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Android Wear support ( watches )

Peter Neumüller shared this idea 10 years ago

There is still no pebble support.

It would be nice, if there were an support for Android Wear.

A map on the watch with direction and distance to the target would be nice.

Replies (74)


I would realy like to see a wear support in locus. There are a few things I could imagine:

* start, stop and pause a track recording

* bring some GPS information on to the watch.

* Compas

* show navigation information

*** bring the map on the watch, the active one probably with track etc if also shown on the phone....***

Thanks for considering....

Some stuff like compas is allready on the watch, but not much else.



I registered just to add my vote to support wear. Locus is a great app. I would love to have start track recording and if possible show the current screen on the phone centered by GPS location.I make custom trail maps with Google earth and would love to be able to see this on my watch. I would also like to be able to hit a button on the watch to save a location on the hike so I can keep moving and label it at the end of the hike. Thanks for considering adding these functions. Keep up the great work!


LIke Chon suggested, any information on the watch has a lot of added value. Having the track recording (and sports) information there would make a seperate sports watch obsolete. The Sony SW3 even has GPS on board....


From my point of view - most useful info on the watch is navigation screen with arrow to selected POI. Its easier to stare to the watch rather than cell phone during move. :)

Peter had good point with competitive app for Locus - they handled integration with Android Wear quite right. I can start the app and track recording directly from the watch and see all related info on my wrist.

As a owner of Moto 360, I would be happy beta tester of this future features in Locus. :) And as for the development for Android Wear - its just lighter version of Android 4.4., so adding few screens there shouldn't be complicated. :)


And one more thing for consideration:

New Android Wear users are in the similar situation when whole android platform started - they desperately seeks new apps which supports this new platform because number of apps is really limited. And when new app go out - it usualy gets big promo for the free. ;) Just check how it looks in android wear category in Google Play..


Thanks guys for a feedback, appreciate it.

I may say, that we have support for wearables devices already in road plan and it's definitely something, we plan to work on since new year. Precise dates are anyway in starts :)


Android Wear support is cool, you could navigate on your smartwatch and your phone is still in your pocket!


Thanks for working on this! I changed from suunto ambit to android wear, hoping that you (Locus) someday will bring those features for wear that suunto ambit2 has. I know it cant be soon, but I gladly give feedback for the development. So first two things:

1. Configurable screens:

Yo can set any screens you want and put any of the values you want from at least 20 of choosable values. Those are Time ( time, chrono, total time) Speed (speed km/h, speed: pace) Altitude (elevation, gain elevation)

2. Show route on map in 3 scalable view. I like this feature very much, and Locus has the best possiblities to provide this screen. I would really like, not just a line, but with colorful map. So please take this in priority.

So after starting a navigation, these cards would come up, plus a start, stop navigation cards.

I hope this post helps you


Hope pebble will be supported, because it is not offical android wear but supports functions of it.


Pebble is something little bit different (at least from developers point of view) -


Different OS(Android Wear, Pebble, Tizen) and all of them need Companion-app :).

Sumsung GEAR S, Samsung Gear 2 Neo and other use Tizen OS, not Android Wear.

Why my topic about Tizen with this merged?

Companion-app to Locus for smartwatch Samsung Gear Merged

Note the model Samsung Gear S.

It would be great if the route that is running on the phone was duplicated at the smartwatch. The smartwatch has a large enough screen to navigate on foot or by bike. In this case, the smartwatch has water resistance, easy to clip onto the handlebars of the bike and they do not attract the attention of criminal elements, in contrast to the phone.


Hey Menion,

Are there anny news about a Android Wear Version? / Companion?

For me it will be VERRY interesting, I wait to buy my smatwatch until Locus for Android Wear is on the market.

Will maps be shown on the watch? (a must for me)




Good day Manfred,

no positive news for now, sorry.


Oh thats sad



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Hello guys,

I do mountain biking, and I use Locus Map in every ride I do, but in two different ways:

  1. As gps navigation device using the Guidance function when I need to follow a track, using a smartphone case (gps only guided events and all day bike trips).
  2. As gps tracker, using the smartphone on my backpack, just to record all activities and later export it to gpx and other online services.

You know that every rider likes to have a cyclo computer, and since when just tracking I put my phone on my backpack, should be very usefull if I can use a wearable to show my track basic stats (track distance, speed, etc.)

In older version of locus I was able to do it with a cheap Sony LiveView device, using the Google My Tracks recording profile, but this device was not so stable, and Locus does not support it anymore.

There is some device that I can use today with locus, or are they all in pending list? (wahoo rflkt, android wear, pebble, etc.)

Anyway, thank you for such a good app!

