Search Results (31) - "Tag: ui"

Quicker way to use the guidance-to-point

Gathering feedback Bálint S. 10 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
4 votes

IkiMap: Icky UI performance and spam.

Archived atomic d. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 4 Reply 7 years ago by Menion
1 vote
1 vote

State sensitive top info bar

Gathering feedback Bucky K. 9 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
2 votes

Menu button non functional

Archived joeloc Locus Map (Android) Comments: 20 Reply 9 years ago by Menion
4 votes

Address search autocomplete

Gathering feedback Дмитрий Г. 9 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
5 votes

Improve multifunctions row in datamanager

Archived gynta Locus Map (Android) Comments: 4 Reply 9 years ago by Menion
3 votes

How to restore the "old" icons UI ?

Archived Igor M. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 8 years ago by Igor M.
1 vote

Inconsistency which track fields can be edited

Gathering feedback Andrew H. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 6 Reply 7 years ago by Menion
2 votes

Add 'Navigation apps' link to point context menu

Gathering feedback Wolfgang Locus Map (Android) Comments: 11 Reply 5 years ago by Wolfgang
12 votes
1 vote

Single tap to show buttons

Archived joeloc Locus Map (Android) Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by Menion
1 vote

Hide option for WMS buttons

Gathering feedback JaeGwang h. 5 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
2 votes

Rework landscape view to not hide next turn info

Gathering feedback Steve P. 5 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
1 vote

Option to turn "Panel Hiding Timeout" off

Gathering feedback Dániel S. 5 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
2 votes

Display track segments in a new tab of track details

Gathering feedback virtualdj Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 11 months ago by virtualdj
6 votes