New Library has varying performance, sometimes very slow

Georg D shared this problem 41 hours ago
In Progress

Opening the new My Library of 4.28 is sometimes very slow, maybe 10 seconds, while it's fast in other tries, less than 1 second. Both happens in the same Locus session, so no task switching or the like is involved. Also, no background task like navigation or the like, just sitting on couch and trying + learning new Library. Any idea how to tackle it down?

Replies (3)


Hello Georg,

this happens only for the first time you open it?

Also, what exactly does mean "slow"? Do you see a long loading progress even if the folder does not contain a lot of points/tracks or the slowness means something different?


Hi Menion,

1st point needs further observation.

2nd point: Yes. I had only the 2 default folders points & tracks, now I have 4 folders.



These problems will be hard to find and solve. I think that probably the best is to find the right moment when this happens and then describe it or provide backup of the database for testing. I see no other simple option unfortunately, sorry.

Anyway, the difference 1 or 10 seconds for the same folder is really big and should not happen in any case.

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