PS: There are other apps like endomondo that support some wearables, but I like to have all my tracks in the same place, because later will be easier to select and follow a track, without having to search it in different systems. All tracks will be allways on my phone.


Hello Luís,

completely understand. In out case, it is just a matter of priorities.

Anyway I was working around two years ago on add-on for SmartWatch2 watches - nice device from Sony. Anyway story - I've added this task to one guy to finish it, but it took so long, that I took it back, now it stay another few months on me and ... we are planning to release this add-on during next week (most probably).

Anyway dissadvantage is, that these watches do not support new Android Wear system, there is not much new apps on them and also that this add-on will have really low support from our side, so future improvements are not sure.

"Android wear" is something we wants to do, really, but based on a survey we made a few months ago, there is no hurry as we get info about really low percent of users that owe or plan to purchase these devices.


I understand that because android wear devices are not so cheap. For the same price and for the same usage that I described, users can buy a garmin device and forgot the wearables with locus.

Maybe some new cheaper devices like Fitbit charge hr, are better options, because have a small display, and HR sensor included. But I don't know if Fitbit have an open API to use with other apps.

Alcatel Onetouch Watch have a nice price and features also, but without android wear.

Maybe I can get a cheap smartwatch2 and try that new add-on...

Edit: :-)


I have just bought Sony Smartwatch 3 (which is based on Android Wear), and was disapointed to find out there is no support for Locus. I love the way I can use Google Maps. Also, I use GPS Essentials, which allows to see GPS dashboard on the watch, as well as start and stop recording track, adding a waypoint from the watch.


Vielen Dank für Deine Nachricht !

Ich werde mich so schnell wie möglich bei Dir melden !


Hi Menion,

I understand the idea of prioritization based on surveys and market volume.

They often make sense but I experienced that these surveys are often very biased. I am in the marketing business and we consulted a lot of startups.

Just some ideas:

Maybe you just asked Locus users, then you miss the possible new users of Locus which you did not ask.

There are other marketing arguments for example I identify the following important groups of potential customers for this Locus smartwatch functionality:

  • Actual Viewranger users who use Viewranger because the need the smartwatch functionality but would prefer Locus if it would offer these features.

  • More important are users who just bought smartwatches:
    They just spent (a lot of) money to get a gadget they might not need sooooo necessary. These users are willing to spend more money to give their smartwatches more sense, features and add-ons to play with. (Although they might not be hardcore geocachers or outdoor enthusiasts)
  • A third argument is "technology leadership". I mean the marketing meaning of that word. There are many mapping programs out there and for a new potential customer it is nearly not possible to compare the quality and features of these programs. So a program which is able to serve the newest platforms could be an important argument. These features often suggest: Technology leader ship / future safeness of the software / passion in development – and quality
  • The fourth but very important group are the actual customers of Locus which would need such a feature very often. They might be users who are willing to pay a good price for such a feature because they have money to spend. (they just bought a smartwatch)
    These users are early adopters and often they are strong evangelists for products they like. They area a species which are used by their friends in recommending the best-coolest-most efficient technology. They are your most important word of mouth advertising source. You will not lose them, because you invested a lot to get these customers and it is difficult to get them back. These loyal customers will get disloyal to Locus and search for alternative programs which offer the functionality they need. Then they will be an evangelist for your competitor. :(

Just some ideas,

Best regards,



Good day Manfred,

thank you for your professional clarification of a problem. Nice reading and agree with most of things. In time you wrote this post, I was anyway already working on some basic add-on for Wear devices ;).

Yesterday was released a new version of Locus 3.12.0 required for a full compatible work with this small add-on and well ... here it is ready for testing:

Do not expect extra features, just a static map and control of track recording like in previous add-on for SmartWatches2. At least something to start with ;). Enjoy it and let me know ...


Hi Menion,

thanks for your feedback and for the development!

I am exited to test the version very soon. Unfortunately my phone is sent in for repair at the moment and my backup phone is not so smart. So I have to wait 3-4 weeks :(

Will give you feedback as soon as possible.


Thanks, no hurry!


Hi Menion,

I tryed to install it to Android 4.4.4 and installation fails:ec8dfde74eb50f354d05c58b4a6ae61f


Ah, not a best error message from Android. Sorry, I've forget to mention, that Android 5.0+ is required for now. I'll try to check if 4.4 should be also possible, but I'm worried that it won't be possible, sorry once more.


Ok, I will update then on the weekend and let you know how it looks on Moto 360. :)



I tried this with my samsung galaxy j5 and sony sw3. On phone side i got a lot of notification that device is going slowly because of that plugin. Wear showed only someting like: Contacting Locus: Intializing maps... After whole night nothing changed....

j5: Android 5.1.1

sw3: 6.0.1


How can i test it, i installed the apk on my phone,

Butin locus nothing is visible,

Is it only android wear native? Or should it also work on pebble (which has limited android wear support i beleive).

