Import Custom icon directly

Tomas Hnyk shared this idea 3 months ago
Gathering feedback

In order to use custom icons for POIs, you need to manually place a zip file with PNG files int Locus directory. One needs a computer for it and it is not terribly user friendly. Instead, when clicking the plus icon in the Select Icon dialogue, one could point at a zip file with png icons/directory with png icons/one or more PNG icons and locus would import them automatically.

Follow up to thi question:

Replies (1)


A computer is only needed to a limited extent for this work. You can do everything with your phone. But this requires appropriate authorizations for the Phone's File Manager. Possibly also root.
But you can also put your Locus directory under Android/Media. There it is certainly possible without a PC.
Of course, a basic user is then overwhelmed. So such an import will make it easier for the Basic user. But the question is whether there are many Basic users who want their own symbols. Most of them won't even know about it


My use case is making the icons myself and distributing it. I can instruct somebody to import a ZIP file in-app much easier than having them fiddle with files.

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