LOGCAT events not reliable

40° shared this question 3 months ago

Starting from version 4.26.3 of MyLibV2 RC13_1149_beta and further, with each update, different events suddenly began to arrive in logcat when opening the dialog for adding a point to a recorded track.

For example, for version 4.27.0_1150_release

START u0 {cmp=menion.android.locus/o.lastKey (has extras)} from id 10102 on display 0
After upgrading to version 4.27.1_1153_release

START u0 {cmp=menion.android.locus/o.comparator (has extras)} from id 10102 on display 0

This has never happened before.
Now we have to fix profiles in tasker after each Locus update, which is very inconvenient. Is it possible to avoid such innovations?

Replies (1)



this was not happening before? I do not think so, sorry. If you relly on such notifications, there is no way for me to make them identical in every app version, sorry.

Names of classes are simplified and randomized with every app version.


This was definitely not the case in version 3. I set up tasker once and it worked from version to version.
Good. we will find a solution, not for the first time. :-)


It really worked before? Interesting.

This is because of the app called "ProGuard" that modifies names of classes and methods before release.

What is the purpose of what you try to do? Is it because of voice recording during track recording, as discussed here?


Yes, it used to work. On version 3, absolutely.
Yes, this is because of the recording of labels by voice or text.

By pressing the Bluetooth remote control button, I start the dialog for adding information to the track both by voice and by text received from the voice.
Now I don't have to be distracted by controlling my phone when I'm riding a bike. The phone may even be in your pocket, which is important in winter. And I constantly make notes about the quality of the road surface, bridges, anthills and much more, so that I can then add this information to the OSM map.

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