What do i need to install on my watch?

Thanks for al your efforts.


It is something we have to find out :). Anyway from what I understand, if you install this apk file into device, that is already synced with some Wear watches, this add-on should be automatically synced and installed also on these watches. It do not happen to you? When you check available applications in watches, there is no Locus Map application?



I checked this,

I know it works with runkeeper, i start runkeeper, nothing happens onthe watch.

When i start an activity tracking then 10secs later the runkeeper app is available on my watch and automatically started, this it what you meant by auto-installing.

I tried with locus, nothing, so i set a Guide (with the blue dots) but nothing happens.

Do i need to use a function to make this work? Like i need to start tracking in runkeeper.

Thanks, i can test all you want on my pebble for you.


Nono it won't work in this way with Locus. What device are you using (watches)? Are they really "Android Wear" based? Pebble won't work here, sorry.


I have a pebble (steel) so limited android wear support.

Ill check with my sony smartwatch 2 (which is native android wear) tonight if i have the time.


Hi, after I installed your plugin into my android 5.0.2 phone; on my watch Moto360 after start Locus Plugin I see only "Warning - Periodic updates are not enabled. Locus is free, last version, 3.12.0. Any solution or advice? Thx in advance and big up czech gold hands from czech ;)


You see app in watches, perfect that is first good step!

And "Periodic features" - open Locus settings > Misc (last folder) and here will be option to enable "Periodic updates".


Uaaa.. I am stupid - I thought that error was in plugin, not in brand new installation of Locus (Its the same as in other android Locus plugins.. ) Track log work great, when I tried maps, firsttime I red "Unfortunately Locus maps stops" but in secondtime it was work! Great and working first step, I suppose I just find most favourite plugin for my Moto360! :D


Short test works fine. Moto360, N5.


Test works brillian!. LG G Watch R, N5


I have downloaded and tested (Nexus5 + LG Watch R): The locus map icon installed and it appears on the applications list on the watch. When I try to start it, it says: "Warning Periodic updates are not enabled. "

I cant go further from this point.


Ive found the answer and enabled the periodic update at locus. IT WORK BRILLIANT!! Almost exactly i need. Thank you! Request: Need further data on the display by track recording: pace instead of speed.

Otherwise, almost perfect for the first deploy! :)


One important aspect: This watchface is very nice, but it would be important to have a "battery saving" watchface. LIke with black baground, B/W icons, etc. This is importand, while beeing outdoors with the watch.



Using Sony Smartwatch 3. Application appeared on the list. I can open it and see a choice of Map and Rec. But choosing any of them opens empty screen.


Hmm this is bad :). Currently I have no clear idea how to fix similar problems on watches. From posts above, I see that on LG G and Moto 360 (I use it for developing) it works. So we will see if it will work (or not) to anyone also with Sony watches. I should in the end create some version that will print out directly on watches screen some extra information.


I have also a Sony Smartwatch3, working fine together with Samsung S7 and Locus


It works great on LG G Watch R with Galaxy S5. This is a great step, looking forward to new function, like zoom on watches.


can someone post a screenshot?

Still cant find my sony 2 watch, love the pebble better :P

Hope that is also supported sometime


Ha, not bad for first alfa version. :)568a0d10af1d303212159ee211451691154c55b55c60d2a2086f8ae5231e5e76


Which smartwatch is this?



the new apk works fine with Sony z1 compact Android 5.x and Sony watch 3. It is unbelieveable what I can see on the watch especialy compared to the komoot display I see on the watch.

Great job!

Best regards Jürgen



it would be good to have the posibility to see the Dashbord Data on the Android Wear device. I checked it only the landscape data is show not the dashboard. On the Mobile phone the landscape data and the dashboard is shown on same time.

Best regards Jürgen who like to see the heartrate and the speed/cadence sensor data on the Sony Watch3



Great to see Locus moving toward Android Wear!

On Sony Smartwatch 3 currently a lot of space is occupied with the blue bar. Probably an easy improvement :-)


Hi,Can someone tell me how much battery time you can get with a smartwatch 3 and locus with the screen allways on?

When following a track with guidance, it's possible to see it on the watch also?


Hi guys, thanks for opinions. I'll consider them precisely once developing on this add-on will continue.

Luís, I'm not sure how long, anyway because watches has still a huge problem with power for a single day, I'm worried that using Locus on watches permanently enabled, is pure madness for now :).


