Point alert. Improvement.

40° shared this idea 2 months ago
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My idea is that instead of one parameter Distance <distance of the alert start zone>, there should be two parameters Distance1 and Distance2, where Distance1 is still <distance of the alert start zone> , Distance2 is <distance of the alert stop zone>.

In this case, with the <Notify until stopped> option enabled, approaching the POI at a distance of Distance1, I will constantly hear the direction and distance to the POI. Upon arriving at a POI at a distance of Distance2, the notification for this POI will stop because it is no longer necessary information. As you approach the next POI at a distance of Distance1, everything will repeat on the route.

I hope that after such changes, this tool will become more convenient.

Replies (1)


If you select Notify once, you will only be notified of the alarm once. You don't need a stop.
It would make more sense to set a 2nd alarm point. So you can say 200 meters before one. And then another one 30 meters before. That way you are warned in good time and you can keep an eye out just beforehand.


freischneider, I probably don't quite understand exactly what was said, but, in my understanding, everything you suggest will work without additional points. If my proposal is implemented.


Ihr größtes Problem ist die Wiederholung der Ansagen?



It's all right. And I try to get rid of repetitions when they are not needed.

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