[RU] Минимальный интерфейс LM4

40° shared this idea 2 months ago
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As much as I dislike Locus, the ergonomics of the LM3 is bad.
The ergonomics of the LM4 is just terrible, and so terrible that I constantly want to go back to the LM3.
In LM3, there are huge spaces between the lines in the information panels. Reduce them by one and a half times. The quality of information perception will remain comfortable, but the main screen where the map is displayed will be displayed more.
In LM4, there is also too much line spacing. Plus to this:
1. Height information has been added to the main information panels. Moreover, it was added harshly. Height information cannot be excluded from viewing. And height information takes up a lot of space. As a result, the main screen with the map is almost hidden. Yes, height information is important for athletes, but not all of us are athletes. Yes, altitude information is important in the mountains. But not all of us live in the mountains. Friends, why do I need heights in flat Belarus? The whole of Belarus is +- 100 meters high. The accuracy of the GPS altitude signal is 40m. What useful things can I see in the height profile of a track with a length of 100 km and a climb of 500 meters? Only white noise. :-(
Am I the only one so picky?
2. Information screens are opened for any occasion. They constantly have to be closed. It 's annoying . It's just a struggle with the Locus. I want a minimum number of actions when working with the locus, it often happens in very uncomfortable conditions and every unnecessary movement can threaten even your health.

I suggest making an additional minimalistic interface and giving us the opportunity to choose the right one.

And it's even better to make skins and give us the opportunity to create comfortable conditions for working with Locus. We're all so different. :-)

Replies (3)



it is not the best start of the communication with the "ergonomics of the LM4 is just terrible" :), but let's look at it.

From what I understand, this disappointment is based mainly on wasted space between various elements? If so, may you please post a screenshot of both points? Because I do not know what you mean by "height information" and also by the "information screens".

Can't imagine creating support for some kind of "skins", but there is always space for improvements in the UI or in the worst case for some options in the "Expert settings".


For example:


I don't use it. How do I delete it?


Move this information to the extended screen. She's practically useless.


I immediately close this information. It's just an unnecessary annoying movement.


I immediately close this information. This is hardly necessary even for a beginner, it's just an unnecessary annoying movement.


This screen opens after saving the route in the scheduler. I need to tap it to close. Why open it at all if I saw the basic information when I created the route?



I don't use it. How do I delete it?

That was also my wish when I started LM4. I never need this function. But it's not so bad when it's there. I just have to scroll for the lowest function now.



I immediately close this information. It's just an unnecessary annoying movement.

In most cases it is also superfluous for me. But every now and then I need it and you should have a quick way to display it.
Suggestion: show the first shaping point and expand field.
But it is also so that I have to select collapse every time. I would be happy if Losus could remember the last status.


LM4 is much better than LM3. I never want to go back.


Yes, there are a lot of "delicious" tools in LM4. For example, I am delighted only that it is possible to emulate movement on a recorded track. But this does not negate ergonomics. We need to fight against every unnecessary movement.


Firstly, I have to agree with Menion, a slightly nicer tone would be appropriate, Vyacheslav R. "The tone makes the music (Der Ton macht die Musik)", let's say in German.

To the point: it would be ideal if both the "Map content" side panel and the info windows for tracks and points were fully customisable.

It would also be possible to choose from a list what should be displayed and - at least in the track info window - in which order.

I don't know whether this is completely possible, also in terms of human resources.

One more thing: Maybe you can switch your app to English for the screenshots (you can do this quite quickly in the settings). I often do this too, at least when it seems helpful for non-German-speaking users. You can usually recognise the menus this way, but Cyrillic makes it difficult, at least for me...

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