I would love to see GPS coordinate on the watch (speed, distance, also would be nice). As an overlay, on a separate screen, or instead of the blue bar mentioned above by Luis.

Also, I am lacking zooming control (e.g. like for Google Maps on the watch).


Pebble (the old ones) can now be upgraded to pebble Time software, also having basic support for android wear.

I will test asap if the app now works on my pebble (steel)


To bad, because you cant pair the Pebble in the Android Wear app, the sending of the app still does not work.


Luc Theunissen: Please give any report on pebble time test. I also have pebble time. IPS screen watches are to forget in my opinion.


I just got a relatively cheap sony smartwatch 3 (very little used - from an iphone user - yay) to play with.

The apk from above works - mostly - when paired with my Galaxy S5. However, I experience (relatively frequent) random crashes of the Locus wear app ("Locus has stopped - OK" followed by an automatic restart of the app). Viewing and track recording works great, customizable dashboards to display some parameters like (track-)time, battery %, heart rate from BT4 belt... would make it perfect as a running/biking/mountaineering companion. The blue bars at the top and bottom (probably due to the square design of the watch - it looks much less prominent on the round ones) could be used for the parameters (I know I am using Locus, no need to tell me twice :))

Ambient mode is working well too on this watch - saves some precious battery life while still allowing navigation with the watch. For day trips locus has to be only turned on infrequently, it drains the battery pretty quickly.

I am really looking forward to this becoming a standard feature of Locus.

Phone: stock android 5.0

Watch: wear 1.3, android 5.1.1


Hello Florian,

i'm thinking about buying a smatwatch. I also prefer the sony SW3.

Does locus work well with this SW? I've read before that the sony SW2 works good with it.

Could u please send a screenshot/photograph/video while using the SW with locus? I really would appreciate that!



Hello pbxvii,

firstly - future of this add-on is still unclear, unfortunately. So I suggest not to purchase watches mainly because of this. To prevent - be dissapointed.

secondly - some screenshots are already for example here:


Hi pbxvii, Menion,

I fully understand that wear support is not high on the list of improvements - but I still find it would be one of the few features making sense on a smartwatch (for me that is :)). Even if I have to start locus every time I want to check the map while biking (feature request: see my current pulse rate/speed... ;)) it is easier to do with a watch than with a stored away phone.

Anyway, please find some screenshots attached how things look on a sony SW3:

screen0 - the "start" screen - choose between map view and track recording.

screen1 - openandromap and several recorded tracks on the map

screen2 - aerial view from the same area, no track, different zoom level

screen3 - navigation active

You see it looks similar to the Moto-screenshots, but slightly adapted to the square screen. On the square watches using the two blue bars to display additional data....

After a recent restart of my phone the crashes seem to have reduced a lot (not sure why), sometimes there is a bit of a connectivity issue which resolves by itself - but i think this is mostly due to android, not locus on phone/watch (as "not consistently updating" happens to other permanently-on apps too).


I agree, this is my only real smartwatch use right now and it actually works very well for me now. I would be very disappointed if it doesn't make it on the long run. Any way I can vote or contribute to make it a killer feature (or unique selling point)?


Ok but as I understand it is a add on to an application on the phone. Is there a chance for even a mini app on the same watch. Recording GPS and guidance to Geocache most would be needed. Sending the GPX file to your device.

I use the Sony SmartWatch SW3


Hello Bogumil, sorry, such special mini app is really not planned for now.


Hello Menion,

is there any chance to build a new version which does not show the blue lines at the top and bottom (see On Sony SW3 it is a kind of frustrating to lose half of the screen size.

Thanks for the new feature,



Hello Nils, unfortunately it is not just a change of these two lines, it require little bit more work to remove them. So for now, I cannot help, sorry.


I have just installed the android wear app on my LG Watch R. When I fire up the app on the watch I get the message Initializing Contacting Locus Maps, and it never does connect to my note 4. Periodic Updates are turned on.



I should add my note 4 is 5.1.1


have you solved it, i have the same problem


Take a look at MapAppTopo, there is half a solution. Pitty though that it does not show routes, only tracks. One advantage with that app is that you do not have to bring the phone. The maps are downloaded to the watch.



I have the same with Note4 and Sony Watch3. Sony Watch is telling me "Contacting Locus Maps" but never find any contact. With my older Sony Z1 it works fine.

Best regards



Markus D. Have you installed the Sony watch 2 app or are you only connecting with Android Wear as it is?



I have to say that I am a little disappointed that the test app ist not working with Note4 5.1 and Sony Watch3. Also that it taked that long to input the Android Wear support into the regulare Locus pro App.

Best regards Jürgen


Good day Hans, work on add-on is stopped for now as you probably noticed. Sorry for disappointing, anyway as you may see with updates, we are not wasting our time.


