What's the meaning of red overlay icon on map centering button?

Georg D shared this question 3 days ago

Since update to Locus v4.28.1 the map centering button has a red overlay icon with gears symbol.


What is the meaning of the overlay?

I did not find it in https://docs.locusmap.app/doku.php?id=manual:basics:locuscontrol or other documentation. By try & error, i.e. trying differen ways to tap it (short, long, double), I was unable to recognize any behavior change compared to before the update, before the overlay.

Replies (3)


I bet many people will be asking the same unnecessary question. It has already been mentioned in https://forum.locusmap.eu discussions. A msgbox on tap of the icon would surely be better than nothing and save wasting people's time with needless confusion? I have this on a indoor-only tablet which has no GPS/ location enabled.



the badge displays when Locus Map has no access to accurate location caused by GPS turned off in the system settings. After app start this alert emerges:


It also emerges after tapping the centering button. After tapping the button on the blue alert, the system permission displays:


Did you experience the centering button badge in other situations?


Hi Michal,

thank you for the explanation 🙂 Could you please add it in the documentation, so it becomes easier to find?

Both messages do not appear on my device, probably due to some setting I do not find at the moment. Even if they appeared, they would not help me personally to understand the meaning of the overlay icon without looking into the helpdesk – but they would do so if they contained the very same icon (red circle, white gear, and in the background question mark in aiming circle).

Similar: For me personally, it would help to understand in both directions, if Satellites dialog would also show that icon nearby the text "no visible satellites".

Concerning your last question: As I did not yet know the intended meaning, I did not check the overlay also appears in other situations. I'll observe a while and post my finding.

Best regards, Georg

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