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Waypoint sound (beep or TTS)

Francisco Jose shared this question 3 years ago

I'm at Locus 4 Gold and trying to have sound (TTS) in the proximity of waypoints, without sucess.

The most complete topic on this is at

There are 2 types of waypoints related with my question: normal waypoints we create in a locus user folder, and "via-points" that are waypoints we create inside the track. I am interested in this ones because are the relevant for the track/route we navigate, without the hassle of notification of other user waypoints that are not relevant to our navigation.

User "0709" in the above post says (but 3 years ago & for Locus Pro):

" ... Select the 'free choice' points folder:

1- Points in the folder are set (eye) active and visible on map ?

2- Poi alerter setting ok ? Double check !

3- (????) Poi alerter activ ? A previous poi alert state is not memorised !

4- (????)Poi alerter must be (re)set at every new Locus start ! "

For 4x4 offroad, sometimes we have very complicated terrain and we must concentrate on it, not in the screen, so in these cases voice alerts are very useful and - mainly - secure. I use it for route commands with success, but can't operate that in waypoints.

In Locus 4 (Gold) I had the above point "2" active, but don't know which function / menu to use to do "3"+"4". Note: above point "1" is not relevant for via-points, but relevant to have the track/route visible, I think, which I do.

Maybe for Locus 4 users should be a benefice to have a review / little guide on voice/sound on waypoints (both 2 categories - waypoints & via-points). Thank you.

Best Answer

Generally there are 2 kinds of (wpt) waypoints.

To say: At the import of a new gpx file ! (That's what we are talking about, not ?)

- Operation direct from the data in the Locus database is very similar except than no more selection trouble by external gpx file import ;-)

1. Free positioned gpx (poi) waypoints. These can be part of a single imported gpx file and are not associated with any particular trackpoint. You can be alerted when nearing from (N,E,S,W) direction toward the particular poi waypoints by (MUST SET ! ) the Locus POI distance alerter.

Hint: You can put the POI alert function button (MUST BE SET at each new session !) into the quick button list onto the right panel !

2. The gpx navigation waypoints are also imported by that same gpx file but are associated (connected) with a single particular trackpoint. A Via point as part of the navigation system can also be alerted than by the Navigation module. So use the Locus Navigation function. Use the BIG navigation Button = also a service Panel by push. Than select Choose Voices: Set the prefered alert mode: By TTS, by simple tone beeps, or Voices.

Voices for example by using Loud and clear Morse tone alerts....Find Free Voice downloads in the Locus Store > Features

Than be alerted at a particular distance before arriving at a Via or Turn Point that are also part of that same gpx navigation track file. At what distance these alerts than happens ? a little complicated for sure. The alert (multiple) distance(s !) are expressed in seconds before arrival at a track Via or Turn Point.It so does mean that your previously noted avg moving speed is taken into account ! The faster you where moving before arrival the further away the alerts are triggered. Roger ?

Setting this up to your particular use case is a hidden treasure to find and edit in the config.cfg file. > In NAVIGATION

3. And there is even more ;-)

When you import a gpx track file you have the choice to merge the waypoints with the track or to separate the waypoints into a points folder. However, if you do not merge, you will separate all waypoints including those important associated navigation waypoints. And so the navigation function will not work anymore. So the track and its associated waypoints should always stay together. SET MERGE !

And by that, also the attached normal free positioned poi waypoints will remain together with your track ! As you can't just quickly separate the simple poi waypoints from a navigation track into a separate point folder.

Does there exist a more simple robust mode by using an alternative gpx track import?

Yes, is only a recently supported import mode in Locus, this by putting the instructions direct into the trackpoints.

Than that selection problem as is posted in point 3 for sure could definitely be solved 100% perfect. Simple.

Replies (2)


Found the solution for 1 of the questions: the green button at the bottom (see attached image). Must be activated each time we start Locus, or we need sound on waypoints; is an independent function and we have sound always on waypoints, not only when we are navigating a route.

To stop sound same button, but this time is a red square.

Files: 3.jpg

Generally there are 2 kinds of (wpt) waypoints.

To say: At the import of a new gpx file ! (That's what we are talking about, not ?)

- Operation direct from the data in the Locus database is very similar except than no more selection trouble by external gpx file import ;-)

1. Free positioned gpx (poi) waypoints. These can be part of a single imported gpx file and are not associated with any particular trackpoint. You can be alerted when nearing from (N,E,S,W) direction toward the particular poi waypoints by (MUST SET ! ) the Locus POI distance alerter.

Hint: You can put the POI alert function button (MUST BE SET at each new session !) into the quick button list onto the right panel !

2. The gpx navigation waypoints are also imported by that same gpx file but are associated (connected) with a single particular trackpoint. A Via point as part of the navigation system can also be alerted than by the Navigation module. So use the Locus Navigation function. Use the BIG navigation Button = also a service Panel by push. Than select Choose Voices: Set the prefered alert mode: By TTS, by simple tone beeps, or Voices.

Voices for example by using Loud and clear Morse tone alerts....Find Free Voice downloads in the Locus Store > Features

Than be alerted at a particular distance before arriving at a Via or Turn Point that are also part of that same gpx navigation track file. At what distance these alerts than happens ? a little complicated for sure. The alert (multiple) distance(s !) are expressed in seconds before arrival at a track Via or Turn Point.It so does mean that your previously noted avg moving speed is taken into account ! The faster you where moving before arrival the further away the alerts are triggered. Roger ?

Setting this up to your particular use case is a hidden treasure to find and edit in the config.cfg file. > In NAVIGATION

3. And there is even more ;-)

When you import a gpx track file you have the choice to merge the waypoints with the track or to separate the waypoints into a points folder. However, if you do not merge, you will separate all waypoints including those important associated navigation waypoints. And so the navigation function will not work anymore. So the track and its associated waypoints should always stay together. SET MERGE !

And by that, also the attached normal free positioned poi waypoints will remain together with your track ! As you can't just quickly separate the simple poi waypoints from a navigation track into a separate point folder.

Does there exist a more simple robust mode by using an alternative gpx track import?

Yes, is only a recently supported import mode in Locus, this by putting the instructions direct into the trackpoints.

Than that selection problem as is posted in point 3 for sure could definitely be solved 100% perfect. Simple.

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