I am sorry it is not working for you but I am glad that someone can confirm the issue I am having. At the very least maybe once the note 4 gets marshmallow it will fix compatibility issues.



I installed this addon on my Asus Zenwatch 2 and it usually works fine. My only problems are the "Contacting Locus Maps" message appearing sometimes instead of the map and a quite slow update interval of my position on the map.

Another nice addition to the addon would be to possibility to add the compass view to the smartwatch. You could then use the map on your phone for precise navigation and the compass on your watch for a quick view of the distance an the direction.




Is Sony SW2 is always supported any issues? I bought sw specifically for Locus and I have a problem.

The watch displays the message "Periodic updates are not enabled."

I have the latest version of Locus Pro. Is it possible to do something about it?



Good day Bart,

check menu > settings > miscellaneous > Enable periodic updates for add-ons. This should help.

And please next time: new problem > new topic. It's not correct to write a problems to topic where users vote for a new idea. Thanks for understanding.


It works :)

Thank you for your help and for what you do for the community Locus.



Hi, on my Samsung Gear Live this addon works fine, thank you for it! My only problem is if I switches on the periodic updates on the phone (Nexus 5) the Locus app always shows about 10 testing points on the map and these points sometimes hide my track on the watch. Any idea to disable they?


Hello mzperx,

10 testing points? :) Looks like you are skilled Android developer who already installed and use "Locus API - sample". It's a testing feature of this sample.


Hi Menion, yes the Locus API sample is already installed, thank you for the fast answer! But I'm not skilled developer because this sample testing/modification is just my second work on Android platform :). Removing the sample solved the problem.


Hi, are you using github or somethng for developing? I want buy sw3 and maybe join you for developing if you will want. ;)


Please take into consideration that the user can switch off the backlight for battery lifetime. Sw3 do have transflektive display.


Hi, I have exactly the same problem. (My map is about 4 gb in in case that should have some impact on the problem.)


Hi guys, developing of this add-on is currently paused. I plan to publish it as open source on Github (because of lack of time) so I'll notify here when something change or some news appear. Thanks for understanding.


I think it is a good news, thanks for it!


Hi i am a java developer and like this idea. I want to use moto 360 sports with locus and could support you if you bring it to github


Hi i am a java developer to. Please bring it to github.


Ok thanks for info...


This is great news! The only thing that I would change is that i wish the icon on the watch also opened the locus application on the phone, as now I need to pull out my phone.. open the app and then start the recording. Either way this is great work! Thank you!


I really hope this is still under development. For people who track runs as well as hiking and other activities it's a real shame to have to use another app to track runs with a smartwatch – I'd rather that app be locus for many reasons. It'd be a great start to just be able to create a dashboard similar to Ghostracer's and use the watch's GPS.


I use Oruxmaps:

Work fine Samsung Tablet Kitkat and Sony SmartWtach 3 (SWR50)


The whole point is not to use another aapplication for smartwatch support. Locus is the best map app.I do not need to Use Oruxmap ..


I agree with you.

But 'Menion' would not support this.

Therefore i use a similar app:

Show track I follow and start/stopp track


I won't? :) Few posts above is already fully working addon for Android Wear I few times succedfully used. Two weaks ago I've started to improve public API and also hoped to publish existing beta version of addon as GPL, unfortunately I wasn't fast enough and now I am on small vacation. At start of October, I'll post here more information and some help with developement will be more then welcome.


True is, that the app above isn't fully working. At least for my combination Samsung galaxy j500f and sw3.

It stuck at conecting locus (i wait during night if there will be some change but there wasn't).

But i am looking forward for october for more information ;) This is main reason i bought sw3. Do you have some another like more up to date release of app?


@Menion: Thanks for support and relaxing holiday


Good evening people,

interesting news for "developers", not so interesting for others (you not need to read further).

Firstly, be nice on me :). Because I'm slob on some tasks, like documentation etc. , Locus API is not in best condition (mainly documentation). Anyway "Locus Map - add-on Wearables" in current state (little bit improved after today testing) is now published on GitHub repository here.

This topic serve to users to be informed about news about app itself, so please do not continue with discussion here, rather use bug tracker on GitHub or feel free to open separate topic in Locus Forum, which is better suitable for discussions. Thanks for understanding.

Also small warning ... whole developing on Android Wear seems to me quite breakneck, so expect problems with running this project. Feel free to ask me, I'll write necessary documentation on the fly as will be needed.


