Update geocache logs

Drumpldeer shared this idea 3 years ago
Gathering feedback

Is it possible to build in a button within the Geocaching-Logs-Menu to update the Logs?

Or perhabs also swipe down to update, like it is new in cgeo. ;-)

I have attached a image for an example, how what i mean.


Replies (5)


Is it possible to implement this feature? It looks like also interesting for some other users. :-)


Is it possible to integrate this, please? Is the geocaching app actually still maintained at all? It would be a real shame if there were no more optimisations here, as many Locus users are also primarily Geocachers and only use Locus for that reason. I know this is a separate app, but the migration to Locus V4 and its adjustments have also been made. It would be nice if the app, or at least its part within Locus, could also be maintained by the Locus team if the G4L app developers can no longer or no longer want to do this.

Kind regards!



Hi, if Geocaching4Locus is maintained or not, I do not know. Anyway required functionality has to be implemented directly in the Locus Map itself.

Geocaching is currently not a hot topic for us because of some other priorities, but I believe we will find time on improving geocaching features during 2022. Thanks for understanding.


That sounds very good. I'm happy to wait if it's on the agenda. And sorry for bothering you, I've already seen that I have a lot of things to change. Thank you very much!


To be true, reminding is quite necessary. On this helpdesk is so much interesting topics to do, that more than the number of votes is important activity in the topic :)

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