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Support RouteYou web Via AND Shaping Points by the trackpoint <type>.

0709 shared this idea 2 years ago

Promote the Planner Points Via or Shaping 100% unambiguously by the gpx <type>

Example Locus track download from the RouteYou webplanner here:

The RouteYou webplanner now generates both Via Points and Shaping Points in the gpx export.

The distinction between the two Planner Points is marked as follows.

Via Points are with <name> <cmt> <sym>pass_place and <type>Via.

Shaping Points are with <cmt> <sym>pass_place and <type>Shaping.

Also is a best compatible solution for the current Locus versions:

All Planner Points appear as Via Points in the current Locus versions.

Shaping Points without a <name> so do trigger TTS 'silent' Via Points.

Replies (4)


In Route You web > select downloaden > Locus map.

And find the download Locus gpx file in attachment here ;-)


A Shaping Point = A 'muted' Via Point.

By <type> Shaping "mute" ALL navigation announcements belonging to the track point.

Find in this (2p) doc at the end of page 1 next

Not Announced Shaping Point @Navigate. (Green triangle in the Locus Route Planner)

- Planner Reference and Navigation Target.

- Navigation trackpoint by <cmt> & <sym>pass_place & <type>Shaping.

- Shaping points by <type>Shaping act like “MUTED” Via Points @ navigation.

- No sound announcement nor by TTS nor voice (morse) tones, no Icon display, no top panel text, no auto display on.


Only if the planned via points as well as the shaping points are output in the gpx file, can a route exported as a GPX file be reloaded with a planning programme and further processed (extended, changed). That is why I think it is very important and makes sense to keep and export shaping and via points differentiated in an export file.


In recent Locus map the "pass_place_silent" is available, so the suggestion is to use it also this way.

A trkpt containing the following:

<sym>pass_place</sym> then results into the Locus app like:


A trkpt containing the following:

<sym>pass_place</sym> PLUS <type>Via</type> then results into the Locus app like: <locus:rtePointAction>pass_place</locus:rtePointAction>.

A trkpt containing the following:

<sym>pass_place</sym> PLUS <type>Shaping</type> then results into the Locus app like: <locus:rtePointAction>pass_place_silent</locus:rtePointAction>.


Hi Willy,

oki, in next version, "Shaping" type will make via points = silent. Thanks




The test result is fine and as expected.

The Route You Shaping Points are effectively not announced and the functionality as a route Planner Point remains so intact.

To know.

- In the Route You combination by "sym U-turn plus type Shaping or Via", the functionality as a route Planner Point is not preserved.

Locus navigation announces an imported U-turn but anyway the Locus route planner itself does not generate U-turns due to a Shaping or Via Point trigger. If one so want a U-turn announcement to be produced in the Locus route planner that specific instruction must be added in the <name>text in an announced Via Point.

This is because specifically the Locus route planner creates multiple consecutive single start-stop calculated individual "segments" between the Shaping or Via Points. These segments are than joined together into a gpx single trkseg track file .


"Quote". In the Route You combination by "sym U-turn plus type Shaping or Via", the functionality as a route Planner Point is not preserved.

Hi Menion.

Thanks again for that very fine functional newest realisation.

And it is currently already very convenient to be used this way.

Although I had planned it slightly differently, well to say a little bit ;-)


That <type>Shaping or Via directly promotes a track point to a navigation waypoint, just like a corresponding correct <sym> does.


This would then make it so possible to import any<sym>.

Together with the <type> any<sym> as a stowaway would than enter Locus map.

Roger ?


Hi Willy,

well, to be true, I do not understand precisely. One more try please :).

Currently, if "sym" specify any action other then "Pass place", "type" value won't have any effect I expect ...


If the <sym>text is correct, trackpoints will be promoted and imported into Locus navigation as turnpoints or by a <sym>pass_place as planner point.

Desired extra is:

Provided by <type>Shaping or Via, trackpoints are promoted and imported into Locus navigation as a planner point. (Independently of the <sym>text)

The original import file.


Advantage 1. (Important)

The Routeyou planner generates a <sym> U-turn together with <type>Via (Shaping) in a track point.

- After importing in current Locus map you will get the U-turn but the planner point will so be lost.

- Expected result.

Import and keep both the U-turn and the planner point intact.

Target in "navigate to point" mode and a re-route planner point.

Advantage 2. (Not very important )

Together with <type>Via or Shaping import any <sym> in the Locus navigation.

- Expected result.

Together with a Shaping or Via point you can for example import a "Danger Area" Icon.

By next hocus-pocus demo file see what is desired also by the original import file.



Hi Willy,

understand. Unfortunately, this is technically not possible. A single point can't be a "navigation command" (turn etc.) and the "via point" at once, sorry.


Understood and not surprised by the reply. Apparently it is a challenge.

I had the same answer before by another dev of a different app.

Until than suddenly found the perfect solution. Technically possible.

U-turn and Via (Shaping) point are both snapped to the track and osm street pattern.

The 180° U-turn and triggering Via track point do share the exact same track position

;-) ;-)


Hi Menion.

After sure successful tests, one small remark. As with the <sym> please also <type> case insensitive.

Both the type "Via <=> via" or the type "Shaping <=> shaping" are thus valid.


Hi Willy, ah you are correct of course, thanks fixed.


The import in Locus of a gpx navigation track with instructions in trackpoints runs very well.
A trackpoint is promoted to a navigation waypoint provided a correct Locus trkpt [EN]sym.
Request NEW extra .
Additionally promote a trackpoint with any sym provided it contains trkpt [EN]type Via or Shaping.
This way you can just like a Locus track with navigation waypoints import and display any Icon.

By a trkpt type Via is to be handled by Locus as an announced Via Point.
By a trkpt type Shaping is to be handled by Locus as a silent Via Point.


Hello Willy, this should already work in the case, point has set <sym>PASS_PLACE</sym> tag.


I know....question and suggestion is with any sym.

So just like the sym is the first key set for entrance, the type this by expressionb via or shaping are the second set of keys to enter a trackpoint as a navigation waypoint into Locus . Roger ?


Understand. This whole look to me more and more overcomplicated to be true. For now, I believe that the current system is good enough. Thanks for understanding.


Understood Menion, and so to summarize.
What can or can't be done through Locus.

A. Is very useful.
B. Is a nice extra.

A. Combi trkpt sym turn with type via(shaping)

Not possible in navtrkpt mode.
Not possible in navwpt mode.


B. Combi trkpt sym any with type via(shaping)

Not possible in navtrkpt mode.
Possible in navwpt mode.



Indeed just a nice to have feature here an example.

Indication "Danger area" The on map Icon display.

Other via shown as mini black dot "waypoint" Icons.



In the indeed rather rare case ( I admit) that an example as B is expected by one, it can be produced for Locus.
The intention was this no longer had to be done externally but directly was correctly so addressed by Locus.
An example result is anyway attached. The expected track point promotion is thus manually implemented.


No problem

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