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Share: add field "description"

Georg D shared this idea 3 years ago

Imagine someone asks you where to meet. You want to text (SMS,...) that person the point where you want to meet, i.e. name, coordinates and description containing approach information. Because of limitations of SMS etc, sending an exported GPX is no option. Because you're in the mountains, you've only 2G (quite common e.g. in Germany) so Internet sharing platforms are no viable option.

In Locus, you open the point, press share button, click text message, press + button to add coordinates but from that + button you can't choose description. Please add it (maybe also all text based fields like phone etc? maybe also a convenience option "all text fields"?), so you do not need to close share dialog, long tab description, copy, press share button, click text message, press + button to add coordinates, long press text field, paste.

Best Answer

Hello Georg,

ah, I need to be more careful with news, someone is reading them :). My mistake sorry, this change is available only in the Locus Map 4 version.

Replies (4)


Hi guys,

"address" (require offline LoMaps if point does not have an address) and "description" will be added in the next Locus Map (4) version.



Thank you, that's working fine for me in v4.14.0 πŸ™‚ but not v3.65.1 πŸ˜₯ despite being in release notes of v3.65.0. Anything I need to do or something you need to to?


Bear in mind 3.65 is feature frozen, bug fixes only ( i believe)

part of the point with LM 4 and subscription, is as its so different , the developers cant add features to both 3.6 and 4, at least doing so incur extra costs, if people want the older 3.6 that theyve paid once for , thats fine, but like me if you want the newest features, we have to pay the developers for the privilidge, which is only fair,

theres only so much we can expect to improve when i spent something like Β£2 on LM pro 12 years ago...


Thanks for understanding!

And you are with me (us) for 12 years? Quite a long time, uff :)


Locus was the first app I bought back in 2010, its grown a lot but i think the subscription idea is great as theres always so many new features we all want and since the subscription started, tehers been an explosion of them

Very happy to keep paying for gold even though I havent been out to use it much, but keeping new features like this to LM4 only is a good way to reward us subscribers.

But is is very good that you have left Locus 3.6, a lot of other app developers have removed their paid apps from the store completely when they have gone to subscription.


And I fully understand other devs, to be true :). It is quite a lot of extra work to keep both versions fully working.

But not that much to throw Classic away immediately. We still plan to stop support it few years later, but for now, it is still doable and there is still huge amount of people who use it. So why to throw them sticks under legs ...

And thanks for the support, appreciate it!



> And you are with me (us) for 12 years? Quite a long time, uff :)

I can fully emphazise; I'm again and again realizing we're not in our twenties any more 😁 I bought my first Locus Pro license 10 years ago – and since, this single app helped me quite often on tour, in the city, etc πŸ‘ In the meanwhile, I bought some more licenses for friends & family that would also have been fine with Locus free, but I wanted to help the team funding itself – as a "thank you" for ongoing maintenance & development and also in my personal interest to keep updates coming.


Hello Georg,

ah, I need to be more careful with news, someone is reading them :). My mistake sorry, this change is available only in the Locus Map 4 version.


Ah, I see. That's fine for me πŸ™‚

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