Problem with import GPX route into Garmin Connect

Kevin Straub shared this problem 4 months ago

Has anything changed in the route planner? Up until now I could plan a route in Locus and import it into Garmin. This hasn't been possible since recently. However, if I export older routes planned on Locus, the import into Garmin still works. Can you help me?

Replies (12)


Hi Kevin,

could you please describe how you import the routes into your Garmin? Do you use the Locus Map for Garmin addon or the "Share as GPX" feature?


Hi Michal,

thanks for your help.

I export a gpx from Locus (Export -> gpx) and open this file again with Garmin Connect. I don't use an add-on. So far it's worked great.


Kevin, do you please plan the route in Locus Map app or on the web?


Locus Map App 4.26.2


Hi Kevin, can you please post screenshot what Garmin Connect app shows when you try to import "not ok" GPX? I have tested both of your files and also new tracks saved on our in app planner and all works just fine.

Btw, do you know that you can do the same thing by Share>Share as GPX>Open>Connect?



Hi Jan,

Thanks for your help. Strange that it works for you. I'm attaching the screenshot.

The other way share>share as gpx>open>connect, serves the same error...


Garmin update? Write error to Garmin, the error should be with Garmin.


Garmin is updated.

It's easy to say that the error lies somewhere else. I thought the error was with Locus because I can import GPX from other apps (Komot) into Garmin without any problems...


Both gpx files are valid and import into Garmin Mapsource_Basecamp.

The OK file contains a track, the NOK file a track plus TBT. waypoints.

Test an export only as track without navigation instructions.


Thanks for the idea.

I've already tested that. I just tested again. It's the same error message...


File to test attached


Nope... Same issue.

Big thanks for your help!


The first trackpoint had no timestamp attached. Corrected.

So next try. Without waypoints.


Works 🥳

But I can't export the file in Locus without waypoints?

And why do the older files work and the new ones not? I don't changed anything in create or save or export the files...


I don't know the Garmin connect app “sensitivities” exactly ;-)

Locus export gpx > show more > unset include navigation commands.
However there still remains 1 single gpx waypoint with sym pass_place.
The first track point lacks the desired timestamp for speed calculation.
Both are to be improved by Locus map. (Recent Classic and 4 version)


Thanks! Then the problem is with the one remaining waypoint. I can't turn it off and that's what's causing Garmin to hang up...


Try putting a value into the Name field of the waypoint.

For me the empty Name field causes an error when saving the course in Connect on Android. It does work OK on the Web version of Connect even with Name empty.

For me the missing timestamp on the first point does not cause any problems.


Thanks Alan, that's the problem!

I gave a name to the first wp of the track and it works...

Thank you!!


Good to know in any case. Another one of the typical Garmin traps, so ;-)

No name is possibly not the problem but the empty gpx name element.

The end waypoint with empty gpx name element is no problem for Garmin?


Still, it is desirable that Locus optimizes the gpx export.

- If instructions are included, ALL navigation waypoints should contain the corresponding trackpoint timestamp.
- Without instructions, that single start navigation waypoint should not be present.
- If no name is provided there should be no “empty” gpx name elements.
- The first trackpoint should also contain a reference timestamp.
So that other apps display the track speed correctly as well.


Thanks for your great help! Is somebody tell that problem to locus?


Hello Kevin,

firstly, thanks Willy (0709) for analysis, it helped a lot. So I've updated export of empty "name" tag and also first trackpoint in planned route will always have a timestamp, even if it's a "0" in this case. Missing time for first waypoint is not a problem. So, the next version ...


@Menion. Excellent.

Time stamp also in the first navigation waypoint is already advantageous.
It is thus completely idem with what is required with tcx. Garmin strict tcx ;-)
Navigation waypoints with timestamps ensure that the verified order of precedence remains intact and is always recoverable, even if you want to make manual adjustments.
The eye for such details thus distinguishes the better apps from the rest.


Set timestamp on all points - definitely good practice and essential to cover all possible usages (not just Garmin Connect).
When importing the track to Garmin Connect (Web) it resets the timestamps anyway.
Start time is time of import.
Trackpoints get new timestamps. Not sure how it decides what speed to use but its not the same as in original GPX.
After import you can set the pace yourself but:
Export to FIT - speed is correct as per pace set.
Export to GPX - trackpoint timestamps are completely unrealistic speed (about 3 times too fast)
Coursepoints get a fixed timestamp - time of import. Visible in exported FIT file. Timestamps not included on waypoints in exported GPX file.

Garmin Connect on the Web - accepts import of GPX waypoints with no name. It sets/stores the name of these as "Generic Point"

Garmin Connect on Android
- imports (into memory) and displays the route
- you can edit it etc.
- but when saving it then complains "Course not available - we're having trouble retrieving a course" (very unhelpful)
- edit a coursepoint - it will not allow name to be set to null
- have to set non-null value for name of all coursepoints then it will allow save.

It should behave same as the Web version - if names are mandatory for Garmin Connect then it should set null ones to "Generic Point" automatically.
Strictly speaking I don't think there is any standard that says waypoint names are mandatory - only mandatory fields are Lat and Long. Different apps will differ on that no doubt and have their own rules depending on what they do with them.

Personally I avoid Garmin Connect for route creation or transfer to device, so it doesn't introduce any changes or other glitches.
I export a FIT file from Locus and transfer to device via USB. My waypoints (via and nav) always have a name.
FIT from Locus has full timestamps for trackpoints and coursepoints and needs no further conversion so I get what I expected.
But:- Lap: timestamp and start_time are absent.
Event (both types "start" and "stop_disable_all") : timestamp absent.
These haven't caused any issues for my usage. Don't know whether they affect anything else.


Hi Alan.

Interesting. Variations all around so.

Since I was still using an Edge 705 in 2014, Locus tcx support was desirable.
You can see here the discussion and also the further course of discussion then ;-)

Although I no longer use tcx I still sometimes mention it anyway.

Since I do not use a Garmin Edge any more it was not necessary to deal with fit files.
Other than extra TBT instructions I note that “Notes” are not even present anymore.
For the recent Garmin gps devices the anyway more complex fit format is needed.

Given my experience with tcx files, I still notice such comments.
And indeed, each software handles them slightly differently.
See a recent comment that surprised a tcx user and the dev ;-)

Loose talk...nothing more to say about it.

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