Map manager: Documentation/manual out of sync with app and missing some information

Georg D shared this problem 3 months ago
Not a Problem[]=language

  • Section "Displaying" does not explain the option "Backup" – whose motivation/purpose is not obvious as maps are usually not an individual, unique piece of work but available for download, so why backing them up?
  • "select Information&language from the map menu:"
    In my 4.26.4 installation, this menu entry is named "details". This is mainly undesired because it cannot be found by browser's search feature.
    If technically possible, please add a link to the dedicated section describing language switching in more detail.
  • "The language switch can be found in a LoMap detail screen:"
    As above, the menu entry is "details" in my installation.
  • In section "Map language", please explain what "Systemstandard" means. For example, I have Locus configured to EN on DE Android. Will EN or DE be used?
  • In section "Map language", please explain what happens if map language "Systemstandard" is chosen, an OSM object carries name with value in Arabic characters besides a name:fr with a transcription to French, while Locus is EN and Android is DE. I've the impression there is some intelligence built-in that chooses a transcription to any language of the desired language family, in my example, not name but name:fr which is also using Latin characters as the desired languages EN/DE.

Replies (3)


Hi Georg,

"Section "Displaying" does not explain the option "Backup""

- this section was originally in the menu of downloaded third-party maps only. The main developer has recently decided to add it to the menu for all maps so that the system is unified.

""select Information&language from the map menu:"", "The language switch can be found in a LoMap detail screen:"...

- the part of the manual was updated

"In section "Map language", please explain what "Systemstandard" means", "please explain what happens if map language "Systemstandard" is chosen"

- this is a bug. The app should display a selection of available map languages. Will be fixed in the next app version coming out this week.


Hi Michal,

thank you for the response. I refer to the points in my original post

  1. I understand, consitence makes sense πŸ™‚ So a short explanation of the benefit/motivation could be the italic part in "You can create a backup to save the map outside of the Locus Map, so for example, you do not need do twice the work to define where to download a map in which zoom levels."
  2. βœ…
  3. βœ…
  4. The system UI change you announced is visible in my system and the choice between "Local" and "English" is clear πŸ‘
    The change is not yet reflected in screenshot in documentation (above "Open the language menu and select the language you understand.")
  5. Do I understand correctly that exactly the chosen language (e.g. EN) is used but not e.g. name:fr? It's maily that I know when editing OSM data whether it is sufficient to add one name in one language using Unicode's Latin script section, or shall I really add the same value in name:fr and name:en and name:de...


Hi Georg,

to question 5 (the rest is for Michal :-) )
In offline LoMaps, the "local" name tag is used by default (regardless of system or application language). The user can switch the language to "English" in the map language section. But for "English" only the tag "name:en" is processed during map generation.

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