Hello Locus team,

I am frequent Locus user for my mountain bike trip. However

I always find very annoying to have to pull out my phone any time I need to

check whether I am on the right track. Having Locus on smart watch seems to be perfect

solution. I am about to purchase Samsung Gear S3 but if I understand correctly,

Locus will not work on Tizen system. If that is the case, is there any chance

you develop Locus version for Samsung Gear S3? I believe this product will be

great success for Samsung and therefore there will be increasing demand for

such Locus version. At least limited functionality (to display gpx track on a map

with actual position) would be sufficient.

Thanks in advance for considering my request.


Yes.. I also want to buy Samsung Gear S3..

Please Menion , would you develop functionality for Tizen ?


+1 gear s3


After the sale of Pebble (now Fitbit) I also think about Tizen or Android Wear...


Polar M600 with Android Wear is very interesting device :). Much more interesting than Tizen for me.


M600 is very interesting to me too, but I don't understand why an entry level CPU was placed into this device.


+1 Gear S3 Frontier


I hope there can be a support for s3 one day


Me, too!


I use locus for all my outdoor activities, it works great, and now with my sony smartwatch3 the only thing I need is a compass on the wear screen (also in "light-off" mode) to quick check the right turn. it would be fantastic.



Now it is working with my newer phone with android 6.0.1 (previous 5.x).

I will probably do new page where will be information about distance, time to arriving and compas...


Hi, if you work an a new version, could you try to remove the blue bars at the top and bottom for rectangular watches (like Sony Smartwatch 3)? Would be great!


Hi i tried fixed errors from repository mentioned above. I didn't try app, but now i don't have errors for wear folder:


I am apologizing. Only some of them were fixed :/ App is kidding me. I will fix later.


@Nills It is compiling without error now. But when virtual maschine will start it shows sentence: unfortunately Locus Map has stopped. I will continue tomorrow ;)


Ok fixed. It was just bad integer number.


Hi Hadatko,

will you provide the fix please? I would like to add it to my fork.

I have never tried on Emulator, I tested it on real devices and there it works for me.


Hadatko, appreciate your interest, but please don't "spam" this board. Just edit your previous answer if possible or forward people to your github page. This forum serve mainly serious comments about this task. Your every answer is send as email to all people who voted here, so I believe it may be annoying if it's too often. Thanks for understanding.


@mzperx -> You can merge branch into your repository for free. But i am advising you to check build.gradle file. I am not sure if it is nice solution there. I am new in this language.

@Menion Yes of course, i am apologizing. I will stop post here so often.

Others: Sorry guys for spam.


Hi Hadatko,

I really appreciate that you are continuing the work of Menion!

Is it possible that you attach an apk here? That would be great! I have no experience in compiling android apps :/

Thanks a lot,




I do not understand if Android wear support is now avalable or not? My watch is Sony3 with Android wear 1 Best regards Juergen


Hi Hadatko,

Thanks for continuing the work on this. I tried to compile an apk from your branch - managed after some trouble (as i am not really into programming anything - just clicked my way through android studio with try and error...).

Now i am stuck as the apk installs fine on the phone but crashes immediately if I try to open it. And it does not automatically install itself on the watch - like menions apk from above.

I am using LineageOS 14.1 current nightlies on my Samsung S5 together with a Sony SW 3. Any chance you could upload your apk somewhere? Or ideas on how to debug this in my setting?




Post bellow.


Hi guys. I will try upload apk today evening CET. 

On May 1, 2017 10:35, "Locus Map" wrote:


HI guys here are apks i found in project. Hope helps ;)


Thanks for the APKs. If I understand well, we have to : (sorry i'm a noobs ;()

1. install device.apk on the phone

2. install wear.apk on the watch. Via adb ?

And after that the phone must connect to the watch automatically ?

Thanks and best regards


Hi, you are welcome. But i am noob here too. I think your steps sounds good. But because i used IDE i built it and installed it through it. So i can't confim it. But it was also in two steps. Device for mobile and Wear for watch.


Hi, it would be possible to write or save some detailed instructions on how to apply the application to your phone and watch. I'm just a normal android user.


Does not work with Android 4.2.2: Parse Error


Thanks for the apks! Got it working just now - yay. Took me a while to figure it out though.

I'll try to explain what I did, maybe it helps you guys too....

I did not realize at first that I had to build/install 2 apps (even though menion mentions this in the initial release on github: - read first do later :)) So i completely failed initially to get anything working. Then i tried to install both apps on the phone, of course wear-debug.apk fails to install.... So, your questions above helped me big times ;)

To start with, I removed the "old", ie original wear-release by menion, from my phone. Then I simply installed device-debug.apk on my phone without problems.

I do have a working adb-install on my computer - if not, you may get it from here: - at least thats what I used.

