Compact text for navigation promts

Matthias shared this question 2 years ago
In Progress

Already posted in the forum, but no reaction, so i am trying here:

For small devices (like a Garmin Fenix in my case), the turn promts are often cut off because the text (= title of the turn notification waypoint) is just too long. Is it possible to customize these inserted texts to make them shortet? I thought there might be some text file that contains these predefined texts that i can maybe customize...

I tried to create a custom de.tts file, as described here:

But no success. It seems to not use the tts files at all. Also when I change the tts settings to another language, the (written) navigation promts are still in german.

Replies (6)


Hello Matthias,

currently, all waypoints in the navigation have names generated by internal translations in the current app locale, not by the TTS engine system. So custom TTS files have an effect during navigation on the read texts (texts in the Text-to-speech), but not on the names.

Garmin > so you use an add-on for the Garmin? Which texts are so long that it causes problems on the Garmin watches? Give me please some more info, maybe there will be something we may do ...


Thank you for your reply. I am using the locus Garmin addon to send the course to the watch and then the Garmin native course navigation (not the one via Locus). It depends on the data field size. See the attached picture. It shows the prompt 'halte dich links' (keep left) on all different data field sizes. Only the biggest data field shows the complete direction.

A compact format would for example be 'links halten' instead of 'halte dich links' and 'links abbiegen' instead of 'biege links ab' (turn left). Those would be readable even when truncated.


Thanks for the detailed description, it makes sense. Best to discuss it here directly with @Jan Čapek , creator of this add-on. If there is a chance to make these texts shorter, it should make sense to do it especially for the Garmin add-on or generally on the request from any add-on. So Jan, any idea?



surprised to see, that on new devices you at least of have ability to read longer text on bigger field. It wasn't the case previously, that is why i created this in old days: :)

Shortening text on addon would not be great option as the result will be similar as it now.

I think we would discuss this more internally whether we can review translations of this nav instructions to not be that "char-wasteful", but I think it is clear, we would not be able to fit all to 8 chars anyway.


Hi Jan. Your Data field looks nice. Any plans on updating it to make it work for Fenix 6 series?

I understand that it will not be possible to shorten all commands to 8 characters. It would already be of great advantage if the essential part (left or right) is readable when it's truncated after 8 characters. The German translation for 'bear left/right' is quite unfortunate in this regard ('halte dich links', where 'links' means 'left'). What is also interesting is that 'bear left' and 'keep left' are translated to German using the same German word ('halten'), but 'bear left' uses the longer term 'halte dich links' while 'keep left' is translated with the shorter 'links halten'. There is no difference in the meaning of these two terms.

There seems to be no easy solution. As a workaround, i will switch to English for more compact navigation commands for now.


I do not plan to update compatibility for this old datafield for now due to other priorities. When new devices can show longer text at least when there is space, its not that important anymore I think.

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