options" in your device? Is same problem happen only here with this screen? I see you are using Sony Z3C, there should be no such problems! Are you using some custom special ROM on your device?

I'm really worried, I won't be able to help here.

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