Then i followed this tutorial: to enable adb on my Sony Smartwatch 3

Then i connected the watch via USB, and installed the app via "adb -d install wear-debug.adb" from a windows powershell opened in the right folder (on windows 10 shift-right click the folder where your apk is stored).

Open Locus on the phone, and on your paired watch - tadaaaaa :)

App seems to work on the phone, just the info-button does nothing. I am not yet sure if map/info transfer is more stable than in the initial release (where i had frequent dropouts - sync not working properly).

Heartrate and other info in Track screen is great to have!



Specs: Samsung S5, LineageOS 14.1, (nightly, 3rd May), Android 7.1.2, Sony Smartwatch 3, Android Wear



Thanks for the detailed report

Then, I will probably need a newer android - or?


Just did a quick google search - you need at least android 4.3 to get wear support. But this is a general requirement - you need to have a watch paired with your phone, which should not be possible with android 4.2.2


Thanks !

That's work ! But very slowly on Huawei Watch ;(

Thanks a lot !!!


I run the apk on the watch

recording is working

settungs too

the i button is without function

and i got the error "Problem - invalid image preview" when i try to load the map !

do you know where the problem is?


Good day Mike,

issue in this case is in Locus API library that needs to be updated in project to version 0.2.12.



the watch version needs an update because my locus version on the phone is too new?


I can confirm that menions app works fine on cubot max and LG G watch

a couple of other usefull apps ive found

This enables you to use normal android widgets on a watch, so you can use the normal locus widget.

a radar on wrist with location and distance to target, target can be set on wrist or phone.

quite a good compass, also has a bearing feature.

What would be great if the above 2 apps could be linked to the poi point in locus.


Do you have any news about Android Wear? I have Locus Map 3.24.1 Andorid 6.0.1 and Moto 360 Sport 1.5. When I run locus on watch is waiting for maps and data. If I got to menu I clicked on maps. I don't receive custom raster map. Can you help me with this problem?


Hallo, wie bekomme ich die wear app auf meine Uhr?


Das geht nur über adb-Installation und ist nicht ganz einfach.


Hello all

I run a test with this apk and got the error "Problem - invalid image preview".

I assume that this is a problem with my phone. But I have no idea what the problem is.

Any help is appreciated.




Do you found a Solution?


No. I stopped trying. Installed / reseted watch (Smartwatch 3) several times. And installed Locus on the phone again and again. Not working. Start / stop recording of tracks is working.


thats exactly what i tried

map is not working and the info button is without function

the rest is working


Same here.


check a few Post higher

i changed the Version on the phone to an old one, now it's working


Thank you for the help. But I will wait for a newer version. Now I know the Problem. And it is not my phone ;-)


Hello Carsten,

thank you for your feedback. I am sorry for the inconvenience, the project was using incompatible older version of Locus API which seems to have caused the problem. I have just updated the repository and the application should be working now. Give it a try if you want and let me know if there are any other problems :)


can you upload the two newest apk ?


Hello Mike,

I won't get to it today but we are really glad that you guys are so interested in wear add-on for Locus, so I could probably do a release build with this hotfix tomorrow or in a couple of days. Hope it's OK, I will let you know in this thread once the APKs are uploaded.



would be great. thanks


Hello Mike,

sorry for the delay but we have eventually decided to also rewrite and fix other parts of the wear add-on and so the project is under active development right now. We would like to release official alpha/beta test of the add-on on Google Play in a week or two :)


Hi Milan,

Can I be tester for alpa testing? I've owned Casio WSD-F20.


Hello Peter,

we will be really glad for any wear enthusiast willing to test the add-on :) Please keep following this forum for more information, we will definitely post more information here once the test version is ready.

Thank you


OK. Sounds good :-)



new beta version of Wear for Locus Map (i.e. add-on for Android Wear) has just been released for testing.

For more information please see and follow this topic on our forum :)


The beta version of Wear is working well for me (TicWatch S).

I've added a couple of ideas in the helpdesk here, I hope it's the correct location of them (or should I use the forum?).


Thanks for the ideas. I think helpdesk is better for this purpose so that others can vote for them.


Hey there; first, thanks for the wear support, it is important to me.

But I have an issue, I am unable to pan through the map. In the description it says it allows browsing, but all I can is zoom in and out, not to scroll to the sides. Do I need to allow something in settings? I've "Enable periodic updates for addons" and "Locus map as a service" marked.

Second, is there a possibility to have the location updated by the watch app itself? Now if I exit the main phone app and open it only on my watch, the location is shown where it was locked the last time. It is possible to refresh it by opening the google maps app on the watch, and then return to Locus, but it would be great if it would do that itself.



panning the map is currently not supported, but I see that the description in the store is really misleading, so thank you for mentioning this issue.

