App crashes on start after update to version 4.28.1

Pasokon shared this problem 23 hours ago
In Progress

I couldn't start the locus app (premium gold) after update to the latest version. Error-code is 11556. Restart of mobile-phone didn't help.

I'm using samsung galaxy s22 mobile-phone, android version is 14

I have also the impression, that my automatic locus backups on dropbox are dissappeared, only one backup from 2022 is available, is this also a problem with the conversion to the new version?

Best regards


Replies (3)


Additional hint to my problem-ticket:

I'm also using Locus on a tablet (Galaxy Tab S4, Android 10). On this device the conversion to the version 4.2.81 seems to be succsessful, all my data (tracks and points) are available . On my mobilephone i can't find any locus data on my storage, only an empty directory "".


In the meantime I 've recognised why the problem caused:

My Locus app is the android standard app for zip files. If I want to open an zip, then Locus starts. But if the zip didn't contains Locus content (GPS tracks etc.) , then it can't open the zip. Normally, this is no problem. Yesterday I've try to open an zip containing some pdf files. This was the first time, that my Locus starts with the new 4.28 version. Because locus couldn't open the zip, the app was canceled and so the migration process of data to the new version was interrupted and leads to corrupt data.

I guess, the only way to resolve is to restore the data by the help of my data on the tablet.

But in general it would be better, if the Locus app could handle such use case without data loss.


Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for investigating the issue - we'll definitely have a look at it.

- make a copy of /Locus/data/database folder in your tablet

- re-install Locus map on your phone

- copy the "database" folder from your tablet to /Locus/data/ (choose "overwrite")

- restart Locus Map on your phone


Thank you, I will try it later in the evening.


Same for me. Crash happens at Initialization.

In Locus Map Web it looks good


That's the same for me. I guess I have to made a complete new installation of the app and then to do the restore.


Unfortunatedly I don't have a solution, since I don't get into the app to restore from backup


Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. Usually, the database migration runs smoothly but in some cases (see above) some other process interrupts it. Please do the following:

- open /Locus/ main directory in a file manager (preferably Total Commander, Solid Explorer, X-Plore or by connecting the phone to a PC)

- find the pre-migration backup file in /data/database/ folder:


- delete the contents of the /data/database/ folder

- unzip the backup file contents into the /data/database/ folder

- restart Locus Map

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