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Quick map switch in right toolbar ([CZ] Rychlé přepínače map v pravém panelu)

onelook shared this idea 10 years ago

The ability to add icons of specific selected map to the right panel to quickly switch map by one click.

[CZ] Možnost přidat do pravého panelu ikonek konkrétních vybraných map pro rychlé přepnutí jedním klikem.

Replies (3)



7 měsíců, žádný hlas. Pro mě - mraky práce navíc přičemž o užitečnosti si nejsem zcela jist. Bohužel - zamítnuto


There are several ideas to allow one click switching with more votes, this one was very specific. Maybe Locus4 material?

Maybe allow voting by money (funds will be collected when you decide to implement)?


This is less about money and more about working hours. There are so many ideas to implement and he can only do one at a time. Only 2 people want this idea. There are other ideas that 30 people want. The benefit of the idea is very small.


Yes - but i am not talking about this specific idea. There are other ideas for map switching that have 30 votes. It does not have to be this one. Money voting was general suggestion geared towards voting by actual money - i.e. you would implement a solution when you collect e.g. 3000e or similar. That would be extra money to even hire new people (just contemplating - i realize there are other issues with too many features ... )


3000 votes to implement? Oki, nice limit, agree :).


I didnt mean votes, but rather Euros (so fewer people could invest in the implementation with money) :)

If 30 votes was listed as a relevant count, then e.g. has 34 already.

But those numbers are skewed because there are very few people who bother to report problems or submit or vote for ideas. Maybe there could be yearly subscriber/pro user poll - which features people would like to see. Maybe ask subscribers where do they want to allocate their funds. That could engage some of the people.


Interesting idea with asking subscribers, thanks!

Number of votes is one factor, complexity is the second. For example 3D maps has a huge number of votes. I was already working on this all together maybe 3 weeks during 2018-2019. Result? Zero. It is so complex task ...

So votes gives us user-priority opinition. But high number of votes does not guarantee, feature will really be implemented. Anyway this does not belong here ...

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