Handling location change is somewhat problematic when Locus Map on the phone is off. We know about this issue and we plan to deal with it. Currently the watch is fully dependent on the GPS from the phone and some phones will not update the location when there is no service/app using it. Opening Google Maps on the watch should have no effect, it might be a side effect caused by the fact, that GPS from the watch is automatically synchronized to the phone when you get a GPS lock when running Google Maps.

Also as a temporary solution you can keep up Locus Map running by recording a track or possibly having a live tracking on while using your watch.


Thank you for the quick reply and info regarding the gps updates. As stated, there are workarounds about that, but I am glad to see that it's in progress. However, I'd truly appreciated the panning function, I think it would add a lot to the usability of the app. Please consider it for the future development.Thanks again for your work!


Wouldit be possible to also mirror the compass screen of locus. I use an LG G Watch which has a compass. The bearing feature of the main locus app compass is something I use a lot. Currently I have to use a seperate app called bearing to get this feature



I added this as a new idea (see link) so you and others could vote for this.


I currently use an old Samsung S3 as a bike computer (no SIM card) mounted on my handlebars.

Is it possible to use that old phone instead of a smart watch running the "Wear For Locus" app, with my expensive, new Android phone tucked safely away in my backpack?


I would l;ove to do the same, it would also be good for those phones that are worn on the wrist in format, they are basically small normal android devices that make calls etc.

It would be good to have a 2nd screen function, where one android device could show certain aspects of the other, like the data/tracks or especially the compass


Thanks for the support Alistair,

my main interest is use while touring (mainly long distance and often heavily loaded). I currently use LocusMap with voice directions via my bluetooth, bone-conduction headphones. This works well except with high ambient noise levels e.g. wind noise above around 25km/h, or traffic.

My current experiment is to have a second LocusMap on my old phone doing (hopefully) identical work as my main phone, but me using the visual direction arrows. However this does mean peering down at the phone screen a lot when I should be paying full attention to what is happening around me on what are by definition strange roads and paths.

It would be great to have the old phone as the slave, displaying just the arrows enlarged to full screen so I can see them at a glance. Generally I do not need the map display; and I can't see the details anyway when in bright sun. And a smart watch? well I probably wouldn't wear it anyway - I'd strap it around the handlebars.


PS - I may have wandered off-topic here.


Hello guys,

these ideas are very nice but I think that not a lot of people would make use of such function. Although as Alistair said there are some watches that use some custom Android which could potentially use such a feature.

By the way have your tried any application for android-to-android screen mirroring/sharing? Could be what you want but I fear that with a big difference in resolution or DPI of the two phones these solutions might not be very usable.

Also if you would really like to see this feature please create a new idea, something like Locus Map second screen extension or something like that depending on what you have in mind, and add some description, possibly based on your comments above.


I would rather stop creating such ideas, please. What you discuss here should be a really complicated task with benefit for only limited number of users. Because here is already almost 1000 not-yet-implemented ideas, please choose carefully if what you need will be usable for most of the users or not. Thanks for understanding.


Hey! android-to-android screen mirroring? I never realised you could do this. I'll give that a try.

Sorry Menion, but if one doesn't mention these issues then one never find out that other solutions might exist.

Actually, given the number of old smart phones gathering dust around the world, finding uses for them has a great environmental benefit - and how many bike computers can boast a 5.5 inch screen. :-)


We are little offtopic now.

Before publishing new version, I test Locus Map on Xperia X8 device: . You will be hardly look for worst device. And even here is Locus running and works correctly!! So I see no reason, why to create some complicated software system on Locus side, when you may simply run full featured app on old device!!


Wear for Locus Map add-on has already been implemented months ago. We are still dedicated to continue supporting and extending the functionality of this add-on (although we haven't been very active with its development lately).

There have also been quite a few new ideas and questions regarding the add-on here at the help desk over the time. Because of this I am closing this idea as completed while new ideas or question will be continued to be handled individually under Wearables category.

Best Regards



Witam czy locus będzie działać na Moto 360 sport po aktualizacji android wear 2.0?


Hello, yes it should be just fine.

AW2/Wear OS is recommended for the add-on. But don't forget to install the add-on on the watch and the phone separately after the update since AW2 watches have their own independent Google Play.

Best Regards



Short question:

From the current news regarding Wear OS. Is it possible to use only the watch to record track and HR standalone with the locus app for Wear OS or is it 'just' some kind of remote and I need my phone running locus, too?

I'm missing info regarding the inter-processing between locus on phone and locus on watch...?


No, at the moment Locus for Wear OS needs the smartphone connected via Bluetooth.


Thx, just found the topic regarding that idea after posting my question :-)

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