Line design in navigation mode

Jan Götze shared this idea 14 months ago
Gathering feedback

I usually cycle without my glasses. That's no problem, but I can't see small things on my smartphone so well. This often bothers me with dense map sections in navigation mode. Then I often can't see the line of the track.

What I find very good, however, is the display of the arrows on the tracks on some bike computers. The arrows are much wider and thicker than the line and therefore easier to see.

It would be nice to be able to select such a line design in LM as well.

Replies (2)


Hello Jan,

please check an option to set a track/route style in the app. I'm sure, you may find there a combination of color&symbol that may be visible good enough for you.


I have already tried everything at this point. However, my problem is that the arrows are only ever as wide as the line is wide. I can't make the arrows wider. I want a thin line and wide arrows (like in the design as in my screenshot). If I want wide arrows with the current options, then I also have to make the line wide. But then I can't see many other things below the line.


I did something like that. The line is wide but partially transparent. I did not make the arrows transparent


The transparent line woth large arrows is a good workaround. But it would be good to have a thin line with wider arrows.

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