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The type of coordinates in the dashboard does not change

Andrii Luniachek shared this problem 16 months ago
Not a Problem

In the dashboard, the coordinates of the map center are always shown in WGS84, even if another type of coordinates is selected in the settings.

This problem is present on both Locus Map 3 Classic and Locus Map 4.

Replies (2)



this is not a bug, this is a "feature" :-)

Latitude and Longitude fields always show coordinates in a predefined format.

But you can use "Coordinates (Single line)" or "Coordinates (Two lines)" which allows you to display different formats.


Zdenek, Locus team


No, it's not like that.

I need the coordinates of the center of the map.

The "Coordinates (Single line)" and "Coordinates (Two lines)" fields are available only in the "GPS" section and show the coordinates of my current location only.

The fields in the "Map" section show the coordinates of the center of the map. But there are no "Coordinates (Single line)" or "Coordinates (Two lines)" fields in this section.



I am sorry, but in this case, there is no solution right now.

We have plans to rebuild the whole dashboard feature and this is one of the items that could be added to it.

There is no ETA but it is quite high on the task list and I have forwarded your request to the developers.


Zdenek, Locus team


Thank you!

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