Include public transport with bus lines in Locus themes

druki shared this idea 12 months ago
Gathering feedback

There is currently no way to see bus lines in LoMaps. But the data is there in OSM as you can see at: http://ö;48.7812;15

So it would be great if different public transport types could be selectable in the standard LoMaps themes.

I could imagine to include it in the following themes:

- city

- hiking&cycling

The single selectable types of public transport lines could be:

- bus (I need this the most, probably include all types of bus lines: buses, coaches, guided-buses and trolleybuses)

- railway (very long distances like between cities)

- tram (standard short distance inner city transport on rails)

- underground (subway, quick express, longer distances inner city railways)

OSM has different "concepts" (schemata and versions) of types of public transport lines that needs to be regarded at implementation. Feel free to adapt the requirements to the possibilities and to find the best technical solution.

Related topic is:

Replies (6)


Good day Ray,

thank you for your feedback. In this case, it is more about: "are there any transport maps, that may be added to Locus"? Do you have any suggestion from your area?

We always strictly follow terms of use of maps in Locus, but in case of any interesting and useful maps, we may contact it's owner.


Good day Menion,

You're right.

Unfortunately, I don't know transport maps covering Italy and France.


How about requesting public transport theme for LoMaps? I currently search for such a topic, but can't find exactly such a request. Background: in OSM I can see a lot of bus routes in my city (Stutggart, Germany) but even with other available themes I am not able to see the bus Lines in LoMaps.

So basic question @menion : Are Bus lines allready included in LoMaps data? See


Meanwhile there was a progress in OSM data, but unfortunately there are no themes that support public transport in Locus on OSM based map data. I will create an idea for that and if we see the missing data more transparen in Locus, we can do requests in OSM project to include the bus line information 😉.


Not sure if those data exist in the same way as hiking and cycling routes, which are relations in OSM.

OAM doesn't have public transport networks and as I understand below thread, it will not get it (too many changes?).

Interesting topic but my guess is it's too much effort for map makers.


The information is allready there if maintained (yes, it's relations). See attached screenshot with example of a bus line right in front of the main station in Stuttgart.

And as all information in OSM, not all areas in the world are enriched in the same depth of data. But this should not be the reason to say: There is no data. The data can influence the priorization of topics. And there can be automatisms and scripts be used by maintainers to enrich data and avoid manual work.

So yes, if you are in an area where bus line information is maintained not good enough, you will not benefit from it. On the other side, if the information is maintained in a good grade, the benefit is given also in a higher grade.

The link you provided on OAM is more about overlays and rastered maps. This topic here is more about the dedicated OSM data and how to be displayed in LoMaps by themes.


If you use the theme "Voluntary V5" or "Voluntary V5 LE" you can see the bus, tram and railway stops, but it would be nice to see them in the original Locus themes "Hiking&Cycling" and "town" too


In the theme of OAM (Elevate) you can show and hide the stops.
But in the theme more lines are meant that a bus drives.


I just found in the Basic Set you'll find OSM OpenBusMap ( With that you have three possibilities:

  • use it as online map
  • generate your own offline Map (download a specific area)
  • use it as overlay to any other map

I hope that's helps.


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